unconventional warfare

[ˌʌnkənˈvɛnʃənəl ˈwɔrˌfɛr][ˈʌnkənˈvenʃənəl ˈwɔ:fɛə]


  • Navy SEALs are trained and have been deployed in a wide variety of missions including direct action and special reconnaissance operations unconventional warfare foreign internal defense hostage rescue counter-terrorism and other missions .

    海豹突击队肩负着各种使命,他们的主要任务包括:直接行动、特殊侦查任务、 常规 战争、国内外防御、人质解救、反恐怖主义行动及其它任务。

  • Sometime In1955 when I went into the Pentagon after my three years in the Far East during the Korean War I was assigned to the Unconventional Warfare Division of the headquarters Air Force .

    在1955年的某日,当我进入五角大楼,那是在朝鲜战争时期我在远东呆了3年后,我被任命做了空军司令部的 常规 战争部门。

  • The only way to challenge the enormous strength of the American armed forces is with unconventional warfare & terrorism or the use of weapons of mass destruction .

    反抗美国庞大武装力量的惟一方式就是 常规 战争&恐怖主义或使用大规模杀伤性武器。

  • It is called ' terrorism ' that attacking by the way of unconventional warfare in order to cause huge casualties and losses .

    恐怖主义的特点是一方发动袭击并通过 常规 战争方式打击对方以造成巨大伤亡与损失。

  • Navy SEALs like Delta Force are super soldiers specially trained for unconventional warfare reconnaissance and counter-terrorism operations on SEa Air and Land ( hence their acronym moniker ) .

    海豹突击队和三角洲部队一样,都是经过特殊训练,为 常规 战争效力的超级战士,是海陆空全方位防恐行动的执行人(这也是他们得名的原因)。