In the increasingly complex rights phenomenon and interests relationship we find that the protection problem of the ecological environment in rural areas especially one of the most important environmental rights and interests of farmers often being ignored under the shelter of variety of systems and policies .
在日趋复杂的权利现象和利益关系中,我们发现农村地区的生态环境保护问题,特别是其中最重要的农民环境权益问题,常常 在各种制度和政策 的 遮蔽 下被人们忽视。
Nations exist to maintain public security and social order and offer people the favorable conditions to live and work under the shelter of nations .
国家存在的目的是为了维护公共安全与社会秩序,让人民 在国家 的 庇护 之下得以安居乐业。
The three poor distressed men too anxious for their condition to get any sleep were however sat down under the shelter of a great tree .
可是那三个可怜的遭难者,却因为焦虑着自己的处况,睡也睡不着,只好在一棵大树 的 荫凉 底下呆呆地坐着。
Traditional western literature had been realized as the free symbol of knowing and exceeding the necessity under the shelter of theology and philosophy within the framework of Rationalism .
西方传统文学一直在理性主义的价值框架里, 托庇神学、哲学实现其认识必然和超越必然的 心灵自由象征。
We were under the shelter of the cafeteria roof now so I could more easily look at his face .
现在我们 站 在了自助餐厅 的 屋檐 下,所以我可以更容易地看着他的脸。
Alc é e rode his horse under the shelter of a side projection where the chickens had huddled and there were plows and a harrow piled up in the corner .
阿尔西骑马走 到 屋边的雨棚,一群鸡正躲在那儿 避雨,拐角还堆放着一些犁耙。
These writers stuck to the humanity ideals and hoped to reconstruct the lost humanity spirit . They managed to display the world under the shelter of power discourse and to structure their own aesthetic space with heterogeneous languages and meanwhile expressed their new historical notions .
他们坚守着人文理想,渴望在历史语境中重构失落的人文精神,力图向人们展示 在权力话语空间 遮蔽 下 的世界,以另类的言说方式来结构自己的审美空间,同时表现新的历史观念。
Many Christian missionaries came to China and developed missionary activities under the shelter of unequal treaties after the Opium War .
鸦片战争后,基督教会大批传教士 在不平等条约 的 庇护 下,来中国开展传教活动。
The geological prospectors bedded down for the night under the shelter of leafy trees .
地质勘探队员们 在枝叶茂密的树 下 露宿。
Immediate judgement mechanism under the shelter of the summary to survive in the cracks due to various constraints in practice also revealed many problems .
但在简易程序 的 遮蔽 下于夹缝中求生存的速裁机制,由于种种限制,在实践中同样暴露出不少问题。
Rechard : My Brother has gone far away from the place he live he is now under the shelter of the host .
理查:我的兄弟去了离家很远的地方了。他现在跟房东一起 住。
Seedlings ' survival under the cover of light shelter and non-woven-cloth was 43 % and 52 % of the amount or the cover of straw .
覆盖稻草与遮光网下的截持水量是覆盖无纺布的 1.14倍与1.71倍,最高,遮光网与无纺布覆盖 下初始植株保存数量分别为麦草覆盖 下的43%与52%;
Under the shelter of the bay there was no risk to a boat in the hands of experienced sailors .
在海湾 的 掩护 下,一只由老练的水手驾驶的小艇是不会有危险的。
The results indicated that a high volumetric ratio of acicular ferrite could be obtained in simulated weld metal microstructure under the shelter of CaF2 when manganese and silicon contents were ina certain range .
结果表明,在CaF2保护 下 的 C-Mn-Si系合金的焊缝金属中,当Si、Mn匹配在一定范围内,能使焊缝组织出现高比例的针状铁素体。
Under the shelter of government implicit guarantee guaranteed economic agencies ' risk preference was increased which caused serious moral hazard and adverse selection .
在隐性担保 的 庇护 下,受保经济主体的风险倾向增加,道德风险和逆向选择问题蔓延。
Also have writer 's deeply love of nature under the shelter of Modern reason of science and technology the philosophy thought of relations of person with person and mankind with nature .
也有作家 对于现代科技理性 遮蔽 下 的大自然深深眷恋和对人与人、人与自然关系的哲学思考。
美[ˈʌndɚ ði ˈʃɛltɚ ʌv]英[ˈʌndə ðə ˈʃeltə ɔv]