


  • If the goods are hidden declared incorrectly left completely undeclared packed or labeled incorrectly health and safety is compromised .

    如果将货物隐藏,并加以不实的申报、完全 申报、不正确的包装或贴标,那麽健康和安全都受到了威胁。

  • So it is possible that an American policy of containment even an undeclared one might lead to a long campaign of attrition of the kind that impoverished Iraq in the 1990s while leaving its leader in power .

    因此,美国的牵制政策,即使 没有 公开 声明,也可能会在领导人在任的情况下,给伊朗带来一场长期的消耗战, 正如上个世纪90年代给伊拉克带来贫困那样。

  • Washington says inspectors will have access to all of North Korea 's declared nuclear sites as well as access based on mutual consent to undeclared sites .

    华盛顿方面说,调查人员将能够进入所有北韩已申报的核设施,而”基于双方共识“,也可以进入 没有 申报的核设施。

  • It is they that most fear an outflow of undeclared funds .

    正是这些银行最担心 申报资金的流出。

  • Undeclared goods may be confiscated .


  • US citizens around the world are scrambling for tax advice ahead of a filing deadline fearful that they may face prosecution after the US government 's crackdown on undeclared offshore assets .

    世界各地的美国公民正忙于赶在一个申报期限之前打听税务建议,担心在美国政府打击 申报海外资产的行动中,自己可能面对公诉。

  • He was charged with violating immigration laws possessing a fake national identity card and carrying undeclared foreign currency .

    他被控犯违反移民法,持有伪造身份证以及携带 申报外国货币。

  • I 'd spent the past six months researching stories involving attempts at sneaking undeclared fortunes through airport-security checkpoints and I knew all about customs law .

    我用了6个月时间研究过各种试图在机场检查处 申报自己钱财的下场,我知道问题的严重性。

  • You may receive error messages about strcasecmp as well as about strlen being undeclared .

    您可能会收到有关 strcasecmp以及strlen 声明的错误消息。

  • Examples include : food found to contain botulinum toxin food with undeclared allergens a label mix-up on a lifesaving drug or a defective artificial heart valve .

    例如:含有肉毒杆菌毒素的食品,含有 申报的过敏原的食物,抢救用药标签混乱,或有缺陷的人工心脏瓣膜。

  • France Belgium and Argentina have launched formal probes into allegations that HSBC helped citizens of those countries to hide undeclared money in accounts at its Swiss private bank .

    法国、比利时和阿根廷已针对有关汇丰帮助本国公民在汇丰瑞士私人银行隐匿 申报财产的说法启动了正式调查。

  • We still do ; living in a world in which undeclared aggression To make war for instance is an exercise of sovereignty ; but the Constitution declares that no State shall make war .

    我们现在仍然有这种 感觉:生活在一个 而战的侵略的世界中。举例而言,宣战是主权的使用,但宪法却规定州不能宣战。

  • It is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for win .

    这是一场 宣战的战争,为了我们的胜利,每个人都必须参加进来。

  • I think one has to assume that there are today additional undeclared enrichment-related facilities in North Korea a senior US administration official told the Financial Times .

    我认为外界必须假定,朝鲜现在有其他 尚未 公开的铀浓缩相关设施,奥巴马政府一位高官向英国《金融时报》表示。

  • For a start there is a danger that Iran 's nuclear efforts will provoke a preemptive strike by Israel which is already a nuclear power albeit an undeclared one .

    自一开始,努力核化的伊朗就有可能导致以色列的先发制人打击,以色列已经是个核国家,只不过 没有 正式 宣布 罢了

  • The only product reviewers who need to cower behind an alias are those with an undeclared interest or with something to hide .

    只有那些有着 为人所知的利益或是 不可告人的秘密的人,才需要在评论产品时畏缩在化名背后。

  • Their justification is that Cuba is in a midst of undeclared war with the shameless US administration which is determined to undermine the Cuban revolution .

    他们为自己辩护的理由是,古巴正处于和美国政府进行 公开战争中,因为美国政府意图破坏古巴改革。

  • Allegations of undeclared conflicts of interest are taken very seriously by WHO and are immediately investigated .

    世卫组织非常严肃地对待关于 申报利益冲突的指控,并立即开展调查。

  • Then the overloading methods are invoked at the point in your code where you interact with undeclared or invisible properties or methods .

    然后,当代码中 遇到 声明或不可见的属性或方法时,便可以调用重载方法。

  • They are looking for__1__ undeclared goods and people including terrorists trying to enter the country illegally .

    他们寻找违禁品, 申报商品和想非法入境的人们,当然包括恐怖分子。

  • However US investigators generally began with prosecutions of taxpayers with undeclared Swiss accounts then indicted Swiss bankers and specialist advisers followed by investigations into specific banks .

    不过,美国调查人员通常首先对 申报在瑞士 拥有账户的纳税人提起公诉,然后起诉瑞士银行家和专业顾问,最后才对特定银行发起调查。

  • No income should remain undeclared .

    一切收入 申报

  • Last year the agency found that some supplements such as those used for erectile dysfunction used undeclared active ingredients .

    去年,FDA发现一些膳食添加剂,如针对勃起功能障碍人群的添加剂,使用了 标签没有表明的一些活性组分。

  • The main opposition parties warned that the intervention was a blatant occupation and undeclared war by armed troops .

    巴林各主要反对党警告称,这场干预是“明目张胆的侵略”,是全副武装的部队所发动的“ 而战的战争”。

  • Remain undeclared for at least the first two years of college .

    至少在大学的前两年不要 选择 专业

  • We have to make sure there is no clandestine uranium enrichment program that is somehow undeclared and unexcavated .

    我们必须确保北韩没有保留秘密的浓缩铀项目、 没有 宣布或是没有发现的项目。

  • They are looking for contraband undeclared goods and people including terrorists trying to enter the country illegally .

    他们搜查的是违禁品, 申报物品和包括恐怖分子在内的那些想非法进入美国的人。

  • Reference to undeclared substitution group affiliation .

    引用 声明的替换组从属。