They ran away under the cover of mist .
他们 在雾 的 掩护 下避走。
The Japanese were unable to hold their line and were forced to retreat toward the ferry under the cover of the night .
日本军队在突袭 下没法守住阵线,只好在夜色 的 掩护 下撤向他们的渡口。
Life Form under the Cover of Divinity : The Subject of Life in SHEN Cong-wen 's Novels
神性 氤氲的生命形态&沈从文小说生命主题研究
The mission took place under the cover of darkness as fewer people would be around for the dangerous rescue and the animal could be protected from the searing heat of the sun .
这个营救行动是 在黑夜 的 掩护 下展开的。一来夜晚行人较少,不会有人干预这次冒险的营救行动,二来也能避免大象受到白天酷日的灼晒。
The criminal escaped under the cover of darkness .
那罪犯 在夜幕 的 掩护 下逃走了。
The troop withdrew safely under the cover of darkness .
军队 在夜幕 的 掩护 下安全撤离了。
The United States and other Western powers have accused Tehran of seeking nuclear weapons under the cover of a nuclear energy program a charge Iran denies .
美国和其他西方国家指责德黑兰在核能源利用 的 掩盖 下发展核武器,伊朗对此予以否认。
Currently first the BRICs should be on the alert that hostile powers in developed countries may make mischief between them under the cover of ideology and history-made problems ;
当前,它们一是要特别警惕发达国家中的敌对势力利用意识形态和历史遗留的问题 挑拨离间;
China has been claiming territory in small increments while flying under the cover of more dramatic events elsewhere .
中国一直在一点点地推进领土主张, 以其它地方更具戏剧性的事件为 掩护。
The prisoner escaped under the cover of night .
囚犯 趁着夜色 的 掩护逃跑了。
Under the cover of the smog he snatched the pot on the sly .
在烟雾 的 掩护 下,他偷偷地攫取了那只罐子。
However many pharmacies are selling other kinds of products under the cover of pharmacy .
但目前沈城很多药店却都打着卖药 的 幌子还经营其它商品。
Under the cover of a high-tech civil company the CIA took cooperated with a software development company in the Silicon Valley to design software'bugs'to collect information via the Internet .
在高技术民用公司 覆盖 下,CIA采取了与软件开发公司合作在硅谷对设计软件‘臭虫’通过互联网收集信息。
Under the cover of darkness a butterfly with folded wings rests gracefully on a leaf in the Danum Valley Conservation Area in Sabah Borneo .
在婆罗洲的沙巴的丹浓谷保护区中,一只蝴蝶正在夜幕 的 掩护 下优雅的在一片叶子上合翅休息。
Our troops counterattacked under the cover of darkness .
我军 在夜幕 掩护 下进行反攻。
That writer could attempt to palm off an inferior and immature production under the cover of one successful effort .
一个作者,想方设法在一部成功作品 的 掩护 下,把自己低劣、粗糙的作品推销出去。
Under the cover of his assistants Baumgartner broke through the3-meter-high cordon and jumped down from the platform .
在他的助手们 的 掩护 下,费力克斯冲破了3米高的警戒线,纵身从观光平台上跳下。
You might do it under the cover of a storm ?
你可以用飓风来做 掩护?
The prisoners had to wait about a week for a moonless night so that they could leave under the cover of complete darkness .
为了能够 在黑夜 的 掩护 下进行逃离,囚犯们等待了大约一周才迎来了一个无月之夜。
Activists said tanks ringing Deir al-Zour opened up with shellfire during the early morning call to prayer then moved into several districts under the cover of heavy gunfire .
积极分子说,包围Deiral-Zour的坦克在黎明召唤祈祷的铃声中开始开火,随后 在重火力 的 掩护 下进入几个地区。
Under the cover of strong artillery fire our troops charged forward .
我们的部队 在猛烈的炮火 掩护 下向前冲锋。
When performing the artist would pull the mask off one after another under the cover of various dancing movements .
表演时,在舞蹈动作的 掩护 下,再一张一张地将它扯下来。
They deal drugs under the cover of legal business .
他们 打着合法生意 的 幌子进行毒品交易。
In Paris brave man under the cover of the German pilots and holds breathtaking nervous and humorous and funny .
在热情勇敢的巴黎人 的 掩护 下,飞行员们与德军展开的一场场惊险紧张而又幽默滑稽可笑的生死游戏。
Farmers have traditionally grown coffee under the cover of trees often fruit trees .
农民传统 的 种植方法是 在树 下,尤其是水果树 下种植咖啡。
From under the cover of a book as though out of a dog 's kennel there emerges a little old man .
从一本书 封面 背后,出现了一个小老头,仿佛 在狗窝出来。
They criticize their opponents under the cover of patriotism .
他们 借口爱国来抨击反对者。
Under the cover of shyness there should be some enthusiasm and conscientiousness .
在腼腆 下 掩盖着 的是他的热情和他认真的态度。
Moscow says the American warships could be used to deliver weapons under the cover of humanitarian assistance .
俄罗斯说,美国的战舰可能以运送人道救援物资为 幌子,被用来运输武器。
I don 't know what truth is for it is being buried under the cover of our history books it is being eliminated from the video web sites it is being contorted and distorted by those in power .
真实本身就是很难理解的东西了,更何况人们通过各种手段扭曲、 遮掩以及消除,看来真是有必要怀疑我们日常 所吸收 的东西是不是垃圾食品了。