


  • They can be divided into seven vegetation types such as : coniferous forest broad-leaved forest scrub desert and xeric shrubland grassland meadows and marshes .

    可分为针叶林、阔叶林、灌丛、荒漠和 灌丛、草原、草甸、草本沼泽等七个植被型。

  • Application of the Technical System of Mechanized Xeric Agricultural Project

    机械化 旱作农业工程技术体系的运用

  • Study on Xeric Pasture Mixture in Drought and Desert Area of Xinjiang

    新疆干旱荒漠区 牧草混播研究

  • Study on the ecological characteristics of seed germination of xeric sagebrush ( artemisia ) gobi-type

    戈壁型 伊犁蒿种子生态学特性的研究

  • The leaf water content and stoma resistance was decreased from mesic to xeric plants while the net photosynthetic rate per unit leaf was increased indicating the difference of physiological characteristics among different ecotype plants .

    植物从中生种到 种,生理特性亦显示出规律性的种间差异,叶片含水量和气孔阻力水平降低,而单位叶面积的净光合速率增加。

  • Mesic plants limited water loss from transpiration by increasing their stoma resistance while xeric plants decreased water loss by keeping the high concentration of cell protoplasm . The latter had a higher efficiency of keeping water than the former .

    中生植物主要是通过增加气孔阻力限制蒸腾失水,而 植物则依靠高浓度的细胞原生质减少水分的散失,后者保水效率远高于前者。

  • The insect 's fauna as well as the plants has the character of an evident vertical-belt distribution . Most insects of mountain-desert sub-zone are xeric and those of mountainous-sylva-meadow belt are mesophytic species and are rich in category which amounts to 816 species .

    昆虫区系同植被一样,具明显垂直地带性分布特征,山地荒漠亚带多为 型昆虫,山地森林草甸带大多为中生型昆虫,种类最为丰富,达 816种;

  • For finding the possible implication for its invasive ability the stomatal regulation on gas exchange in diurnal changing microenvironment and long term acclimation to xeric and hygric habitats as well as water use efficiency were examined .

    目的是探讨气孔调节在日变化过程和长期 干旱与湿润生境上的差异及其对紫茎泽兰入侵能力的影响。

  • A Study on Germination Characteristics of 12 Xeric Shrubs Seeds

    12种 灌木及其发芽特性的研究

  • The Influencing Mechanism of Xeric Shrubs on Medium and Trace Elements in Alxa Desert

    灌木对阿拉善荒漠 土壤中、微量元素影响机制的研究

  • Extraction of Xeric Bryophyte Genomic DNA and Establishment of Optimal RAPD / ISSR Programmes


  • The results indicates that the leaf is typical bifacial and has characteristics of xeric in the morphology and the anatomy .

    结果表明,沉香叶为典型的异面叶,但具有 许多 特征。

  • Microstructures of the leaves from xeric sources can more effectively reduce leaf temperature and conserving water than those of mesic sources .

    来自 干热地区种源的叶片显微特征有利于植物降低叶温、保持水分。

  • High drought adaptation capacity of populations with fixed xeric structural adaptations will not be able to take advantage of humid conditions but these populations could be chosen for predictable severe drought conditions .

    一般 来说,具有 植物 特征的桉树种群对干旱的适应能力较强,它们能够 生存在较干旱的环境条件下,但不可能从湿润的气候环境中取得生长优势。

  • The results show that four of the seven belong to C_3 plant the others are C_4 plant and each has its own xeric characters of morphology and anatomy .

    结果表明,其中有4种C3植物,3种C4植物,并各自有其 形态和结构特征。

  • Species were xerophyte or mesic xerophyte 5 speices were mesophyte or xeric mesophyte .

    旱生、中 生植物7种,旱中生、中生植物5种;