

[法] 不能预见的,预料不到的

  • This must make the rate of unforeseeable and risk increase for the development processing of the project especially to a large-scale software project .

    这是必让项目过程的 预见 与风险大大增加,尤其对于较大的软件项目,则更为明显。

  • Financial chaos might be described as the potential for one event to cause other unforeseeable ones .

    金融混乱可以描述为一个问题有可能引发其他 无法 预见的问题。

  • After that this article further analyzes the items that can cause sensitive factors ' sharp fluctuation which are the sources of risks namely market risk biological safety risk and other unforeseeable risk .

    本文进一步分析了能够导致敏感性因素产生剧烈波动的因素,也就是风险的来源主要有三个方面:市场风险、生物安全风险以及 预见的其他风险。

  • They tackle topics as varied as immigration sustainable energy high finance internet-fuelled innovation and the impact of the unforeseeable .

    它们的主题各不相同,包括移民、可持续能源、高端金融界、互联网推动的创新和 预见因素的影响力。

  • Understand your vision of the future and be sure you 've planned for as many unforeseeable twists as possible .

    了解自己对未来的远景、一定要让自己对尽可能多的 预见变故 做好了计划。

  • If the Contractor encounters adverse physical conditions which he considers to have been unforeseeable the Contractor shall give notice to the engineer as soon as practicable .

    如果承包商遇到了在他看来是 无法 预见的外界条件,则承包商应尽可能快地通知工程师。

  • If the salon is cancelled because of unforeseeable situation we will inform you as soon as possible .

    如果 发生 预见的原因, 以致本次沙龙取消,我们将尽速与您联络。

  • Businesses must always be aware that the astonishing economic development in China will be exposed to unforeseeable factors such as war inflation or a prolonged period of economic downturn .

    企业必须要保持清醒,中国的快速经济增长可能会遭遇 预测的因素,比如战争、通货膨胀,或是一个比较长时期的经济低迷。

  • Any production stoppage with the customers of Autoliv could result in unforeseeable damages being claimed by the customers .

    任何生产的中断将会对 Autoliv客户导致 预测的损失。

  • The unforeseeable disaster always brings agony to human beings ' life . However disaster is unavoidable .

    的灾难 总会给人类的生活带来痛苦,但灾难又是不可避免的。

  • It is our principle to carry out a tour strictly according to the set itinerary but we reserve the right to make any changes due to some unforeseeable circumstances .

    严格按照所定计划办事是我们的原则,对可能 出现的一些 预见的情况,我社则保留修改原定 计划的权利。

  • The main cause of failure is foreseeing the unforeseeable game results .

    失败的主要原因是提前 预测 预测的博弈结果。

  • Force Majeure as referred to in this contract means unforeseeable unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions .

    本合同所指的不 抗力系指 干与 干与、不能避免且不能战胜的客不 美观情形。

  • In allusion to multi driving wheels fuzzy immune PI and cross-coupling control method is proposed to realize expectant tracking path in this paper it may resolve an unforeseeable problem caused by parameter changes or disturbance of any one driving system .

    针对AGV的多轮驱动,论文将模糊免疫PI和交叉耦合相结合的控制方法来实现AGV沿期望路径行驶,它解决了任一轮驱动系统因参数变化或扰动引起的 预见 问题。

  • All these will bring a wide variety of unforeseeable uncertainty or risk ultimately leading to the failure of the project .

    这些都会带来各种各样的 难以 预见的不确定性因素或风险,增加了项目的失败的可能性。

  • Managerial errors caused by unforeseeable events cannot be avoided .


  • Part of carrying your responsibilities is understanding that unforeseeable failures by others are a routine part of work life .

    收生别人有法预感到的 失落误是 做生活外 罕见 事情 这一面便是您 做职责的一部合。

  • Even if it is tempting to make a minor change on the Integration schema the impact on future exports and imports is unforeseeable .

    就算您试着对集成方案做一个小小的改动,对未来导入与导出的影响 仍然 预测的。

  • Slug flow appears very often in swabbing well and usually results in complexity of bottom hole pressure change and swabbing recovery may make bottom hole pressure more unforeseeable .

    抽汲井极容易出现段塞流而导致井底压力变化非常复杂,采用的抽汲生产将进一步 加剧井底压力的 预见性。

  • Once the balance in nature is disturbed it will result in a number of possible unforeseeable effect .

    天然界的均衡一旦受到破坏,就会带来很多 预知的影响。

  • This is such an unforeseeable situation that anything could happen .

    这种情况很 预测,什么事都有可能发生。

  • If these people had been right then others had been blind or negligent and the latter preferred to represent themselves as victims of unforeseeable events .

    如果这些人是正确的,那么其他人就是盲目或无知的,而后者更喜欢将自己描绘 预料事件的受害者。

  • Article 153 For the purpose of this Law force majeure means unforeseeable unavoidable and insurmountable objective conditions .

    第一百五十三条本法所称的不可抗力,是指 不能 预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况。

  • Force Majeure means an unusual and unforeseeable circumstance beyond control the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised .

    “不可抗力”是指非正常的、 无法 预见的并且无法控制的情况,即使采取一切可能的措施,仍不能避免其后果的发生。

  • The best thing then would be to stimulate the man 's unforeseeable reactions ;

    那么,最好的办法就是用 点儿激将法,看他会做出 什么 无法 预见的反应;

  • A budget must allow for both regular and unforeseeable expenses .

    一项预算应把固定开支和 计划 开支都考虑 在内