unified model


  • It can set up the unified model of Fan Boolean in a certain system ;

    能就某一系统建立 统一的泛布尔 模型

  • Unified software development process ( USDP ) is established based on unified model language ( UML ) .

    统一 建模语言UML的基础上产生了统一软件开发过程USDP。

  • By using Unified Model Language ( UML ) this paper analysis and design the structure of this system .

    文中使用 统一 建模语言(UML)对系统的功能进行结构分析与设计。

  • So this dissertation proposes a unified model of file pollution and index pollution .

    因此论文第三章提出一种 综合文件污染和索引污染的 数学 模型研究 P2P系统中的内容污染。

  • By analysing the current situation of building maintenance and control of highway in Taiyuan county highway the paper discussed how to establish unified model .

    通过对我市县乡公路建设、养护、管理现状的分析,探讨如何建立 统一 、养、管 模式

  • The authors avoid proposing a grand unified model of competence but instead provide strategies for improvement using the models concluding with

    作者没有推出一套堂皇的“能力 统一 模型”,相反,提供了一些利用多个模型来改进的策略,最后总结道

  • Balance between van der Waals and coordination bond energies & unified model of coordination bond length in the complex compounds of yttrium

    范德华能与配位键能之间的平衡&钇络合物中配位键长的 综合 模型

  • Xinghewan constellation unified model of the Housing construction and renovation design look Tiancheng many people feel that after reading their point changes are even suspected of excess .

    星河湾?星座 样板房的建筑与装修 统一设计,浑然天成,很多人看完后觉得对其哪怕一点的修改都嫌多余。

  • In this paper we study analysing stability of a novel unified model of neural network by applying the lumped estimation method and give some new criterion .

    应用大系统稳定性的分块估值方法,对 通有神经网络的稳定性进行了研究,给出了新的判据。

  • An unified model system forthe reliability analysis and prediction of stochastic DEDS

    随机DEDS可靠性分析和预测的 统一 模型体系

  • This paper analyzes the influences of salary system risk aversion and scale effect on team cooperation within a unified model .

    在一个 统一 模型下分析了企业薪金制度、员工风险厌恶程度、规模效应等激励因素对团队合作的影响。

  • According the operation mechanics of the SCES system its main circuit containing bi-directional DC-AC-DC converter was designed and its unified model was built .

    从超级电容器储能系统的运行机理出发,设计了含双向DC-AC-DC变换器的超级电容器储能系统主电路结构,并建立了其 统一 模型

  • And a unified model of policy and knowledge base has been built according to the characteristic of self-optimization .

    同时根据自优化过程的特点对策略和知识库建立 统一 模型,最后在Web服务系统的请求控制过程中实现自优化特性,对服务请求进行基于策略的管理。

  • A unified model is derived for CCM and DCM . Then the results of symbolic analysis are obtained .

    研究和分析了直流串联谐振变换器电路的特点,将 统一 建模和稳态分析方法推广到串联谐振电路工作于CCM 模式,得到了该 类型的统一等效 模型以及符号分析结果。

  • The unified model of the hob CAD design has been raised and the tooth and structural parameters of the model have been detailedly analyzed .

    提出滚刀CAD设计的 统一 模型,对模型中的齿形参数和结构参数进行详细分析。

  • Based on the continuum damage mechanics ( CDM ) a unified model of ductile damage evolution is proposed .

    本文基于连续介质力学(CDM),提出了延性损伤演化的 统一 模型

  • Finally the authors propose a unified model to summarize these relations .

    最后,我们提出了一个 综合 模型来概括这种关系。

  • A unified model was established for spur cylindrical gears helical cylindrical gears spur bevel gears and helical bevel gears .

    建立了直齿圆柱齿轮、齿圆柱齿轮、齿圆锥齿轮、齿圆锥齿轮的 统一 模型

  • Using UML ( Unified Model Language ) models the information model of IED equipment and on this basis the actual protection devices are analyzed and the data model is established .

    运用UML( Unified ModelLanguage)对IED设备的信息模型进行了建模,在此基础上对实际保护装置进行了分析并建立了数据模型。

  • Secondly a unified model is established to describe the integration of information resources and user profile .

    阐述了在信息集成环境下信息资源的权限管理和访问控制方法,并建立 统一 模型来描述集成后的信息资源和用户特征。

  • The generalized information system and generalized relation on this system are introduced in this paper and knowledge reduction is studied under the unified model .

    给出了广义信息系统以及其上的广义关系,在 统一 模型下研究了知识约简问题。

  • A Unified Model of Black Hole Surrounded by Magnetized Accretion Disc and its Efficiency of Extracting Energy

    磁化黑洞吸积盘的 统一 模型及其放能效率

  • For the air-separation process of air-launch vehicle from the carrier aircraft this paper gives out the unified model that is the rigid body-mass point model of the body-parachute system .

    对运载器与载机分离过程的几个阶段采用 统一 模型进行研究,建立了分离过程物伞系统的刚体-质点模型。

  • This paper mainly studies on process management technology which supports concurrent product development . Based on object - oriented programming C + + and Unified Model Language ( UML ) proposes and realizes the corresponding system .

    对支持产品开发的过程管理技术进行了研究,基于面向对象的C++语言和 统一 建模语言UML,提出并实现了支持产品并行开发的过程管理系统。

  • In the unified model we abolish all user interface recognition of the two copies so the Save function disappears completely from the mainstream interface .

    统一 模型中,我们废除了所有用户界面承认的两个副本的情况,保存功能完全从主流界面中消除。

  • And the structure model function model and information model of the product system were set up using Unified Model Language ( UML ) .

    利用 统一 建模语言(UML)对产品系统进行分析,建立产品系统的结构模型、功能模型和信息模型;

  • The Unified Model and Fracture Criterion of Annular Breach Bar in Tension

    环形缺口拉伸圆杆的 统一 模型和断裂准则

  • Based on the total data unified model realized by IEC61850 the data terminal maintenance is possible .

    采用IEC61850实现全站数据 统一 建模使数据源端维护成为可能。

  • Accordingly a parametric unified model of dark matter and dark energy is obtained by us .

    其次,通过运用一个含多参数的哈勃参量,我们构造了一个多参数的暗物质与暗能量的 统一 模型,从而使该 模型与观测数据相符。

  • The authors build up a dynamic unified model for AGC capacity forecasting and unit selection .

    文中建立了AGC容量预测和机组选择的动态 统一 模型