


  • To date sports bras have largely been ungainly with all the functional trappings of a maternity bra and little more in the way of stylish design .

    此前,运动胸衣 来说 优雅,有母性胸衣的种种功能性装饰,却缺少时髦的设计。

  • The ungainly movements of ducks out of water

    鸭子出水的 笨拙动作

  • He had pitched as I have said against the bulwarks where he lay like some horrible ungainly sort of puppet ;

    我刚才已经说过,他滑到了舷樯旁,像个可怕 丑恶的傀儡一样躺在那里。

  • The poems rhyme too determinedly ungainly as pairs tied together in a three-legged race .

    这些诗的韵脚硬绑绑的,象两人各把一条 腿绑在一起参加三腿竞走 那样 笨拙

  • LTE smartphones are often ungainly due to the hefty electronics needed to support it . Apple famous for its sleek design could have none of that .

    由于LTE 芯片 比较庞大,所以LTE智能手机常常 显得 笨拙,但这当然不会出现在以时尚设计著称的苹果 上。

  • The next piece of business was to find a name for this ungainly creation .

    下一步就是为这个 待见 产品 个名字了。

  • Moving house does make one feel ungainly and I simply don 't want to be observed in this exposed state .

    搬家会让人感到 手忙脚乱,我就是不希望别人看到我这种状态。

  • On land they 're ungainly but when they find the right conditions

    在陆地,他们很 笨拙,但是当他们找到合适的条件

  • If on the other hand America found and followed a native line the results were bound to be ungainly . Not all accumulations of hydrocarbons are necessarily the result of hydrodynamics .

    如若美国另辟蹊径,其结果必然 流于 粗俗。并不是所有烃类的储集都必然是水动力的结果。

  • The dog an ungainly mongrel pup was loping about the road

    那只丑陋的杂种 幼犬在马路上到处乱跑。

  • He is as ungainly as a new born calf .

    他的 姿态就象一 初生的牛犊 那样 笨拙

  • On land the turtle is ungainly but in the water it is very agile .

    龟在陆地上 行动 笨拙,在水里则很灵活。

  • Turned outward in an ungainly manner .


  • Through the crowd of ungainly shabbily dressed actors Sibyl vane moved like a creature from a finer world .

    茜比尔?范在一群 其貌不扬,衣着寒酸的演员之间跳着,象一个从哪个美好的世界来的生灵。

  • He walked in long ungainly strides .

    他迈着 笨拙的大步子行走。

  • Why are some of the greatest thinkers being expelled from their disciplines ? because they are too ungainly or too out of date Hegel Marx and Freud succumb to an academic makeover .

    为什么一些最伟大的思想家从各自的学科中被赶出去了? 作者认为,可能他们太 晦涩 难解或者太过时而被赶出自身的领域,屈服于学术界的翻新改造。

  • Paul swam in his ungainly way to the side of the pool .

    保罗 笨拙地游到池子边。

  • It 's not quite the Lake District but the countryside 's very pretty . The person of this individual was to the last degree ungainly without being in any particular manner deformed .

    这儿 虽说 不上湖区,但郊外的景色倒也十分漂亮.此人的 模样虽说并没有特别的 畸型残缺 之处 看上去 匀称

  • Turned outward in an ungainly manner . an atom consists of a nucleus around which electrons move .


  • The first two arguments to this rather ungainly call specify the namespace and name of the type we 're adding a property to & in this case NAMESPACE : Name .

    该调用 看上去相当 复杂,前两个参数指定了我们将为之添加属性的类型的名称空间和名称&在本例中为 NAMESPACE:Name

  • A large or ungainly automobile .

    大汽车巨大的或 笨拙的汽车。

  • I thought him terribly ungainly when he danced .

    我觉得他跳舞时显得极其 笨拙

  • The tall man wobbled along ungainly .

    这高大的男子 笨拙地摇晃着向前 行进