


  • Was not this some excuse for incivility if I was uncivil ?

    要是我果真是 无礼的,那么,这还不够作为我无礼的理由吗?

  • In an uncivil manner .

    粗野 文明的方式。

  • My beauty you had early withstood and as for my manners & my behaviour to you was at least always bordering on the uncivil and I never spoke to you without rather wishing to give you pain than not .

    我的美貌并没有 打动你的 ;讲到我的态度方面,我对你至少不是 怎么礼貌,我没有哪一次同你说话不是想要叫你难过一下。

  • At the same time the self-remedy also was seen as savage uncivil way and was subjected to the hostile opinion the edge of self-remedy come from neglecting and misunderstanding to a large extent so we should treat the self-remedy seriously .

    同时,私力救济也一度被视为野蛮、 落后的方式并受到非议,私力救济的边缘化在很大程度上来自忽视和误解,应认真对待私力救济。

  • Uncivil behaviors are not uncommon on campuses which are manifested through students'concepts of discipline credit social moral and love .


  • I have now vowed to switch off both BlackBerry and mobile in all meetings – anything less is uncivil .

    我现已发誓,要在所有会议上把黑莓和手机都关掉&做不到这一点 确实 教养

  • Anxious and uneasy the period which passed in the drawing-room before the gentlemen came was wearisome and dull to a degree that almost made her uncivil .

    她感到万分焦急不安,因此在两位 贵客没有走进会客室以前,她几乎厌倦沉闷得快要发 脾气了。

  • He was uncivil to other members of the household .

    他对家 的其他成员 粗暴 无礼

  • And all too often uncivil second-guessing is not encumbered by the constraints of facts logic or reasoned analysis .

    大多情况下, 这些 失礼的事后批评都不受事实真相、推理逻辑和理性分析的约束。

  • The writer also gave some advice to actively appeal to young audiences using the mass media to give positive guidance to enhance the identity of their mother tongue and to eliminate the spread of an uncivil language phenomenon .

    呼吁大众传媒积极给予年轻受众正面引导,提升大家的母语认同,杜绝传播 文明语言现象。

  • The uncivil little thing stood on tiptoe and whispered a sentence in Heathcliff 's ear .

    这个 礼貌的小东西踮起了脚尖,对着希刺克厉夫的耳朵小声说了一句话。

  • A man has no more right to say an uncivil thing than to act one .

    一个人无权说无理的 就像 无权 无理的事一样。

  • He was looking up into the sky all the time he was speaking and this Alice thought decidedly uncivil .

    他说话时,一直盯着天空,爱丽丝认为这是很 礼貌的。

  • The manner in which she received him was calculated to a nicety to seem cool without being uncivil .

    她接待他时 始终准确地 把握 分寸,看似冷淡,却 失礼

  • We can be uncivil antagonists playing king of the mountain or common stakeholders in mutual goods .

    我们可能会 变成 野蛮的对手,扮演的 不是山大王,就是利益相关者。

  • There really is no need to be uncivil .

    确实没有必要 粗鲁 无礼

  • Uncivil Dialogue : Law and Custom Did not Merge into Civil Law under the Qing
