


  • I have the right to give and receive unconditional love .

    我有权得到 条件的爱。

  • We need a space of unconditional acceptance .

    我们需要一个 条件接受自我的空间。

  • Both conditional and unconditional branch instructions .

    条件和 条件转移指令。

  • And promise an own matter have to unconditional completion this is also I personal principle !

    而答应自己的事就必须 条件的完成,这也是我个人原则!

  • My loyalty to you will be unconditional .

    我对您的忠诚是 条件的。

  • I embrace you in unconditional love .

    我用 条件的爱来拥抱大家。

  • Master has set an excellent paragon for us in giving unconditional love to all beings in the universe .

    师父已为我们树立了一个对所有众生付出 条件爱心的完美典范。

  • As long as you are to me then I will be unconditional acceptance .

    只要是你给我的,那么我就会 条件的接受。

  • The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire

    交战各方已经同意 条件休战。

  • You experience a feeling of unconditional love and compassion .

    你体验 条件的爱与慈悲的感觉。

  • Absolute allegiance and unconditional obedience .

    绝对的忠诚和 条件的服从。

  • Children need unconditional love

    孩子们需要 条件的爱。

  • Without fear and avoidance we can grow in empathy and unconditional love .

    没有恐惧和逃避,我们才能有感同身受之心和 条件的爱心。

  • Your purpose is to bring peace joy and unconditional love to all of humanity beginning with yourself .

    你的目标就会带来和平,喜悦和 条件的爱给所有的人类,同时也带给你自己。

  • There are two forms of most-favored-nation treatment : conditional and unconditional .

    最惠国待遇有两种形式:有条件的和 条件的。

  • I hope you still give him compassion and unconditional love despite how frustrating he can be .

    希望无论他有多令人失望,你都会同情他和给予他 条件的爱。

  • My love for you unconditional love too .

    我对你的爱是 条件的。

  • My love for all my children is unconditional

    我对自己所有孩子的爱都是 条件的。

  • My family 's unconditional encouragement and support helps make me what I am now .

    我成为今天的尹立崇,因为我得到了来自家族 条件的鼓励与支持。

  • I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word .

    我相信无掩饰的事实和 条件的爱必将主导这个世界。

  • My love to you is unconditional !

    我对你们的爱是 条件的!

  • As you enter you feel every atom of your being transformed into light and unconditional love .

    当你进入你感觉你存在的每一个原子转换成光和 条件的爱。

  • You will be the only one they will look up to and you will have their undivided unconditional love .

    你将是唯一一他们将寻找和你将有其不可分割的, 条件的爱。