


  • However it is unclear whether they have yet tabled formal bids .

    不过,尚 清楚它们是否提交了正式的投标文件。

  • Just what the soldier was doing in Bireij is unclear

    就连那个士兵在比雷 杰干什么都 清楚

  • It 's unclear whether government vehicles have a huge negative impact on Beijing 's air quality .

    目前 清楚政府公车是否对北京空气质量产生了非常严重的负面影响。

  • We had a meeting the purpose of which was completely unclear .

    我们开了一个会,会议的内容 完全 清楚

  • Experts remain unclear as to why the danger appears to have been steadily increasing .

    专家依然 清楚为什么危险似乎一直在增大。

  • The connection between gallstones and weight is unclear .

    胆结石和体重的关系 不明了。

  • Weather can be a factor but it is unclear if it was a factor in this event .

    天气会有影响,但在这次事件中还 清楚这是否是其中一个因素。

  • Do you have anything unclear ? I can help to explain it for you .

    请问您还有什么 清楚的地方,我可以帮您解释。

  • He is still unclear about his own future

    他仍然 清楚自己的将来会怎样。

  • But it is still unclear what effects this might have on diseases spread by mosquitoes such as malaria .

    但是仍然 清楚它可能对蚊子传播的疾病(如疟疾)产生什么影响。

  • It is unclear whether they have left the industry or will be joining hedge funds .

    目前 清楚他们是否已经离开了本行业,或者是否将加盟对冲基金。

  • The writing is confused and the main points are unclear .

    文字枝蔓, 不得要领

  • The article is cluttered up with unclear coined expressions .

    文章里夹杂着不少 生造的词语。

  • Which of these effects will predominate is unclear .

    目前 清楚,在这些影响中,哪种影响将占主导地位。

  • It is unclear how much popular support they have among the island 's population

    目前 清楚他们在岛上的民众中间有多高的支持率。

  • However the actual economic impact of the restrictions is still unclear .

    然而,限制措施对经济的实际影响尚 明晰

  • I have always been pretty unclear on thIs Issue .

    这个问题我一直弄 清楚

  • The prognostic value of this marker is however still unclear and needs further study .

    然而,这些指标的预测值还 清楚的,需要进一步研究。

  • What precisely triggered off yesterday 's riot is still unclear

    究竟是什么引发了昨天的骚乱还 清楚

  • To this day it 's unclear whether he shot himself or was murdered

    至今 清楚他究竟是饮弹自杀还是被谋杀。

  • He 's been around for at least two years and it 's unclear how many he 's victimized .

    他已经在附近作案至少两年了,究竟 作案了多少次还 可知

  • It was also unclear why the aromatase inhibitors were causing these aches and pains .


  • His itinerary is still unclear .

    目前仍 清楚他的行程安排。

  • The immediate reason for the incident is still unclear .

    事件的直接动因仍 清楚

  • Police say it 's unclear if he 's a student .

    警方说, 目前 清楚他是否是个学生。

  • ' Things are moving ahead . ' — I found that statement vague and unclear .

    “事情正在取得进展。”——我认为这个说法 含糊不清

  • The public health significance of this finding is thus unclear .

    因此这一发现对公共健康的重要性 清楚

  • Who will win and who will lose ? it is still unclear .

    孰胜孰负, 未见 分晓

  • A clarification adjusts statements that were not factually incorrect but may have been unclear or misleading .

    澄清调整不是真实地不正确的,但是可能不 清楚或似是而非的陈述。