


  • She was afraid for she knew the ungovernable rages that her son William permitted to possess him when he was opposed .

    她感到非常害怕,因为她 清楚自己儿子的脾气了,当他受到抵触的时候, 情绪 往往 失控变得 暴跳如雷

  • She was a lady of such ungovernable spirit and fiery temper .

    她是一个性子暴躁倔强, 难管 的姑娘。

  • Poor Liz is working on a summer school trying to teach English to a bunch of ungovernable adolescents .

    可怜的莉兹正在一个暑期学校工作,尽力给一帮 难以 约束的青少年上英语课。

  • Some Americans are asking whether polarized politics has made the United States ungovernable .

    有些美国人问,这种极端的政治立场,是否会使美国 变得 难于 治理

  • He began by saying that he would make the province ungovernable .

    他一开始就说他将使那个省 变得 无法 治理

  • Add to this volatile mix the legions of unidentified and seemingly ungovernable bloggers and citizen journalists operating with gusto but without prior training or certification of any kind .

    夹杂在这种纷繁变化中的一个因素是,大量不知姓名身份、似乎 无法 控制的博客作者和公民记者兴致勃勃地 活跃互联网上,然而他们从未经过训练或持有任何证书。

  • Her ungovernable temper led her into all sorts of scrapes .

    控制 的脾气 使她陷入种种困境。

  • Beset by ethnic strife the province remains ungovernable

    该省因受种族冲突困扰而 失控

  • We see it as unpredictable ungovernable in ways that other organs aren 't.

    和别的器官相比,我们认为它是无法预测、 无法 控制的。

  • Social management innovation is considered to be an innovative idea to deal with the current social ungovernable state or governance crisis . It brings continual reform in public administration in order to achieve good governance .

    社会管理创新被认为是应对当前社会 治理状态或治理危机下提出的一种创新思路,其 本质是寻求公共治理的变革之 ,即持续追求公共治理的有效性的过程。

  • Mr Berlusconi has sought to justify this by arguing that the myriad checks and balances in the system make Italy ungovernable .

    贝卢斯科尼称,冗杂的制衡使得意大利 无法 管理,希望以此为正名。

  • Josie 's worst problem was her ungovernable temper .

    朱姗最糟糕的问题是她 控制 的脾气。

  • The country has become virtually ungovernable .

    这个国家已经基本上 失控了。

  • He was filled with an ungovernable rage .


  • Frank Ching a political commentator says that if the unpopular Mr Tang is forced on the territory it could become ungovernable .

    政治评论员秦家骢(frankching)指出,如果北京迫使香港接受不受欢迎的唐英年,那么香港可能会变得“ 无法 治理”。

  • Today America 's sole superpower status which steeled the Bush administration in its determination to go to war in Iraq is losing relevance . Instead the US has an ungovernable new world on its hands .

    美国的单一超级大国地位,曾促使布什政府下决心攻打伊拉克。如今,这种地位正失去意义:美国面对一个 无法 驾驭的新世界。

  • Despite his almost technocratic style Mr Bloomberg has impressed the electorate as manager of the once ungovernable city .

    尽管他几乎具有技术官员的风格,但布隆伯格给选民的印象是,他是一个曾经“ 无法无天”的城市的管理者。