


  • But the virtues of free-market principles and international economic integration remain largely unchallenged .

    但自由市场原则和国际经济一体化的效力,在很大程度上仍未 引起 异议

  • For centuries Aristotle 's authority seemed to go virtually unchallenged .

    几个世纪以来,亚里士多德的权威似乎 动摇

  • These views have not gone unchallenged

    这些观点并非没有 受到 质疑

  • Their assertion of unchallenged global leadership and the inability of the international community and the United Nations to challenge it frustrated hopes for a stable and peaceful world .

    他们主张要 获得 挑战的全球领导 地位,这种全球领导地位将是国际社会和联合国无力挑战的。对于稳定与和平世界的希望就此破灭。

  • I could not allow this statement to go unchallenged .

    我不会让这项声明 得到 认可的。

  • She could not allow such a claim to go unchallenged .

    她不能对这样的要求 听任 不管

  • His integrity was unchallenged .

    他的正直是 无可争议的。

  • Left unchallenged it increases the risk of further use and proliferation of these weapons .

    如若 不予 遏制,这类武器今后再次被使用及扩散的风险将会加剧。

  • He is the unchallenged leader of the strongest republic .

    他是这个最强大的共和国的 绝对领袖。

  • We can 't allow her comments to go unchallenged .

    我们不能让她的评论 质疑

  • I am completely committed to using my profile to help ensure that these women and children 's deaths no longer go unnoticed and unchallenged .

    我将完全致力于利用我的形象来帮助确保这些妇女和儿童的死亡不再不被人所知和 受到 重视

  • She couldn 't let that pass unchallenged .

    她不能让它 异议 通过。

  • Over the last few months people have been criticizing dogmatism but have allowed revisionism to go unchallenged .

    几个月以来,人们都在批判教条主义,却 放过了修正主义。

  • All these feelings mixing together along with unchallenged power smash his fragile defence of consciousness .

    这一切混合在一起以 无法 抵挡的力量 击溃理智的防线。

  • Unchallenged wisdoms flow swiftly among the middle classes .


  • Underpinning these economic and political developments was the fact that the US was the unchallenged global superpower and at the centre of the military and strategic system all over the world & from Latin America to east Asia the Middle East and Europe .

    支撑这些经济和政治动向的是一个客观事实,即美国是 无人可以 挑战的全球超级大国, 占据全世界从拉丁美洲到东亚、中东和欧洲军事和战略体系的中心。

  • They get away with this because broadcast television is still unchallenged as a mass medium .

    他们能成功是因为广播电视作为大众媒体其 地位仍然 牢固

  • This was a time when Europe seemed unchallenged in its prosperity and leadership .

    那时的欧洲有着 撼动的繁华与影响力。

  • Naked aggression and an attempt to change frontiers by force could not go unchallenged .

    公然的侵略和企图用武力改变边界的行径是不能 置之不理的。

  • America 's position as the world 's sole superpower remains unchallenged .

    美国作为世界唯一超级大国的地位仍未 动摇

  • From 1914 to 1924 he was supreme and unchallenged .

    从1914年到1942年.他是首屈一指, 匹敌的。

  • She found that her decisions on these matters went unchallenged .

    她发现她对这些事情所作的一些决定 没有 受到 诘难

  • They behaved pusillanimously in allowing such injustice to go unchallenged .

    他们 优柔寡断,不敢阻止如此不公正的行为。

  • I managed to walk around unchallenged for 10 minutes before an alert nurse spotted me .

    我四处走动了10分钟, 没有 受到 查问,之后一位警觉的护士发现了我。

  • You 'd better pray US hegemony remains unchallenged !

    你们最好祈祷,希望美国的强权 挑战

  • How had this monster been allowed to terrorize the poor girl unchallenged ? he wondered .

    怎么会让这个恶魔欺凌那个可怜的姑娘如此之久,而 受到制止和 制裁呢?

  • They will not allow your more way-out ideas to pass unchallenged

    他们不会 放过你这些古怪的念头的

  • I cannot allow the remarks made by Messrs Fortt and Wyre to remain unchallenged .

    我不能容许无人质疑福特先生和 怀厄先生所说的话。

  • Such distortion of the facts cannot be allowed to go unchallenged .

    对事实这般歪曲,不能不对 进行 质疑

  • For years blatantly false assertions have gone unchallenged

    多年来,一些明显错误的断言都没有 受到 质疑