


  • Facing a fierce challenge from the populist ultra-left the party is now casting economic logic aside in its fight for survival as the natural home of the left .

    面对民粹主义 极左 势力的严峻挑战,社民党正抛弃经济逻辑,在生存竞争中 力求成为左翼的天然家园。

  • That on the question of identifying class status it adopted an ultra-Left policy ;

    在划分阶级成分的问题上采取了 的方针;

  • I would say that since 1957 our major mistakes have been Left ones . The cultural revolution was an ultra-Left mistake .

    可以说,从一九五七年开始我们的主要错误是左,文大革命是 极左

  • We have criticized on both a theoretical and a practical level the phoney ultra-Left socialism pushed by the gang of four which boils down to universal poverty .

    我们从实践上和理论上,都批判了“四人帮” 那种极左 面目 出现 主张普遍贫穷的假社会主义。

  • These ultra-Left policies were manifestations of the error of Left opportunism or exactly the reverse of the Right opportunism of Chen Tu-hsiu in the latter period of the First Great Revolution .

    这种 政策,适和第一次大革命后期陈独秀领导的右倾机会主义相反,而表现其为“左”倾机会主义的错误。

  • The policies which he supports are ultra-Left policies .

    他所支持的政策是 极左政策。

  • It can be classified as nationalism terrorism religious terrorism ultra-right terrorism and ultra-left terrorism according to their causes of formation and features of activity .

    根据恐怖组织形成的原因和活动特点,现代恐怖主义大致可分为民族主义型恐怖主义、宗教型恐怖主义、极右翼恐怖主义、极 左派恐怖主义 种类型。

  • From main guiding principle and results many education critiques became into explanation and channel of the Ultra-left wrong guiding principle which made the education critique the tool of political ideological and class struggle .

    从主要指导思想和主要结果来看,该 历史 时期许多教育批判成为了 极左错误指导思想的阐释和 体现途径,使教育批判 异化成了政治斗争、阶级斗争及意识形态斗争的工具。

  • The ultra-Left viewpoint is creating trouble and is still the main danger in the Party .

    目前党内的主要危险 倾向,仍然是 的观点在 作怪

  • They are of an ultra-Left character .


  • Where enemy 's forces presented a particularly serious threat and an ultra-Left policy was pursued it was the most difficult to build a rear area .

    敌情最严重、政策 的地方,更是无法获得后方。