


  • Ironically the market an undesigned mechanism is the best example of a powerful incentive-compatible mechanism . Thus in their explanation for the prize the Nobel committee wrote .

    讽刺的是,市场,一个 计划的机制,却是有力的激励兼容机制的最好例子。因此,在诺贝尔委员会对该奖的解释中写道。

  • Closure Technology Under Undesigned Temperature of a Rigid Frame-continuous Combination Beam Bridge

    某刚构-连续组合箱梁桥非设计 合龙温度下合龙技术

  • But undesigned I discover old Mom sees TV can lie on sofa to breathe out partly unexpectedly midday breathe out to sleep greatly .

    无意 ,我发现老妈中午看电视居然能半躺在沙发上呼呼大睡。

  • Beautiful Russia two scholars are undesigned did the work of sound foundation ahead of schedule for us .

    美俄两位学者 无意 ,为我们提前做了探底的工作。

  • Study on the intrusion and purge of seawater of Shenzhen ocean outfall under the undesigned condition

    深圳 排海工程 设计条件下海水入侵与冲洗研究

  • The evade taxation is to show taxpayer is undesigned not the behavior of capture or imposition of little capture .

    漏税是指纳税人并非 故意 或则 税款的行为。