


  • At present the research about super-resolution estimation algorithms on array signal processing mainly based on uniform line array ( ULA ) using the ideal signal and noise model thougth the plane array is used widely in reality .

    目前,大部分阵列信号处理的超分辨率估计算法研究都是基于均匀线 ,采用理想的信号和噪声模型推导出来。

  • For most methods that have been raised the array errors in the uniform linear array ( ULA ) are most difficult to estimate and the number of the signals is restricted hard .

    针对均匀线 误差测不准、一般方法对信源数限制较严等问题,本论文对 误差估计方法作了一些研究。

  • The research work is based on the ULA ( uniform linear array ) antenna .

    所有的研究基于均匀直线 阵列

  • Take Uniform Linear Arrays ( ULA ) for example the characteristics of AF and the resolution of LFM signal using multiple carrier frequency are analyzed in the case of monostatic and bistatic radar .

    简单均匀线 为例,仿真分析了单基地和双基地情况下多载频线形调频(LFM)信号的多维模糊函数特点和雷达的分辨率。

  • The design of near field constant beamwidth ULA bases on interpolation virtual array unit

    基于插值虚拟阵元的 均匀 线 列阵近场恒定束宽设计

  • In this paper the DOA of sources are estimated using MUSIC ( Multiple Signal Characterization ) algorithm by a vector-hydrophone ULA ( Uniform Linear Array ) and MUSIC algorithm based on acoustic vector sensor array has been analyzed .

    采用矢量水听器均匀线阵研究了利用 MUSIC算法对声源进行方位估计,对该算法进行了理论推导,并对数据协方差矩阵进行 征分解,获得了信号的空间谱估计。

  • Earlier this year SpaceX sued the United States Air Force over an $ 11 billion contract awarded to Boeing-Lockheed Martin joint venture United Launch Alliance ( ULA ) for a block of military satellite launches .

    今年早些时候,SpaceX把美国空军告上了法庭,原因是后者将一系列军事卫星发射任务交给了波音(Boeing)和洛克希德-马丁(LockheedMartin)设立的合资公司UnitedLaunchAlliance( ULA)。

  • Proposes a fast algorithm for two-dimensional ( 2D ) direction-of-arrival ( DOA ) estimation of multipath narrow-band sources impinging on the far field of a twin parallel uniform linear array ( ULA ) analyzing the features and performance of the 2-D DOA estimation algorithms in wireless network communication environment .

    讨论了无线网络通信中多径窄带信号的二维到来方向估计算法的特点和性能,提出了一种基于双平行线 阵列结构的二维到来方向估计的快速算法。

  • You 'll be stuck here waking up next to the same old ugly broad just like Ula .

    你就会被囚禁在这里,每天早上起来的时候面对你那又老又难看的 老婆,就像 的一样。

  • After analysis of joint frequency-DOA estimation techniques by uniform linear array ( ULA ) Joint frequency-DOA estimation by arbitrary array structure is researched deeply .

    在对均匀线 条件下频率与DOA联合估计进行分析后,重点研究了任意阵列结构的联合估计问题。

  • The extensive simulation results are based on ULA mode prove the efficacy of the algorithm .

    基于 均匀 线 模式的仿真实验结果证明了算法的有效性。

  • First presents a spatial channel propagation model . Consider a uniform linear antenna ( ULA ) at the base station ( BS ) and narrowband signals transmitted at the mobile .

    首先,提出一种空间信道的传播模型,考虑由移动终端发射窄带信号被均匀线性 的基站天线接收。

  • Compared with ULA UCA has many advantages but also some disadvantages for DOA estimation because of its complicated array manifold .

    UCA与 ULA相比有很多优势,但是也由于阵列流型的复杂使得对UCA的DOA估计变得困难。

  • Using the direction cosines relative to three ULA axes the correct pair is obtained then the azimuth and elevation are estimated .

    利用3个方向余弦估值进行配对,然后求得来波的方位角和 仰角估计。

  • We adopt equivalent with uniformity linear array ( ULA ) in cylinder beam forming and compare pattern of directional elements with of omni-directional elements .

    在圆柱 的波束形成 仿真中,采用了等效均匀线 的方法, 简化数字波束形成的计算量,并且还对有向阵元和全向 元在阵列波束形成中的影响进行了 仿真比较。

  • The performance of beamspace high-resolution direction-of-arrival ( DOA ) estimation is analyzed . A dense beamspace MUSIC ( DBMUSIC ) algorithm for the uniform linear array ( ULA ) is proposed .

    深入分析了波束域高分辨方位估计性能,捉出了一种基于均匀线列阵的密集波束域MUSIC( DBMUSIC)法。

  • ULA 's multinational sourcing system was being formed as the domestic purchaser team was gradually mature .

    国内采购团队逐渐成熟, ULA的跨国采购体系正在形成。

  • Computer simulation results show that for small spacing the UCA yields higher channel capacity than ULA .

    仿真结果表明,天线间距 小时,采用均匀圆阵比 均匀 线 的系统信道容量要高;

  • The lxdya wall is literally filled with hiding places for Kona 's famous ula ( Spiney Lobster ) and ( although they are being overharvested ) you just may glimpse one or two peeking out at YOU !

    熔岩床是 科纳带刺龙虾的藏身之地(尽管它们已被大量地捕捞),你还会发现有那么一两只正瞪大眼睛看着你!

  • As the raising of China Sourcing Center 's prestige more purchasers accept ULA 's Service .

    随着美中采购中心在美国当地知名度的提高,更多采购商接受 ULA的服务模式。

  • Based on uniform linear array ( ULA ) model space-time channel and space-time signal are studied ; a kind of model of space-time vector channel is given .

    基于均匀线 的阵列模型,讨论了空时信道和空时信道模型,给出了空时信号的一般表达形式。

  • Firstly the mode excitation method is used to transform the manifold matrix of UCA into one with a form similar to that of a uniform linear array ( ULA ) .

    该方法对 均匀 圆形阵列的 输出 信号进行模式激励,使其阵列流形具有类似于均匀线性 阵列的形式;

  • It is utilized the redundant structure of the ULA and subspace-based ESPRIT-like algorithm is introduced to obtain a closed form solution for the spatial signature of signals and the gains and phases of sensors is presented .

    利用 均匀 线 的冗余结构,本文给出了基于信号子空间的 ESPRIT-Like算法,得到了一个信号空间特征和通道特性的近似解。ESPRIT-Like算法对信号空间特征估计具有较好的稳健性;

  • Studying the beamforming we discover that the highest eigenvalue of the correlation matrix changes with beam steering of uniform linear array .

    研究均匀线阵( ULA)波束形成时作者发现,当操纵线阵指向方位不断变化,相关矩阵的最大特征值也随着有规律地变化着。

  • In this paper the DOA of sources are estimated using MUSIC algorithm by a vector-hydrophone ULA ( Uniform Linear Array ) to improve the DOA estimation resolution .

    本文采用矢量水听器均匀线阵研究了利用 MUSIC算法对声源进行方位估计,以提高对源方位的估计精度。

  • Generally speaking the antenna model and array model is used with omnidirectional antenna model and uniform linear array ( ULA ) in the link simulation of wireless communication system .

    一般地,无线通信系统链路仿真中用到的天线模型与天线阵模型分别为全向天线模型和均匀线性 模型。

  • Fourth presenting the primary principle of line array and simulating the target echo received by ULA .

    第四,本文详细阐述了基本线阵原理, 对等 线 模型接收的回波信号进行了 仿真

  • After the acquisition of AACTIVE ULA service capability was enhanced and the function was improved too .

    在完成收购AACTIVE后, ULA在美国的服务能力大幅提高,功能进一步完善。

  • In this paper author bring forward the ways of sub-uniform linear array ( ULA ) to realize the DOA estimation of 2-D grid array and the arithmetic use MUSIC ( Multiple Signal Classification ) arithmetic and cyclic-MUSIC arithmetic and compare superiority of two arithmetics .

    同时对于实现的算法分别采用 MUSIC算法和循环MUSIC算法,在不同情况下比较两种算法的优越性,同时分析了非均匀 线阵和平面阵列DOA估计的性能。