The two most popular protocols for data transmission in the network are TCP and UDP .
两个在网路上最受欢迎的资料传输协定是TCP和 UDP。
Not updated often but it 's a decent listing of default TCP / UDP ports in use .
不经常更新,但它是一个体面的上市默认的 TCP/UDP端口使用。
Using this utility you explored tcp and udp workload tuning while also learning some other noteworthy parameters .
您使用这个实用工具研究了tcp和 udp工作负载优化,同时还了解了一些其他值得关注的参数。
You will create a_kerberos and_kpasswd service for both TCP and UDP which will result in four unique entries .
将为TCP和 UDP创建一个kerberos和kpasswd服务,从而得到四个唯一条目。
Socket_type describes how the connection works and is usually either stream for TCP connections or dgram for UDP services .
sockettype描述连接如何工作,常常是stream(用于TCP连接)或dgram(用于 UDP服务)。
This function is not invoked for UDP transport .
此功能没有援引 UDP传输。
Introduces the function and logic structure of a monitoring and communication platform based on characteristic of UDP protocol .
根据 UDP协议的特点,介绍了测控通信平台的功能和逻辑结构。
With both TCP / IP and UDP / IP communications the key elements are the IP addresses used to identify the hosts and the port number .
在TCP/IP和 UDP/IP的通信中,最主要的元素是用于确定主机和端口号的IP地址。
Thesis of UDP-based VC network programming design and implementation and asynchronous transfer technology using a simple UDP Server .
论文研究 基于VC的 UDP网络编程的设计与实现,并采用异步传输技术实现了一个简单的UDPServer。
TCP and SCTP are connection-based protocols while UDP is a connection-less protocol .
TCP和SCTP都是基于连接的协议,而 UDP 则是一种无连接的协议。
Can I choose between UDP and TCP ?
我能够选择 使用 UDP还是TCP协议吗?
These tools use SNMP over UDP to poll an SNMP agent for device and application metrics .
这些工具通过 UDP使用SNMP来为SNMP代理轮询设备和应用程序指标。
A NAT / firewall is used to implement policies that affect TCP or UDP-layer traffic .
使用NAT/防火墙来实现影响TCP或 UDP 层流量的策略。
UDP packet or user datagram : UDP is an unreliable connectionless protocol .
If UDP is unavailable however audio and video streams are tunneled to clients through the TCP transport .
但是,如果不能使用 UDP,则可以借助隧道技术将音频和视频流通过TCP传输到客户机。
UDP packets are connectionless and can be broadcast to all hosts instead of a single unicast stream .
NFS is based on a pair of standard Internet communication protocols called UDP / IP .
NFS是建立在 UDP/IP这两个标准Internet通讯协议上。
Generally speaking UDP is faster while TCP is more secure .
一般而言, UDP更快,而TCP更安全。
UDP Package Method Based on the IPSEC and NAT Technology
基于IPSEC和NAT技术的 UDP封装方法
The protocol limits are fine if the applications that you want to use are TCP or UDP-based .
如果您想要使用的应用程序是基于TCP或 UDP的, 那么协议限制不成 问题。
Unlike TCP the client and server code look quite similar for UDP-based communication .
与TCP不同,用于 UDP通信的客户机代码和服务器代码非常相似。
UDP also operates in this way which makes it advantageous for message-oriented protocols .
Paralleling at the IP level shares many of the same characteristics of using TCP rather than UDP .
IP层上的并行和使用TCP而不是 UDP有许多相同特征。
It greatly simplifies and streamlines network programming such as TCP and UDP socket server .
它极大简化了网络编程,如TCP和 UDP套接字服务器。
Finally the reassembled packet is passed up the stack to either TCP or UDP .
最后,再把装配好的数据包向上传递到TCP协议或 UDP 协议 程序。
This is one of the key differences between TCP and the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) .
这是TCP与 UDP(UserDatagramProtocol,用户数据报协议)的一个重要区别。
Audio and video streams are preferably transmitted through the User Datagram Protocol ( UDP ) .
音频和视频流通过用户数据报协议(UserDatagramProtocol, UDP)传输较为可取。
abbr.User Datagram Protocol 用户数据报协议