ultimate temperature

[ˈʌltəmɪt ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr][ˈʌltimit ˈtempəritʃə]

[化] 极限温度

  • Secondly the ultimate principles of temperature field and thermal stress of concrete construction are illustrated in the aspect of heat transmission theory . Sluice temperature field and FEM form of thermal stress are deduced .

    接着从热传导理论叙述了混凝土结构 温度场和温度应力的 基本原理,推导了适合水闸结构的温度场和温度应力有限元列式;

  • Error Analysis to Calculating Value of Ultimate Stabilized Temperature Rise

    最终稳定 升预测值的误差分析

  • By calculating the ultimate bearing capability and mechanical properties of reinforced concrete continuous beam at high temperature the change law of internal force redistribution and deformation were analyzed in different load positions loads levels and different numbers of heating spans .

    通过计算火灾作用下钢筋混凝土连续梁的 高温 极限承载力和力学性能,分析了不同加载位置、荷载大小以及加温跨数等因素作用下变形和内力重分布的变化规律。

  • Simplified Calculation on Ultimate Load of Eccentrically Compressed Reinforced Concrete Members Under High Temperature

    高温下钢筋混凝土压弯构件 极限承载力简化计算

  • In thermal balance test of the spacecraft using temperature extrapolation technology obtain the ultimate thermal balance temperature of the spacecraft can be predicted accurately and the test duration can be shortened and the development cost of the spacecraft can be reduced accordingly .

    在航天器的稳态热平衡试验中,应用温度外推预报技术可以准确的给出航天器热平衡 极限 温度,缩短热平衡试验时间,从而降低航天器研制成本。

  • The results reveal that the ultimate tensile strength of the AM50 alloy decreases with the increase of test temperature while its elongation increases with raising up of test temperature .

    结果表明,各种热加工状态下,AM50镁合金的 抗拉强度均随试验 温度的升高而降低,而伸长率则随试验温度的升高而增加;

  • In the starter designing the working point should be defined at the left of the maximum power point at room temperature while at the right at ultimate low temperature .

    最后总结了在设计开发起动机时,选择起动机的工作点常温下在最大功率点的左边, 极限 低温 在最大功率点的右边。

  • The data of tensile strength ultimate conventional strains and elastic modulus under 11 different temperature conditions is obtained by tensile testing with 110 pieces of polytetrafluoroethylene material samples .

    通过对聚四氟乙烯材料110根样件的实际拉伸试验,获得了11个不同 温度条件下的拉伸强度、 极限名义应变和弹性模量变化数据。

  • On the other hand the ultimate density increased with the initial density at the same sintered temperature and keeping time .

    在相同的烧结 温度和保温时间下,烧结磁体的 最终密度随着预成形坯初始密度的增加而提高。

  • The experimental results show that 0.2 % yield shear stress ultimate shear stress and 0.2 % yield tensile stress ultimate tensile stress under torsion tension combined high strain rate decrease with increasing temperature .

    试验结果表明:该材料在高应变率扭拉复合加载下的名义剪切屈服强度、剪切强度极限和名义拉伸屈服 极限、拉伸强度极限均随 温度的升高而降低。

  • Therefore studies on analysis and design method of cement concrete pavements in ultimate states based on actual composition of road traffic and temperature conditions become more important . In this paper the traffic surveys and analysis of typical heavy-load road were performed firstly ;

    因此,根据公路实际的交通组成和 温度状况,研究水泥混凝土路面结构 极限状态的分析和设计方法成为迫切需要解决的问题。

  • Ultimate axle load is decreased with increase of pavement temperature ; the higher the temperature of pavement the less load action supported by pavement structure and the easier once load damage of pavement occurs .

    极限轴载随着路面 温度的升高而减小;路面温度越高,路面结构所能承受的荷载作用就越小,路面越容易出现一次性加载破坏。

  • The application test results indicate that the proposed prediction model can utilize the first 40 hours stable test data in the thermal test on some monitoring point of some type satellite to obtain the ultimate thermal equilibrium temperature of the monitoring point about 42.5 to 68 hours in advance .

    实际应用表明,该预测模型能够利用某型号卫星热平衡试验中某监测点进入稳定工况后40小时内的试验数据提前42.5-68小时获得该监测点的 极限热平衡 温度

  • But as the strain rate is 30s-1 the ultimate reduction falls suddenly . So the temperature is unfavorable too high when the strain rate is very high .

    以30s-1应变速度压缩时,在470℃时 极限压下量陡然下降,说明变形速度很大时变形 温度不宜过高。

  • Test the harmonic prototype transmission precision and return difference and calibrate the harmonic prototype rated load and ultimate load through the efficiency temperature rise experiment .

    测试了谐波样机的传动精度以及回程差,通过效率 升实验标定了该谐波样机的额定载荷以及 极限载荷。

  • Test results show that the ultimate compressive strength of the polycrystalline ice is directly proportional to the temperature and also to the logarithm of strain rate .

    结果表明, 极限抗压强度与负 温和应变率的对数均呈正比例关系;

  • It is presented that the methods for the cold-formed thin-walled short columns ' fire resistance design and checking computations by the curves of the descent coefficient of ultimate load at high temperature .

    对于求出的柱 高温 极限承载力退化系数曲线,给出了冷弯薄壁短柱抗火设计和验算方法。

  • The ultimate aim of the numerical simulation on temperature field in castings solidification process is for eliminating shrinkage / porosity or limiting them within the user 's permission .

    铸件凝固过程 温度场数值模拟为 最终消除缩孔/缩松缺陷或将其限制在用户允许的范围内,以获得质量合格的产品提供了非常有效的手段。

  • The ultimate bearing capacity of Beams in this experiment at simple temperature after high temperature and reinforced by CFRP is analyzed and compared . Obtain that for RC beams after fire damage strengthening with CFRP is an available method .

    对本试验中梁在 常温 、高温后及加固后的 极限承载力进行了分析比较,得出碳纤维布对于火灾损伤后的钢筋混凝土梁,是一种较为有效的加固方法。

  • The conception of bursting disk 's ultimate elasticity prussure in normal temperature was advanced for the pressure vessel installed with bursting disk to ensure that the gas leak test could be carried out successfully and the bursting disk would have the correct property in the procedure of it using .

    为保证气密性试验顺利进行和爆破片在使用中具有正常性能,对安装爆破片的压力容器提出了爆破片 常温弹性 极限压力的概念。

  • The higher the ultimate temperature is The bigger the nitrogen releasing percent .

    加热 越高,氮的热解释放百分比越大;

  • The comparison of ultimate strength on TT-type tubular under different temperature

    空间钢管节点在 高温下的 极限承载力分析

  • During the process of hot rolling I phase was pulverized into large amount of dispersion particles which pinned dislocation effectively so ultimate strength and yield strength at room temperature were improved as well as good plasticity was remained .

    热轧过程中,I相转变成弥散细小的颗粒,能有效钉扎位错,提高了材料的 抗拉强度及屈服强度,同时 合金仍然保持着良好的塑性。

  • From the kinetic simulation we knew it was at 0.1m on spinning path that the ultimate diameter could be obtained and temperature decreased to about 50 ℃ . So it was difficult for us to stretch PCS fiber to decrease its diameter .

    从动力学模拟计算可知,PCS纤维在离开喷丝板0.1m处就已经达到了 最终直径,此时 温度也下降到50℃左右,因此难以通过二次拉伸来降低纤维的直径。

  • The mathematic control model was introduced including a different expression and some models for predicted cooling pattern of laminar flow / ultimate cooling temperature in every predicted cooling pattern / ultimate cooling temperature modified way and self learning .

    控冷数学模型由层流冷却预设定冷却模式、各预设定冷却模式下 温度预报模型、终冷温度修正方式和自学习模型四个部分组成。

  • The experimental results showed that the eggs of the banana moth could bear higher temperature but 38 ℃ was ultimate temperature of the hatching for the eggs .

    试验表明, 蔗扁蛾卵具有较强的耐高温特性,而38℃是卵孵化的 高温上限;

  • The results show that with increasing the number of extrusion the extrusion coefficient and specific resistance increase but ultimate tensile strength and elongation at room temperature decrease .

    试验表明,随着挤压次数增加,挤压系数升高,材料的 室温 抗拉强度及延伸率下降,电阻率升高。

  • The results show that the strength of steels ( yielding strength and ultimate strength ) increases under low temperature while the plasticity ( elongation and sectional shrinkage ) decreases .

    试验结果表明,钢材的强度(屈服强度和 极限强度)均随 温度的降低而提高,塑性指标(伸长率和截面收缩率)随 温度的降低而减小。

  • At the same extrusion strain rate both yield strength and ultimate strength decrease with increasing of the extrusion temperature .

    固定变形速率时,升高变形 温度则强度降低, 延性增加。

  • In this paper a finite element software is employed to simulate the TT type tuber joints in the course of analysis and non-linear FEM analysis is used to calculate the ultimate strength on TT type tubular under temperature .

    采用有限元分析程序对TT型圆主管、方支管相贯节点进行了弹塑性大挠度分析,并且利用非线性分析的方法对节点在不同 温度下的 承载力进行了数值计算。