Unfolding from the shelving system an oak-clad staircase leads to the second level reserved for special displays .
The crisis unfolding in the eurozone is a chance for radical and profound action .
欧元区 正在 上演的危机为欧洲进行具有深远影响的根本改革提供了机会。
The worst earthquake in China for 30 years is unfolding into a tragedy of enormous proportions .
中国30年以来最严重的地震 正在 演变成为一场规模巨大的悲剧。
Culture of the wall : Unfolding a considerable part of Chinese culture beyond the wall .
文化墙: 展开了相当大一部分的中华文化墙以外。
The trees are unfolding their buds .
树木 正在抽芽。
By contrast the unfolding of its latest boardroom upheaval drew solid support .
相比之下, 惠普最新的董事会变动赢得了他们坚定的支持。
The dynamic analysis is most fully represented in his unfolding the law of the origin development and death of the organic system of capital .
马克思 揭示了资本有机系统的起源、发展和灭亡的规律性,最突出地反映了动态分析的方法。
That answer is already unfolding in terms of public policy technology consumer response and corporate strategies .
从公共政策、技术、消费者反应和公司战略来看,问题的答案已经开始 显现。
There can be no denying it : these are exciting times and changes are unfolding at unprecedented rates .
不可能有任何否认它:这是激动人心的时刻和变化以前所未有的速度 展开。
Grana stacks have the interesting property of unfolding in low ionic strength medium .
在低离子强度介质中,基粒垛叠能 打开这是一个有意思的性质。
But a new conflict is unfolding that could be more dangerous even than the cold war .
但一个新冲突正 日益 突显,而且甚至可能比冷战还要危险。
He is utterly absorbed by the film 's show unfolding .
影片的情节 慢慢 展开,他完全被迷住了。
The slowly unfolding fiscal crisis in Japan might not have the same entertainment value as the action in Athens .
和希腊相比,日本财政危机的 缓慢 发酵可能没有那么高的娱乐价值。
The Design and Implementation of a Protein Unfolding Visualization System
一个蛋白质 去 折叠可视化系统的设计与实现
As yet such operations have made only a small dent in zimbabwe 's unfolding crisis .
迄今为止,这些行动在津巴布韦 不断 浮出的危机中仅只取得了一些小进展。
The lotus leaves are unfolding .
荷叶 舒展 着。
Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding .
其中 大有文章的是俄国人已被最新的渐渐崭露的格鲁吉亚人英雄传说深深迷住了。
The scene unfolding here behind me is one of desperation and frustration .
我背后的 画面 显示了绝望的人群。
Every single day I see the unfolding of that divine plan favor and blessing .
每一天我都见证了神圣计划、恩典以及祝福 展开 的 过程。
As the international financial crisis is still unfolding resources for international development cooperation are dwindling .
国际金融危机仍在 持续,国际发展合作资源也因此在减少。
Zaragoza 's fate reflects the pattern now unfolding across Spain and the rest of Europe .
萨拉戈萨的命运,反映目前 正在全西班牙和欧洲其他地方 开展的一种模式。
Appreciation moves you through judgement and allows the relationship to begin unfolding again .
“感谢”会让你穿越“批判”,使你的关系开始 浮现 和 提升。
The first bright green leaves were unfolding in the hedge .
树篱上长了了 翠绿 的 新叶子。
This is not a time for complacency but pro activity in the unfolding of your own light .
这不是自满的时候,却是在你们自己光的 扩展中( 发展) 能动性的 时候了。
Meanwhile policymakers are watching with concern the unfolding of the Greek debt crisis .
与此同时,政策制定者正在关注希腊债务危机的 演变。
You so long dreamed of is finally unfolding .
就 表示你终于梦想 成真了。
The unfolding of language is a process of actualization in which latent structure is transformed into realized structure .
语言 显露的过程就是个体潜在的结构变成真的结构的实现过程。
Few questions will matter more for both of us in the new century unfolding before us .
对我们双方来说,在我们 面临的新世纪中,鲜有其他问题会比这个问题更重要。
This is yet another twist in the extraordinary political drama unfolding in Greece over the past few days .
这是过去几日里,在希腊并不寻常的政治戏码中 上演的又一曲折 插曲。
v.显露,展现( unfold的现在分词 )展开,打开