He was under observation by the police .
他 受到警方 严密 监视。
The 65 people have been isolated and kept under observation in Guangzhou and Hong Kong .
在广州和香港已有65人被隔离 观察。
Some 200 people were put under observation until the 21-day incubation period had passed .
大约有200人 接受 观察,直到21天的潜伏期完全结束。
The police put the suspect under observation .
警察对 嫌疑犯加以 监视。
In hospital she 'll be under observation all the time .
医院会对她 24 小时 密切 观察。
He came under observation as soon as he left the prison .
他一 出狱就 受到人们 关注。
If the actions investigated are simple and we have had a vast number of such actions under observation our conception of their inevitability will be even more complete .
如果我们考察简单的行动,并且有许多那一类的行动 供 观察,我们对那些行动的必然性观念一定更强了。
The doctor decided to keep him under observation for another week .
医生决定让他 留在医院里再 观察一星期。
Quality still acceptable but needs to be kept under observation until maintenance work can be carried out .
舒适度仍可接受,但 在维护工作可进行之前需保持 观测。
He has fractured his shoulder and is under observation to assess any possible further injuries .
他肩部骨折,现 正 住院以进一步检查出是否有更严重的损伤。
The doctors are under observation .
这些医生目前 正在 观察之中。
Last Thursday Moody 's Investors Service placed Fiat under observation for a possible downgrade on short-and long-term debt .
上周四,穆迪投资者服务公司(Moody's InvestorsService)将菲亚特列入了可能下调其短期和长期债务评级的 观察名单。
Did you keep him under observation ?
你对他 进行 监视了吗?
Family members and close contacts were placed under observation and tested for possible infection .
已将家庭成员和密切接触者 置于 观察 之下和检测可能的感染。
The new breed is under observation .
新品种 正在 观察中。
She remains under observation in Aberdeen Royal infirmary .
她仍 在阿伯丁皇家医院 接受 观察。
If the doctors don 't think I can go home the same day they 'll just keep me under observation .
如果医生认为我当天不能回家,他们会让我 住院 观察的。
The other two were under observation for signs of infection officials said .
官员们称,另外两人 正在 被 观察是否有受感染的迹象。
The participants spent one night at a sleep laboratory under observation and were screened for sleep apnea .
在睡眠实验室 中参与者需一晚上进行睡眠 观察,并且进行睡眠呼吸暂停的筛查。
The police first put the suspect under observation and after they collected enough witness they arrested him .
警方先对嫌疑犯 实施 监视,取得足够证据后,将其逮捕。
Keep him under observation . I 'll be back .
She is in hospital under observation .
她在医院里 接受 观察。
Family members and neighbours have been placed under observation and samples from these people have been taken for testing .
已对家庭成员和邻居 进行 观察,并且已采集这些人的样本以便检测。
These conditions need to be operated on after which he will remain under observation in intensive care .
这些状况需要动手术,并且要一直 进行重症病房监护 观察。
Provisions for retesting are included under Observation and Interpretation of Results .
在结果的 观测与理解项 下包含了复验的规定。
They 're keeping him under observation for a couple of days .
医生会留他 住院 观察几天。
This suspect comes under observation .
这个可疑分子 受到 监视。
As far as I could tell neither of us was under observation .
据我所知,我们俩都没有 受到 监视。
美[ˈʌndɚ ˌɑbzɚˈveʃən]英[ˈʌndə ˌɔbzə:ˈveiʃən]