In the 17th century the Maldives came under the protection of the Dutch and later the British but neither established a colonial administration .
17世纪,马尔代夫先后 沦为荷兰和英国 的 保护国,但两国都不曾建立起殖民政府。
Plundered and ruined by wars they had been forced to put themselves under the protection of the new nobles or of the church the crown being too weak to protect them .
他们被战争和掠夺弄得破产,不得不去乞求 新贵或教会 的 保护,因为国王的权力太弱了,已不能保护他们;
Somewhere or other he was still alive and hatching his conspiracies : perhaps somewhere beyond the sea under the protection of his foreign paymasters perhaps even so it was occasionally rumoured in some hiding-place in Oceania itself .
他活在什么鬼知道的地方,尽干些策划阴谋诡计的勾当没准儿 在海外, 得到他外国主子 的 庇护;没准儿就藏在大洋国里有时还真有这样的谣传。
Under the protection of extraterritoriality this religion that had taught one to love others as oneself turned to its opposite .
一个宣扬爱人如己的宗教,却 倚恃治外法权 的 庇护走向了它的反面。
Cultural relics and historic sites are under the protection of the state .
文物古迹 受国家 保护。
After following the chemical vapor deposition and carbonization of carbon-carbon composites in an argon graphite under the protection of heat-treatment to improve and enhance the material properties .
经过化学气相沉积和炭化之后的碳一碳复合材料在氩气 的 保护 下进行高温石墨化处理,以改善和提高材料性能。
Religious believers carry out normal religious activities in line with the canons and rituals of their respective faiths under the protection of the law .
信教群众根据各自信仰宗教的教规、礼仪等进行正常的宗教活动,并 受到法律 的 保护。
The administrative departments of family planning and their functionaries shall be under the protection of law in their execution of laws .
计划生育行政部门及其工作人员依法执行公务 受法律 保护。
The country was under the protection of France at that time .
当时这个国家 受法国 的 保护。
Who shall assign limits to the achievements of free minds and free hands under the protection of this glorious Union .
在这样的伟大联盟 的 保护 下,有谁会限制自由思想和自由之手的创造呢?
The private key remains under the protection of the entity to which it belongs .
私有密钥一直处于其所属实体 的 保护 之下。
Next I analyzed under the protection of virtual property in the civil and criminal Comparative Perspective .
接下来 笔者对民刑比较视野 下 的虚拟财产 保护进行了分析。
Even Indias industry is under the protection of high tariff .
即使是印度的工业是 在高关税 保护。
The legalization of prostitution would alter the status quoin which China 's sex industry is allowed to exist illegally under the protection of authorities thereby reducing state authority corruption ;
卖淫合法化可以改变我国性服务行业长期 受公权力 庇护而得以非法存在的现状,减少国家权力腐败;
At last she believed that the tulip bed was under the protection of the fairies .
她终于相信,郁金香花圃是 受了仙女 的 保护。
Hitherto in all our acquisitions the people under the protection of the American flag .
至今为止在我们所有得到的土地上,人们 在美国旗帜 的 保护 下。
They traveled under the protection of a number of soldiers .
他们在一些士兵 的 护卫 下旅行。
Speaking under the protection of parliamentary privilege MPs have charged executives with lying to cover up criminal activities .
在议会特权 的 保护 下,英国议员们纷纷指责该公司高管说谎,以掩盖其犯罪行为。
Under the protection of the main blade and the two auxiliary blades the beginner who wears the shoes can freely stand and walk and can not fall over and be injured in ankle joints .
一支鞋在主刀和两把辅助刀 的 保护 下,使初学者能够轻松的站立和行走,不会造成摔倒和踝关节损伤。
The puppy her name was Nina immediately curled at my feet under the protection of my long summer skirt .
这只名叫妮娜(Nina)的小狗立刻蜷在我的脚边, 把我的夏装长裙当成了 保护 伞。
He lived under the protection of a strong and brave chief .
他在一位坚强勇猛的首领 保护 下生活。
This profound interpretation of the function of guardianship may be beneficial for us to cover more social vulnerable members including the elders under the protection of guardianship .
对监护制度功能的深入理解有助于我们 在立法和实践层面进行探索,尝试将包括老年人在内的更多社会弱势者 纳入监护制度 的 保护范围。
Like the properties of units under public ownership or collectively owned by the laboring people the legitimate properties of private enterprises are under the protection of law and shall not be illegally seized sealed up or confiscated .
私营企业的合法财产同全民所有和劳动群众集体所有的财产一样, 受到法律 保护,禁止侵犯、非法查封和没收。
The chicks are under the protection of the hen .
小鸡们 在母鸡 的 保护 下。
Cities made leagues and alliances as trade increased and small cities put themselves under the protection of great ones .
随着贸易的发展,城市里组织起协会和联盟,小城市常常置身于大城市 的 保护 之下。
Executives have been accused under the protection of parliamentary privilege of perverting the course of justice .
在议会特权 的 保护 下,公司高层已被控犯有妨碍司法公正罪。
Besides he was now more firmly than ever under the protection of the fragile melanie .
何况他现在 受到了媚兰比以前更加坚决 的 庇护。
Little children live under the protection of their parents .
小孩是 在父母 的 保护 下生活的。
A lost boy was found safe and sound in North Dakota this week under the protection of his beloved dog Cooper .
本周,美国北达科他州一名男孩不小心走失,但是他在自家爱犬Cooper 的 保护 下安全回归。
美[ˈʌndɚ ði prəˈtɛkʃən ʌv]英[ˈʌndə ðə prəˈtekʃən ɔv]