Finally D-BUS is being developed under the umbrella of freedesktop . org where interested members from GNOME KDE and elsewhere participate in the design and implementation .
最后,D-BUS正在 的保护 下进行开发,在那里,来自GNOME、KDE以及其他组织的对此感兴趣的成员参与了设计与实现。
Primary education comes under the umbrella of local government .
小学教育 受地方政府 的 保护。
Two other working groups namely Services Planning Committee and Building Works Committee were formed under the umbrella of the Project Steering Committee .
此外,两个 隶属项目筹划委员会的工作小组亦继而成立。
International DNA users'conference and regional DNA training is also organized under the umbrella of the Interpol DNA unit .
国际 刑警组织还定期召开国际DNA用户 大会, 开展地区性DNA技术培训,以促进DNA技术的普及、应用和发展。
It would be possible to introduce these contra-cyclical measures to the new framework of banking regulation under the umbrella of pillar 2 of Basel II ( dealing with the supervisory review process ) .
根据巴塞尔协议ii 第二支柱(关于银行监管审核流程)的规定,将这些反周期措施 纳入新的银行业监管框架内是可能的。
The PJCL is the actual sequence of JCL steps that get sent to the ClearCase agent that then runs under the umbrella of the started task on the target z system .
Those small states are under the umbrella of the super power .
那些小国在超级大国 的 庇护 之下。
An American farmer today for instance may still get some dirt under his fingernails but much of his labor is performed under the umbrella of the electronic network .
比如今日的美国农民,也许指甲盖里仍藏着些许污泥,但他的许多劳作都是 在电子网络 覆盖 下进行 的。
Fusion also allows many consensus realities to come together in unity and under the umbrella of one dream .
熔合也允许很多一致实相统一起来,集合在梦想 的 伞 下。
And in some respects progress has been made . Common capital standards have been agreed under the umbrella of Basel III. A global regulatory body the Financial Stability Board has been created .
从某些方面来说确实取得了进展,比如 在 《巴塞尔协议III》( BaselIII) 框架下达成了共同的资本标准。同时全球监管机构&金融稳定理事会(FinancialStabilityBoard)已经成立。
Several subprojects are hosted under the umbrella of the Eclipse Technology project which servers as an incubator for interesting ideas that may potentially benefit other new or existing projects .
许多子项目宿主 在EclipseTechnology项目 的 保护 伞 之下,后者作为有趣想法的孵化器,可能有益于其他的新项目或现有项目。
Not all goals could possibly be met under the umbrella of one organization .
并不是所有目的可能 在同一个组织 之下被达成。
Under the umbrella of its social program Bolsa Familia Brazil has used $ 500 million of $ 570 million World Bank loan to fund its conditional cash transfers .
巴西用世界银行5.7亿美元贷款中的5亿美元资助了家庭助学金 伞形社会项目 下 的有条件现金转移方案。
Mr Faber added that after several months of negotiation the two companies had signed an agreement in December last year that paved the way for Danone to purchase a 51 per cent stake in these factories which would come under the umbrella of the joint venture .
范易谋还表示,经过几个月的谈判,两家公司已于去年12月签署协议,为达能收购这些工厂51%的股权铺平了道路。这些企业届时将 纳入合资 企业 旗 下。
This topology can federate a set of moderately autonomous branches under the umbrella of a supervising organization ; it also provides the flexibility of local services at each branch .
这种拓扑可以联合一组在监控组织 监控 下适度自主的分支;它还使每个分支能够灵活地提供本地服务。
We cannot hide under the umbrella of what our coaches want what our team wants or even what our parents want .
我们不能用“我们的教练要我们做什么”、“我们的团队要我们做什么”,又或是“我们的父母要我们做什么”来作为 借口。
The company is under the umbrella of the government .
那家公司 得到政府 的 庇护。
No mention of the contamination scandal is made in the announcement of the charity which will operate under the umbrella of the Soong Ching Ling Foundation ' Project of Safety of MothersInfants .
发布会上并没有提到此次毒奶粉事件,而该捐赠将 在 宋庆龄基金会的“母婴安全工程”保护 下操作。
All of these could come under the umbrella of science blogging which follows many of the same rules as other types of blogs .
所有这些都可能 归于科学博客(网志)写作 之下,它们同样也遵循许多其他类型的博客(网志)的规则。
Sales merchandising telemarketing and other activities that promote a product or service all come under the umbrella of marketing operations .
销售、销售 企划、电话销售等其他产品推销手段都是 属于市场运作 的一个部分。
Several field treatments conducted under the umbrella of a research project focused on water abatement in gas wells have demonstrated that a sequential gel / gas injection technique in fractured gas reservoirs was successful in reducing water production and increasing gas production .
通过 堵水处理能有效降低产水量,同时还能提高产气量,延长开发期,国外一些油田通过对气井堵水技术的研究,发展形成了一系列凝胶/气体注入技术应用于裂缝性气藏。
There are a number of improvement methods that can be placed under the umbrella of Total Quality Management ( TQM ) .
在全面质量管理工具 体系内有许多改善经营的方法。
Used by organizations that want to federate a set of moderately autonomous departments under the umbrella of a supervising department .
供希望在一个监管部门 的 保护 下联合有适度自治权的部门的组织使用。
Get professional help : Two groups operating under the umbrella of the Small Business Administration can provide guidance .
获得专家帮助:小企业管理局 下属的两个组织能为你提供指导。
The electromagnetic mind-altering technologies are not mentioned but would be brought in later under the umbrella of less-than-lethal weapons .
电磁精神改变技术没有被提到,但是以后将会被带来,在低于致命武器 的 保护 伞 之下。
It was coordinated by Interpol and carried out under the umbrella of IMPACT .
它是由国际刑警组织协调,在 IMPACT 的组织 下执行的。
Does coincidence come under the umbrella of the paranormal ?
巧合 属于 超自然现象吗?
美[ˈʌndɚ ði ʌmˈbrɛlə ʌv]英[ˈʌndə ðə ʌmˈbrelə ɔv]