zero point

[ˈzɪro pɔɪnt][ˈziərəu pɔint]


  • Say zero point two five per cent above your base rate .

    就比基本利率高 零点 二五个百分点吧。

  • It 's going to be close to the zero point .

    它接近 零点

  • Zero Point Merge is the coming together of matter and antimatter aspects of your soul .


  • Bore pressure fluctuate around the hydrostatic pressure with the zero point at the surface wave crest ;

    实际的涌潮压力在以波面 零点的静水压力值附近波动;

  • Sampling passway is made to switch over with the data selector to fulfill the compensation of zero point drifts .

    利用数据选择器对采样通道切换,实现了 零点漂移的补偿。

  • The zero point of the density scale is defined by having no specimen in the densitometer .

    定义密度计内设有样品时的密度为密度尺标的 零点

  • Say zero point two five per cent above your base rate . In the euro area as a whole a quarter of a point is on offer .

    就比基本利率高 零点 二五个百分点吧。在作为一个整体的欧盟,25个百分点是可以理解的。

  • The system main demo functions and the method to find the zero point are also given .

    叙述了系统的主要组成部分;阐述了系统的主要演示功能和 零点找寻方法。

  • Distance between Adjacent Zero Point of Solution for the Third Order Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations

    三阶线性齐次微分方程解的相邻 零点之间的距离

  • This will happen at what I call Zero Point Merge which is a pole shift in consciousness .

    这个将会发生在我们所谓的 零点融合中,它是意识里的一个磁极转换。

  • It will be around at least zero point seven five of a per cent per annum flat on the outstanding amount . And that 's too expensive .

    以后每年要按未偿付金额的至少千分之七 五固定 费率计算。这样就太贵了。

  • Remedy : Check zero point correction of the star and re-adjust if necessary .

    方法:检查 零点 位置是否正确,并且需要时,加以调整。

  • It 's much more relevant to set our zero point energy as the separation of a bond in terms of talking about the reactions that we 'll usually be dealing with here .

    更好的是把 零点能定在,键断裂的 时刻,在讨论化学反应的时候,而我们以后将经常遇到化学反应。

  • It provides more conveniences for the settlement of the zero point of derived function .

    这对解决导函数 零点 问题提供了许多方便。

  • The zero point is the Vernal Equinox also called the point of Aries . So she sent the little kid into the house for a pair of scissors a needle and some thread .


  • Original interest rates have been adjusted down from Prime plus two per cent to LIBOR plus zero point eight seven five per cent . Before he had finished praying silently he saw Rebecca coming out with her water - jug on her shoulder .

    利率也由原来的优惠利率加2个百分点调整到伦敦同业拆借利率加 0.875百分点。他刚默祷完,就看见利百加肩上扛着水罐走出来。

  • This method is implemented by folding signal at second zero point keeping invariant information rate .

    该方法是通过保持传输信息速率不变,在成形滤波器第二个 零点叠加信号来实现的。

  • And that zero point is the node .

    这个 平面就是节点。

  • Sensitivity Analysis for Nonlinear Variational Inclusions Involving Generalized m-Accretive Mappings in Banach Spaces ; Composite Halpern Iteration for Approximating a Zero Point of Accretive Operators

    含广义m-增生映象的非线性变分包含的灵敏性分析复合Halpern迭代逼近增生映像的 零点

  • I could have chosen my zero point of potential energy anywhere I please .

    作为重力 0 ,我可以选择这里。

  • I could have chosen it right here and nothing would change other than that I offset the zero point B of my potential energy .

    除了会抵消 零点,势能什么的,都不会变,但是如果我 A到。

  • There 's a zero point and maxima in the relationship curve of beam-waist radius and measurement error .

    光腰半径与测量误差的关系曲线出现 一零和一极大值点。

  • However in that case the rate of interest will be that of a saving account that is zero point seven two percent per annum .

    但要是那样的话,利率就跟活期储蓄账户一样,即 年息 0.72%

  • The Kelvin temperature scale has absolute zero as its zero point and its fundamental unit is the kelvin .

    克尔文温标以绝对零度为其 零点,它的基本单位是克尔文。

  • There is a specific function for converting the measured millivolts from the TMP36 to degrees Celsius changing from a range of0-1023 to1 to5 finding the zero point and scaling the result by100 .

    有一个特定的函数可以将从TMP36测得的毫伏数转变为摄氏度,范围也将从0-1023转改为从1-5,找到 零点后即可将结果缩放100。

  • In migration processing we usually require that migration datum is horizontal and that zero point for migration should be on the ground surface on which shot point and receiving points lie .

    在作偏移处理时,一般要求偏移基准面是水平的,且偏移的 零点应在激发和接收的地表。

  • Composite Halpern Iteration for Approximating a Zero Point of Accretive Operators

    复合Halpern迭代逼近增生映像的 零点

  • Zero Point · 21-21 Century Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition Shanghai Normal University Shanghai .


  • The shift to zero point occurs from the5th to12th dimension.The12th dimension is the Crystalline apex .

    转移到 零点会从5次元到12次元发生,第12次元是水晶的顶点。