under average

[ˈʌndɚ ˈævərɪdʒ][ˈʌndə ˈævəridʒ]

[法] 受损

  • Under the average interference constraint the transmission rate is better than that under the peak interference constraint due to the power adaptation between the transmitter and relay .


  • Under the average day in February which is of the worst weather throughout the year in Kunming the COP is about 4 . 2 EER is about 2.9 . The heat absorbed by the system are more than those of the other systems .

    昆明,以2月为代表的冬季,其太阳辐照较低,系统的制热系数COP值也能达到4.2,效能比 EER值为2.9;

  • Daylighting Calculation under Average Sky by Modified Coefficient of Daylighting

    利用采光修正系数 进行 平均天空采光计算

  • From the calculating program a time-saving method is provided to predict daylight level within buildings under the average sky condition .

    该计算程度可以快速准确地算出 平均天空条件 的室内日光值。

  • Although the urbanization rate of China is under average 78 % of urbanization rate of developed countries the energy consumption is the second in the world and carbon dioxide emissions is the first in the world .

    虽然中国城镇化率与国外发达国家 平均78%的城镇化率水平相比并不高,但目前中国却 能源消耗世界第二、二氧化碳排放量世界第一的国家形象立于全世界。

  • The maximum spectral efficiency in Rayleigh fading channel under average power constraint is first deduced .

    首先推导了 平均发送功率受限条件 ,瑞利衰落信道中最大频谱效率;

  • This paper reported the experiment of biogas batch fermentation with goat dung under the average temperature 22.9 ℃ .

    平均室温22.9℃的条件 ,以羊粪为原料,进行批量发酵产沼气的试验研究。

  • The data scalability of the system showing how response times vary under an average transaction and user mix but with varying amounts of data in storage .

    系统的可量测性,显示了 平均事务处理和用户混合情况 应答次数的变化,但是数据的存储总量是变化的。

  • Under average conditions the fired employee served in government has the right to file a lawsuit of civil character .

    机关单位辞退事业编制职工 一般情况下应归于民事关系,适用人事仲裁和民事诉讼程序解决。

  • Calculation of Lateral Windows Under Average Sky

    平均天空 计算的侧窗开窗量

  • The possible mechanisms of population inversion under the average high temperature condition has been analysed .

    分析了可能导致高温条件 粒子数反转的机制。

  • Gaussion function is used to curve fit the road segment operating mode distributions under different average speeds . It is found that the curves are well fited for both expressways and non-expressways .

    通过高斯函数拟合不同 平均速度 的路段运行模式分布,发现无论对于快速路还是非快速路,均能达到较好的拟合效果。

  • Under the average score are 111 students it takes 40.3 % .


  • How to retain quality while keeping costs under average is a goal for which every person in managerial position strives .

    企业如何才能用 低于 平均成本的投入取得较高的质量呢?是每一个管理者关心和努力做到的目标。

  • At the same time daily air temperature data of 115 meteorological stations in Inner Mongolia from 1971 to 2003 was applied to present the distribution of ODA nymph stages under average climatic conditions ( 33 years ) .

    同时,利用内蒙古地区115个台站1971-2003年的逐日气象资料,给出了内蒙古自治区33年(1971-2003年)气候 平均状况 的亚洲小车蝗龄期分布。

  • Cost is the basic factor that influence medical service price . Hospitals must let their medical service items cost under social average cost and account item cost scientifically if they want to make merit .

    成本是影响医疗服务价格最基本的因素,医院要想取得赢利,就必须使医院的医疗项目成本 低于社会 平均成本,必须进行科学的项目成本核算;

  • The stability of switched systems under average dwell time switching signals is obtained .

    获得了系统 平均驻留时间切换 的稳定性。

  • The physical meaning of array invariant is the absolute traveling time of the signals from source to receiver under the average sound speed .

    阵不变量实质为信号在 平均声速c 条件 从声源-接收器的的绝对传播时间。

  • The conclusion shows : the foreign investment in Henan economic growth is limited and the direct foreign investment is far under the average level of China .

    结果表明:外资在河南经济发展中的作用是有限的,特别是外商直接投资,远 低于 全国 平均水平。

  • Often under average target or unable to complete the job .

    大幅 低于 平均 标准或经常工作不完成。

  • Yuxi is a relatively developed area in Yunnan Province but its tertiary industry is still under the average which is considerably restricting the further development of the first and second domain of its industry .

    玉溪市是云南省的经济较发达地区,但玉溪市第三产业的发展水平 低于全省 平均 水平,第三产业发展滞后已成为第一、第二产业持续发展的制约因素;

  • We can offer three different analytical methods under average dwell time switching signal and compare them to estimate the domain of attraction .

    分别给出这三种不同的分析方法 平均驻留时间切换信号 的稳定性判据,并比较它们估计吸引域的精确程度。

  • The result shows that physique level of Wenzhou townsfolk is under the average of Zhejiang province thus the health status of people isn 't optimistic .

    结果显示:温州市民体质水平 低于浙江省 平均体质水平,人口健康状况不容乐观。

  • However in impoverished areas most of teachers'professional quality is under the average national level due to some subjective or objective factors .

    而受许多主、客观因素的影响,贫困地区教师队伍的总体素质还 低于全国 平均水平。

  • The results indicate that the nonlinear difference in temperature over the cross sections due to solar radiation can be greater than 25 ℃ under average conditions .

    分析结果表明,在日照影响下,哑铃形钢管混凝土拱中会产生较大的非线性温差, 一般情况 可高达25℃以上。

  • Simulation results in network simulator ( NS-2 ) show that the proposed error protection strategy can effectively reduce the video distortion and the variation of video quality . The strategy can achieve 1.5 dB gains under average packet loss ratio of 10 % .

    在网络仿真器(NS-2)中的模拟结果表明,该错误保护策略可以有效地减少视频失真以及视频质量波动, 10%的 平均丢包概率 ,可以获得1.5dB的质量提高。

  • Two post-earing wheat varieties were treated 2-3 h to achieve the good results of killing stamen and pistil fertilizing under the average temperature of 45-46 ℃ by controlling it artificially with electrical heat in a small plastic shed .

    利用塑料薄膜小棚,采用电热人工控温, 平均45~46℃的气温,对已抽穗的小麦处理2~3小时,收到较好的杀雄效果,其雌蕊仍有较好的受精结实能力。

  • At the beginning under the assumption that all subnetworks are synchronizable two sufficient conditions which guarantee the local solvability of the synchronization problem under the average dwell time scheme are proposed .

    文章首先在所有子网均可同步化这一假设条件下,提出了保证 平均驻留时间方案 ,切换网络的同步化问题可解的两个充分条件。

  • An Asymptotic Approximating Solution of the Board Under the Average Loads Action

    布荷载作用 四边固支板的一种逼近解法