uncovered money

[ʌnˈkʌvəd ˈmʌni][ʌnˈkʌvəd ˈmʌni]


  • Therefore this paper researched the issue uncovered the relation between securities issue and money supply and analyzed the impact of the relation on the modern economy .

    为此,本文对这一问题进行了初步的系统研究,在一定程度上 揭示 证券发行和 货币供给量之间的联系,并分析了这种联系对经济运行的一些影响。

  • Guan Hanqing Uncovered the Essentials of Money Being the Root of All Evils

    关汉卿 揭露 金钱是万恶之源的思想

  • Top analysts have been leaving Wall street by the dozen most of them helped through the door with a firm push . Xinhua reported that prosecutors uncovered huge amounts of money given to Ms. Jiang as bribes including RMB 4.93 million for which she could not account .

    顶尖的分析员已经在成批的离开华尔街了,他们中的大多数人借助于公司资助来开展工作。据新华社报道,司法人员 发现 大量蒋收受的贿赂.蒋还有493万元 财产来历不明。