Uncrowned teeth badly in need of attention .
没有 人造 牙冠的牙齿非常需要注意。
He is the old iron an ordinary worker one in the plant has the uncrowned godfather of workers .
他就是老铁,一个普通的工人,一个在全厂的工人中具有着 无 冕 之 王的人。
Like a king in exile uncrowned in the underworld .
像流放中的君王, 被 废黜 到地狱。
Michael Jordan was the uncrowned king of basketball .
迈克尔·乔丹 曾是篮球 界 的 无 冕 之王。
He was the uncrowned king of British car racing .
他是英国车赛的 无 冕王。
Translate the following sentence into Chinese Six years later The Uncrowned Queen of Iraq as Bell was affectionately known died in Baghdad and was buried in the British cemetery there .
六年以后,被亲切地称为 无 冕女王的贝尔在巴格达去世。她被埋在了那里的英国公墓。
But if you believe as I wrote last month that radical innovations in management theory are increasingly infrequent the anteroom of uncrowned visionaries would empty quickly .
但如果你像我上月所写的那样,认为管理理论的革命性创新日益罕见, 那么 可 供 评选的思想家很快就会 所剩无几。
With so many talented players in the squad Netherlands are dubbed as the uncrowned king .
因拥有众多才华横溢的天才球星,荷兰一直被视作“ 无 冕 之王”。
He remained an uncrowned king .
他依旧是一个 无 冕 之王。
As I understand it you are alleging that someone ( the uncrowned godfather ?) is using electronic remote mind control .
我明白,你说有人(是 那个 无 冕 之 王吗?)正用电子远程精神控制。
Her allegations rocked the family and sparked a storm of publicity in Italy where Mr Agnelli who died in 2003 was often referred to as the country 's uncrowned king .
她的指控撼动了整个家族,并在意大利引发了一轮舆论风暴。在意大利,2003年去世的阿涅利经常被称为该国的 无 冕 之王。
Modern society the supervisory function of media for public power and public life is more and more important . So the media also called the fourth power and the uncrowned godfather .
现代社会,媒体对于公权力及社会公共生活的监督作用是越来越大,所以,媒体又有第四权力和 无 冕 之 王 的 称号。