But this unexpected unhoped-for unheard-of fortune sufficed you no longer when you once possessed it .
但当你获得了那笔意想不到的, 闻所未闻的意外之财的时候,你又觉得不够了。
Radiation reached unheard-of levels .
辐射作用已达到 前所未有的程度。
Long lines of people had queued up to buy at the unheard-of rate of two bottles of rum for $ 3
人们排起了长队, 以 空前的速度 抢购3美元两瓶的朗姆酒。
Since that time he had made unheard-of efforts to find traces of him and to reach him in that dark abyss of misery in which Thenardier had disappeared .
从那时起,他便作了 空前的努力去寻访他的踪迹,想在那淹没德纳第的黑暗深渊里到达他的跟前。
So speeding to get from one appointment to the next is not unheard-of .
所以从一个约会到下一个用超速行驶是 经常的。
We are developing our production at a speed unheard-of before .
我们正 以 前所未闻的速度发展生产。
If you bought those 2005-era Sonos speakers you would have noticed something almost unheard-of in consumer tech not to mention in life : The older the speakers got the more they seemed capable of doing .
如果你买的是2005年那个年代的Sonos扬声器,你就会发现消费科技领域更不用说日常生活中 前所未闻的东西:扬声器的使用年代越久,它们似乎就拥有越来越多的功能。
Snow is quite unheard-of on this island .
在这个岛上,雪是 前所未闻的。
Once an unheard-of event it has now become a common occurrence .
一个曾经 前所未闻的事件,现在却已成为一个普遍的现象。
It was forty-eight hours since he had seen Cosette ; he was about to behold her once more ; every other thought was effaced and he felt only a profound and unheard-of joy .
他已有四十八小时不曾和珂赛特见面,他即将看见她,任何其他的想法全消失了,他 目前只有这一 件 空前深刻的 称 心事。
It 's not unheard-of for athletic department staff to wake up athletes in the morning and to take them to class .
体育系的员工早上叫醒队员并带他们去课堂,这也并非 闻所未闻 的 事。
You 've done deeds of unheard-of bravery .
你已经做了 空前勇敢的事。
It was not all that long ago that it was almost unheard-of for an unmarried couple to live together .
并不是很久以前,没有结婚的人住在一起还是 骇人听闻 的 事。
It 's unheard-of for him to apologize !
他能道歉真是 太阳 打 西边 出来了。
With the crowds still massing and anger rising the talk-show hosts on Tuesday morning swung into action propagating an unheard-of line of argument .
随着人群聚集,他们的怒气继续上升。周二早晨电台谈话节目的主持人开始行动,宣传一种 闻所未闻的论调。
First since the recession was unusually deep and the recovery unusually slow the US is experiencing unheard-of long-term unemployment rates .
首先,由于衰退异乎寻常的严重,同时复苏异乎寻常的缓慢,美国正经历着 前所未闻的长期高失业率。
As many Asian stock markets are hitting record levels issuers of convertible bonds are raising funds at unheard-of conversion premiums says one banker .
一位银行家表示,随着许多亚洲股市达到创纪录水平,可转债发行企业正以“ 闻所未闻”的转换溢价筹集资金。
What he said is really an unheard-of fantastic story .
他讲的真是 千古奇闻。
Dream jobs are made not born & that is it 's almost unheard-of for a dream job to be posted on a company website or anywhere else .
理想职业是创造的,而不是天生的,这就是说几乎 没有 听说 过有 哪个理想职业是公开在公司的网站或其他地方 招聘的。
But all that evening and next day news was coming in of unheard-of losses of the loss of one-half of the army and another battle turned out to be physically impossible .
然而,就在当晚及第二天接连不断 传来 闻所未闻的死亡消息,损失半数军队的消息, 这样,新的战役 因兵员不足而不可能进行。
She felt an unheard-of joy and a profound anguish .
她感到一种 从未有 过的快乐和一种深切的酸楚。
A first novel by an unheard of writer ; developments on an unheard-of scale .
一个 前所未闻的作家的处女作;以空前的规模发展。
It was unheard-of for anyone to complain .
从未 听 说过有人投诉的 事。
Since the Sixteenth National Congress Chinese socialist cultural construction demonstrates an unheard-of level thereby the social research on Chinese culture comes into vogue .
党的“十六大”以来,我国社会主义先进文化建设呈现出 前所未有的盛世 局面,文化建设 理论与实践的研究探索方兴未艾。
One could lie in wait on some high crag and at hitherto unheard-of range hit a horseman far below .
人们可以躺在等待一些高岩,并在迄今为止 前所未闻的范围远远低于创下骑手。
These negative effects in the common in the country rich and poor widening gap has reached unheard-of levels .
这些负面效应是,在普遍的国家内贫富差距越拉越大,已经达到了 前所未有的程度。
The signing of the almost unheard-of Portuguese striker stunned football and Sir Alex has confirmed that the deal was struck largely due to the impulses of United 's scouting network .
签下一个 没 人听说 过的葡萄牙射手让足球 圈惊讶,弗格森爵士表扬了球队的 球探网。
Take Me as I Am went on to reach double platinum status an unheard-of accomplishment for a debut by a female country singer .
《爱我 本色 》再接再厉, 创 发行双白金的 纪录,对一位乡村女歌手的处女作而言,这是 前所未闻的成绩。
There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard-of privilege .
因为在这个世界上,开车对某些人来说是 闻所未闻的特权。
Political opposition was unheard-of before the revolution .
在这场革命之前 从未 听说 过政治对立。
美[ʌnˈhɜ:rd ʌv]英[ʌnˈhɜ:d ɒv]