In fact much of our thinking left to itself is sloppy distorted partial uninformed or prejudiced .
实际上,我们中的许多人思考往往流于草率、歪曲、片面、 无知或偏见。
So that he seemed at every stride he took to look about him as though he were saying ' Can anybody have the goodness to indicate any subject in any direction on which I am uninformed ?
因此,他每迈出一步,似乎都要看一下周围,仿佛在说,有谁肯 行个好,向我指出,有哪个学科,在哪个方向,我还 没有得到 知识的?
But the Glass-Steagall Act was introduced to deal with a problem that no longer exists : the distribution of fraudulent securities to uninformed customers .
但该法案旨在解决的问题,如今已不复存在:向 不 知情的客户分销欺诈性证券。
In cynical recognition of this disparity traders at banks and brokerages routinely describe orders originating from Mom and pop retail investors as uninformed order flow .
来自银行和经纪商的交易员通常将老年散户投资者发出的指令称为“ 信息 不足的指令流量”,就讽刺性地承认了这种不平等。
Roese : there is a historical perspective and maybe even a biased and uninformed perspective of who Huawei is and what we do .
罗斯:人们总是从历史的角度来看待华为和我们的事业,甚至用一种歧视和 无知的态度来对待我们。
Is this information coming from a credible outlet or individual ? Providing disturbing yet uninformed information is problematic .
消息是来自可信的渠道还是个人?提供令人烦恼而且是 非 正规 渠道的信息有点不妥。
The uninformed American public has developed a vested interest in their condemnation of Mary .
Many new employees are hesitant to ask questions because they 're afraid of being perceived as pesky or uninformed .
许多新员工问问题时犹豫不决,因为他们担心被感觉成什么都不懂或 不 了解 情况 的 人。
But because people are uninformed about business ethics they have not yet thought about these problems on the level of business ethics .
只是由于对经济伦理学 不够 了解,所以人们没有把它们 上升到经济伦理学的高度来考虑。
It is a small anecdote but it shows that insinuation plus internet gossip and talk radio slurs can take hold in a country often surprisingly uninformed about those who would run it .
这只是一个小小的传闻,但它表明,在一个对其未来领导人 情况 不 了解程度往往令人惊讶的国家,含沙射影、互联网流言和电台脱口秀节目上的诋毁,是可以发挥影响的。
Yes they take financial risks but most are good at judging the downside and are more cautious in their ventures than it might appear to the uninformed .
确实,他们要冒财务风险。但是,大多数企业家都善于判断不利方面。他们在冒险时,比 那些 不 知情 的 人所 想象的更为谨慎。
The uninformed political discussion you hear in pubs .
在酒馆里可听到的 对于政治 十分 无知的谈论。
Education will be an appropriate tool when individual self-interest is strong and consistent with societal goals but the target merely is uninformed ;
如果行为者的自身利益需求比较强烈而且同社会目标一致,但目标只是 对此 不 了解, 那么教育行为就成了合适的手段。
This is especially hard to do in saturated markets when most people are selfish lazy uninformed and impatient .
这在人们自私、懒惰、 闭塞并且缺少耐心的时候,尤其困难!
But some of us are not just uninformed we are actually wrong .
但我们中一些人不仅 无知,而且实际上拥有错误的 知识。
Their purposes are very simple : to allow those entities of your planet to become aware of infinity which is often best expressed to the uninformed as the mysterious or unknown .
他们的目的很单纯:允许你们星球的个体察觉到无限, 而 这点通常以神秘或未知的方式传达是最好的。
This must have seemed quite plausible to the uninformed reader .
对于 无知的读者来说,这一定显得很真实。
You 're now making informed decisions that are conscious rather than tiny uninformed subconscious decisions .
现在是在知情的情况下做出决策,而不是在 毫不知情 的 情况下做决策。
Her colleagues had deliberately kept her uninformed .
她那些同事故意不让她 知道。
Since women are uninformed about the sport it is unlikely that they will just show up at a field by themselves to play .
尽管已经有女性的 专用 装备,但他们似乎不想马上就去在在彩弹场地中去展示他们的 风采。
I think I may boast myself to be with all possible vanity the most unlearned and uninformed female who ever dared to be an authoress .
我认为,我再自负,也只能自吹是敢于当女作家的最 孤陋寡闻,最不学无术的女人。
But if you look at it from a distance an uninformed person looked at it from a distance there is no reason that if our countries make the right choices trade cannot grow fivefold or more .
不过,在一个局外人看来,在一个 不 知情 的 局外人看来,如果我们两国都做出正确选择,贸易便没有理由不能增长五倍或更多。
He could not complain that he was uninformed about the true nature of the regime
他不能抱怨说 没 人 告诉他该政权的实质。
The paper investigates the informed and uninformed traders arriving rate and the effected factors in the market .
本文实证研究了我国证券市场知情与 非 知情交易者的市场到达率及其影响因素。
Because even uninformed people understand how uncertain the outcomes are fear is pervasive .
就连 信息 闭塞的人也知道结果有多么不稳定,因此恐惧在蔓延。
You cannot suppose me uninformed .
你不要以为 没有 人 告诉我。
Research your topic thoroughly before you make a quick and uninformed decision .
在你作出草率决定前, 最好先仔细的 大略研究下你的课题 哟。
The majority of Knowledge Management implementations are unsatisfactory as inappropriate standardised approaches are forced upon the varying predicament of the uninformed by the uninformed .
多数知识管理执行方案之所以不尽如人意,是因为其制定和执行 者 的 无知。由于为不同的窘境所迫,他们采取了千人一面这样欠妥的方式。
I also contacted a handful of pharma folks each of whom offered what they admitted to be uninformed speculation .
5.我还联系了一些制药行业的从业人员,他们都 谈了自己的猜测。
If voters are uninformed and easily swayed towards demagogues peddling short-term ill-considered policies there is little hope for righting the course of capitalist economies .
如果选民很 无知、容易轻信蛊惑人心的政客兜售的有欠考虑的短视政策,那么匡正资本主义经济进程的希望就很渺茫。