Typically an undervalued currency leads to higher inflation and even social discontent but for now inflationary pressures remain subdued .
通常, 本币 受到 低估会导致通胀加剧,甚至引发社会不满。但就目前而言,通胀压力依然轻微。
Mr. Schumer has frequently spoken out against China 's economic policies including what he has called its undervalued currency .
舒默曾多次公开指责中国的经济政策,包括他所说的 人民币 被 低估的问题。
They 're right about that : an undervalued currency promotes inflation erodes the real wages of Chinese workers and squanders Chinese resources .
他们在这一点上也是有道理的: 定 值 低 的 货币将会促进通货膨胀,侵蚀中国工人的实际工资,浪费中国的资源。
In China the persistence of an undervalued currency has over the years effectively subsidised exports .
在中国, 人民币多年来一直 被 低估,这事实上对其出口形成了补贴。
The currency regime is certainly one of them . An undervalued currency spurs exports by subsidizing costs for local manufacturers .
货币 贬值以补贴国内生产企业的成本的方式刺激出口。
Post-WTO an undervalued currency is a tariff barrier by other means .
在后WTO时代, 汇率 低估就是另一种方式的关税壁垒。
First I think the RMB is not undervalued currency .
第一,我认为人民币的 币值没有 低估。
In other words the Philippine peso is the world 's most undervalued currency the Swiss franc its most overvalued .
换句话说,菲律宾比索是世界上最 被 低估 的 货币,瑞士法郎是最被高估的。
It has a multitude of trade barriers weak labor unions and an undervalued currency .
中国也有大量贸易壁垒,弱小的劳工联合,以及估值 过低 的 货币。
Why then given huge global investor demand for exposure to China and the almost universal belief the renminbi is substantially undervalued is the currency trading at virtually the same rate against the dollar in Hong Kong as it is on the mainland ?
那么,鉴于全球投资者对人民币需求庞大,加上人们几乎普遍认为人民币被严重 低估了,为何现在香港的 人民币兑美元汇率与内地的汇率几乎没有什么差别呢?
Its ridiculously undervalued currency greatly encouraged exports which appeared cheap to the rest of the world .
它的 货币 被荒谬地 低估了 价值,这极大地刺激了出口,使出口货在世界其他各地显得十分便宜。
Other similar transfers also paid for by households and aimed at keeping high growth viable such as direct subsidies and an undervalued currency exacerbated this process .
而其它同样由家庭负担、旨在维持高增长的类似转移支付,比如直接补贴和 低估 的 人民币,加剧了这一过程。
At the approach of each summit China and its undervalued currency always appear to be the main bone of contention only for Beijing to quietly sidestep any censure .
每次峰会即将召开之时,中国以及人民币 汇率 低估问题似乎总会成为争论的焦点,但最终北京总能悄然避开所有责难。
US manufacturers are urging Mr Paulson to get tough with China on the renminbi arguing that an undervalued Chinese currency puts them at a disadvantage .
美国制造商敦促保尔森在人民币问题上对中国采取强硬立场,它们辩称, 人民币 低估使它们处于不利境地。
Although an undervalued currency contributes to China 's trade surplus it is not a primary cause of it and has very little to do with the bilateral United States-China trade deficit it added .
报告补充称:虽然 人民币 低估对于中国的贸易顺差起到了一定的作用,却并非主要原因,而且,和美中贸易逆差基本无关。
China is coming under increasing pressure from the US and Europe over its swelling trade surplus which many of its critics claim is the result of a deliberately undervalued currency .
由于贸易顺差不断膨胀,中国正面临着来自美国和欧洲日益增大的压力。许多批评者称,中国的贸易顺差源于中国人为 压低 汇率。
Very low interest rates an undervalued currency and other direct and indirect subsidies have made these projects seem viable but only because the true costs have been disguised .
极低的利率、 低估 的 货币以及其它直接或者间接的补贴让这些项目看起来经济可行,但这是因为其真正的成本被掩饰了。
The Barclays Capital economist points to the country 's large current account surplus gigantic foreign exchange reserves and its undervalued currency .
巴克莱资本经济学家点,以国家的“大”的经常帐盈余,“巨大”的外汇储备,其“ 低估”的 货币。
The legislation enables a company to demand an investigation of a country it thinks is using an undervalued currency for unfair trade advantage .
当一家公司认为一国利用被 低估 货币而取得不公平贸易优势时,该项立法使公司有权要求对该国展开调查。
The suggestion also helped to shift the conversation about the global financial crisis which ahead of the Group of 20 leading nations ' London summit in April had begun to focus on China 's huge trade surplus and undervalued currency .
该提议也有助于转移关于全球金融危机的话题。4月份20国集团(G20)伦敦峰会召开之前,讨论重点已经开始转向中国的巨额贸易顺差以及 被 低估 的 人民币 汇率。
Even so Brazil is now as likely to criticise Beijing for its undervalued currency as to praise it as a huge market for commodities .
可即便如此,巴西现在动辄指责中国 低估 人民币,就像称赞中国是巨大的大宗商品市场一样。
Her tone will be an interesting barometer of developing-country tolerance for an undervalued Chinese currency .
她的语气将成为一个有趣的风向标,表明发展中国家能在多大程度内容忍 被 低估 的 人民币。
Kraft said it had increased the cash element of the bid from 300p to 360p partially in response to its shareholders who wanted it to be more sparing in its use of undervalued Kraft Foods shares as currency for the offer .
卡夫表示,已将收购报价中的现金部分从300便士提高到360便士,这在一定程度上是回应股东对公司的要求,即“少用 估值 偏低的卡夫食品股票作为收购 货币”。
Mr Bernanke 's original draft talked about the effective subsidy that an undervalued currency provides for Chinese firms that focus on exporting rather than producing for the domestic market .
在伯南克的讲话原稿中谈到 人民币 汇率 低估,向把重点放在出口而非本国市场的中国企业提供了有效补贴。
And the more China goes head to head with its trading partners in Geneva the more likely that talk will turn to the most effective subsidy to local production : an undervalued currency .
而且,中国与贸易伙伴在日内瓦交锋越多,话题就越可能转向对中国本土企业的最有效补贴: 低估 的 人民币 汇率。
That Beijing had maintained an overvalued renminbi for half a century may come as a surprise to westerners who have grown accustomed to grumbling that an undervalued currency gives Chinese manufacturers an unfair advantage .
中国在半个世纪的时间里维持被高估的人民币汇率,这一事实可能让已习惯于抱怨 人民币 汇率 被 低估赋予中国制造商不公平优势的西方人感到意外。
Earlier this month the Senate passed a bill that would allow the us to impose tariffs on imports from China to compensate for an undervalued currency .
本月早些时候,美国参议院通过了一项法案,该法案将允许美国对中国输美商品征收关税,以抵消 人民币 低估的影响。
Burton Malkiel : I believe the Chinese yuan ( RMB ) is the most undervalued currency in the world today .
波顿麦基尔:我认为中国人民币是目前全球最为 低估 的 货币。
Chinese ministers are heading for Washington this week for a meeting at which their management of the allegedly undervalued currency will be discussed .
一些中国部级官员本周将飞抵华盛顿,参加一个会议,会上将讨论 中国如何管理 外界所谓的 人民币 汇率 被 低估的问题。