She joined Goldman Sachs ( GS ) board but soon resigned after receiving shares of IPOs Goldman underwrote .
之后,她加盟高盛公司(GoldmanSachs),但收到高盛 支付的首次公开募股股票之后 火速 离职。
Goldman underwrote $ 12.9 billion worth of subprime mortgage bonds in 2006 .
2006年,高盛 承销了129亿美元的次级抵押贷款债券。
Morgan Stanley was running the show and on a deal like this they wanted to exert their muscle says a senior banker from the group of banks that underwrote the deal .
在 承销 此次 IPO 的 几 家银行中,一家银行的一位高级银行家指出,摩根士丹利 主导着整个 过程,他们希望通过这样一笔交易展示自己的实力。
Noting that banks underwrote stock offerings to help shore up other banks during the last crisis he said they might be reluctant to do this again .
他 还提到在上次危机时, 多 家银行 曾为股票发行提供 担保,以帮助支撑其他银行。他说,它们也许不再愿意这么做了。
The training company underwrote all the costs of running MU and they split the profits .
培训公司 承诺 支付 学校所有运营费用并分享利润。
In 2007 fortune wrote a story dissecting one $ 494 billion mortgage bond Goldman underwrote in 2006 in which investors had suffered heavy losses .
2007年,《财富》杂志(FORTUNE)曾发表了一篇报道,详细分析了2006年高盛 承销的一宗4940亿美元抵押贷款债券 交易, 但是这笔 交易 令投资者蒙受了巨大损失。
The suits alleged that JPMorgan and others underwrote mortgage bonds that contained loans that were riskier than the banks let on .
监管 机构在这 起案件中指控,摩根大通和其他银行 承销的按揭债券中包含的一些贷款 实际风险超出了这些银行披露的 水平。
Banks underwrote nearly $ 44 billion of the leveraged loan deals in the first half of the year according to Thomson Reuters .
汤森路透(ThomsonReuters)的数据显示,今年上半年各大银行 共 承销了近440亿美元的杠杆贷款交易, 高于 2011年上半年的 170亿美元和 2010年上半年的 110亿美元。
v.在(保险单,尤指船舶保险单)下方签署并承担责任(承保损失或损坏之责)( underwrite的过去式 )给…保险(按商定的价格)认购(某公司)的全部剩余证券包销(证券)