


  • But the warning chimes with growing unease in private among Chinese officials about the prospects for the single currency .

    但大公的警告与中国官员私下里对单一货币前景日趋 的表态如出一辙。

  • But they also provoke unwonted unease among market libertarians .

    但它们在市场自由主义者中间也激起了罕见的 情绪

  • Marla hesitated for a moment but soon pushed away what little unease she had about the idea .

    玛丽犹豫了一下,但是很快就打消除了 的念头。

  • Sensing my unease about the afternoon ahead he told me 'These men are pretty easy to talk to . '

    他感觉到了我对即将到来的下午 忐忑不安,便对我说:“这些人说话都比较随和。”

  • Not even a slight unease .


  • We left with a deep sense of unease because we knew something was being hidden from us

    我们离开时心里感到很 ,因为我们知道有什么事瞒着我们。

  • In a few cases this may have reflected moral unease . But pragmatism was even more important .

    在某些情况下,这可能反应出道德上的 ,但实用主义是更重要的因素。

  • This does not quite account for his unease . He got angry on this account .

    这并没有说清楚他 心绪 缘由。由于这个缘故他生气了。

  • In a way that causes disquiet or unease He was uneasy and conscience-stricken .

    使人不安地或 自在地他很不自在,良心很不

  • His words filled me with a vague sense of unease .


  • Behind the mocking laughter lurks a growing sense of unease .


  • Unease about the effects of globalisation has been building for a number of years .

    对于全球化影响的 情绪已累积了多年之久。

  • I began to experience a growing sense of unease .


  • For many americans the world financial crisis created new unease about the risks of the global economy .


  • His unease disarmed her

    他的 挂念 化解了她的怒气。

  • Garland tried to appear casual but he couldn 't conquer his unease .

    加兰努力装出无所谓的样子,可是他没法克服自己的 局促不安

  • The markets are unambiguously signalling unease about the inflation-fighting credentials of the Federal Reserve .

    市场对美联储战胜通胀的可信度发出了模糊的 信号。

  • He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war .

    他面临民主党内对可能出现的战事不断 滋长的不满 情绪

  • I was trying to quell a growing unease .


  • On the emotional level there will be an undercurrent of unease tension boredom or nervousness .

    在你的情绪层次上,将会出现涌动的 、紧张、无聊、焦躁。

  • The Xerox cuts were the latest sign of growing unease in technology .

    施乐的裁员再次显示了科技 行业 日益加剧。

  • Moreover control measures are socially disruptive and may further increase public unease .


  • Alongside carmakers ' opportunism in exploiting the Chinese market there is an undercurrent of unease .

    在汽车制造商瞅准机会开发中国市场之 ,一股 的暗流在涌动。

  • Part of the unease over the gay-discrimination rules is that they are new .

    对同性恋歧视法令的 部分源自它们都是新近的。

  • However any unease I may have experienced evaporated when Dr.A entered the room .

    但是,任何我可能已经消失时遇到博士 阿进

  • There is however unease in feminist circles .

    但是,女权主义者当中存在着 不满 情绪

  • His abrupt resignation produced unease at a time when falling sales in China started to hit profits .


  • Growing unease at the prospect of an election is causing fierce arguments within the party .

    对选举前景持续增加的 忧虑在党内引起了激烈的争吵。

  • Maurice still felt the unease of wrongdoing .
