The p-median of an undirected tree problem was studied .
研究了 无 向 树 上的p中心问题。
The algorithm firstly distills vision and structure information from a web page to construct a weighted undirected graph whose vertices are the leaf nodes of the DOM tree and the edges represent the visible position relationship between vertices .
该算法首先将抽取网页结构和视觉信息构造一个 无 向加权图,其中图的顶点是网页DOM 树中的可视叶子节点,图的边为浏览器中显示的节点位置关系。
Because only the triangle matrix information is encoded in the symmetric matrix that describes all possible changes of the undirected network the length of coding string is moderate and there is no limitation of edges for modeling the whole evolution from the tree to complete graph .
该编码方法只记录对称邻接矩阵中三角阵的信息,反映了 无 向网络的所有可能变化,因而编码串长度适中,网络边数不需限制,可以模拟网络从 树到完备图的整个演化过程。
According to the algorithm based on vertex traversing graph under the serial algorithm model a parallel algorithm of traversing undirected graph based on edge is put forward on CREW PRAM . The shortest path spanning tree of undirected graph is found .
针对串行算法模型下基于顶点遍历图的情况,提出了一种在CREW PRAM并行模型下遍历 无 向图的算法。
The optimization problem of constructing k-connected graph from any undirected tree by adding a minimum set of edges is studied . An efficient algorithm with complexity of O ( | V | ~ 4 ) is presented .
解决了以最少边集扩充一个任意 无 向 树图为k点连通图这一优化问题,提出了一个计算复杂度为D(V~4)的算法。
Based on the theory of the minimum spanning tree using undirected graph the optimum plane layout of the sewerage pipeline network system was studied with the consideration of the effect of the weight changing on the spanning tree .
根据最小生成树理论,考虑网络权值变化对生成 树的影响,采用 无 向图对排水管网系统平面布置优化设计方法进行了研究。
This problem is a restricted form of the k-tree core of an undirected tree and is motivated from the application in the design of distributed data base in tree based network .
该问题是已有的 无 向 树p中心问题的一个限定形式,可以应用于 树形网络 上的分布式数据库数据副本最优安置问题。
美[ˌʌndɪˈrɛktɪd tri]英[ˈʌndiˈrektid tri:]