understanding program

[ˌʌndɚˈstændɪŋ ˈproˌɡræm][ˌʌndəˈstændiŋ ˈprəuɡræm]

[计] 理解程序

  • We look forward to working with you to ensure understanding of and compliance with requirements set forth in this program for you and all Merchandise Manufacturers for TCCC .

    我们寄期望于同你们及所有的 TCCC产品制造商携手合作来确保对行为准则中的要求的充分 理解和遵从。

  • Furthermore this study is to provide reference for the less developed regions even for the whole country to get a better understanding on the National Health-protection Program so that they would take practical and effective measures to carry it out .

    北京“城中村”整改系列调查(之一)也为其他经济状况相对落后的地区乃至全国范围内更好地 认识,并采取切实有效的措施保证《全民健身 计划 纲要》的实施提供参考。

  • Everything is organized and detailed and someone reading the script for the first time will have a better chance in understanding what the program is doing .

    所有东西都组织有序,并且有详细的描述,初次阅读这个脚本的人更容易 理解 的作用。

  • Understanding XSL 's basic program flow is crucial to grasping how JAXP handles transformations .

    理解XSL的基本 程序流对于掌握JAXP如何处理转换是非常关键的。

  • This is according to my calculations and my understanding of how the program works .

    这是我的计算方法,这也是我 白金社区的 方案 理解

  • Based on a brain information processing model this paper presents a program understanding model as a program complexity measure from the aspect of reading programs .

    本文基于一个人脑信息处理模型,从阅读程序的角度,提出了一个程序 理解模型,作为 程序复杂性的一种量度。

  • Our data provide a valuable data set in understanding the molecular basis for growth inhibition response program of the AR in prostate cancer cells which can be exploited for developing novel prostate cancer therapeutic strategies .

    在前列腺癌细胞中,我们的数据为 理解AR的生长抑制反应 过程的分子机制提供了有用的数据,可以用于开发新的前列腺癌的治疗策略。

  • Especially with the pressure from living environment was ever-increasing ecology consequence was indicated that the forest will be one of primary material source in the industrial society . The vital function is a new understanding to forest and sustaining and program development of humanity .

    特别是随着人类对来自生存环境压力的与日俱增,森林作为工业社会的主要材料来源之一的生态学后果的凸现,人类对森林与 林业和人类生存与发展的重要作用产生了新的 认识

  • Understanding and application of the class in program design

    程序设计中类的 认识和应用

  • Whenever you define a named function your reader attempts to put that function name in his or her brain cache which needlessly complicates the reader 's understanding of the program .

    在您定义有名称的函数时,您的读者会企图将函数名输入到他/她的记忆中,这没有必要复杂化读者对 程序 理解

  • Be involved in understanding a program written by someone else .

    全心投入并 理解别人的 程序

  • Program understanding and the assembly language program understanding tool TALU

    程序 理解及汇编源 程序辅助理解工具TALU

  • Furthermore the legibility and ease of understanding of the program are much greater than in assembly language .

    此外, 程序的清晰度及易 理解性也比汇编语言高。

  • I have a common understanding of three kinds of program control decoder chip .

    在我 了解中常见的有3种主控解码芯片的 方案

  • An approach to analyzing and understanding program ── program slicing

    一种分析和 理解 程序的方法&程序切片

  • Numbers certainly help paint a picture but speaking with alumni is even more valuable in understanding how the program played a part in helping students reach their goals .

    数据当然可以描绘一副蓝图,而与校友的交谈却是一个更可贵的机会, 了解 课程是如何帮助学生实现梦想的。

  • Software protection via encryption is an effective way to prevent software pirate from understanding the program by means of reverse engineering .

    通过加密来保护软件,是防止盗版者通过逆向工程 理解 程序的一种有效方式。

  • Devoting much attention to basic research in modernization of Chinese materia medica : understanding of learning Program for Chinese Materia Medica Development

    重视中药现代化的基础研究&学习《中药现代化发展 纲要体会

  • Presents the development of the gastrointestinal series robot making the use of modem methods of design thinking which solving the original understanding analysis driven design study of gastrointestinal drug release program and analysis of the advantages and feasibility of the program .

    摘要介绍胃肠道系列机器人的发展,利用现代设计方法的求解原理 思想,分析研究胃肠道药物释放驱动机构设计 方案,并分析各方案的优缺点及可行性。

  • Program Understanding ( PU ) or Program Comprehension ( PC ) is often viewed as the process of recognizing and extracting system design concepts from the source code .

    程序 理解可以看作是从源码中提取系统设计概念的过程。

  • It is powerful to have common understanding of the goals and direction of your change program across the organization .

    对您的组织的变化 计划的目标和方向有一个普遍的 理解是非常有力的。

  • Available on the website directory and file to read write delete and upload other operations but also comes with a JSP probe for understanding the program runs the container environment .

    可对网站上的目录和文件进行读、写、删除和上载等操作,也附带了JSP探针,用于 了解 程序所运行的容器环境。

  • Another way to use Quantify besides performance analysis is to gain a better understanding of program logic and operation .

    除了性能分析之外,另一种使用Quantify的方法是获取对 程序逻辑和操作更好的 理解

  • One approach to the issue of understanding the wavelet is an interactive program for wavelet design .

    据此开发研制了一种具有良好人机界面功能的设计震源子波的 程序,有 了解实际地震勘探中震源子波对地震波信号的作用。

  • Countermeasures and understanding on construction program to improve living environment in cities

    对城市平湖工程建设的 认识和对策&关于城市平湖 工程的调查报告

  • Understanding LOOP Program Structure by Using VFP Debugger

    巧用VFP调试器 理解 程序设计中的循环结构

  • The measurement of program complexity is a description of the difficulty in the understanding of static features and dynamic behaviors of program a measurement of the size of the software as well as an important research field of software project .

    程序复杂性度量是对 程序静态特性和动态行为的 理解难易程度的描述,是软件规模的一个度量,也是软件工程的一个重要研究领域。

  • Understanding Macro - program for machining it is important part of CNC technology .


  • However the reforms also exists some problems worthy of studying both of theoretical understanding question and the design and promote program .

    但是各地现有的改革还存在着一些值得研究的问题,既有理论 认识问题,又有方案设计和推进 程序的问题。

  • Program slicing is an approach to analyzing and understanding program .

    程序分片是一种分析和 理解 程序的技术。