The legal standard uncertainty is not only for the realization of the law provides a convenient and the realization of the law also realize the social fairness and justice .
法律规范的 确定性不仅为 法律的实现提供了便利,而且法律规范的实现也同时实现了社会的公平正义。
Investigation into the Definiteness and Indefiniteness of Semantic Association in English ; Between Certainty and Uncertainty & Interpretation of Inquiry of the Meanings about Law ;
英语语义联想中的确定性和 不 确定性调查在确定性和非确定性之间&解读 《 法律的意义追问 》
Uncertainty of parameters shortage of data mistiness of constitutive law and serious nonlinearity has been a big obstacle to engineers .
参数给 不准,数据有限,本构 机理 不清楚, 不 确定性和非线性极强,已成为困扰岩土工程师的严重问题。
Conflict and Remedy Caused by the Uncertainty of Law
法律 不 确定性引出的冲突与补救
On whether the law of uncertainty on the considerable influence of the rule of law and its function of cognition .
对法律是否 具有 确定性的探讨在相当程度上影响着 对 法治及其功能的认识。
Debates on the uncertainty of law never stop and it is believed to continue in future .
而关于 法 的 不 确定性的争论也并未停止,相信今后这样的争论还会继续进行下去。
With the development of international economy and international competition the uncertainty of International Antitrust Law will be constantly getting settlement .
国际反垄断 法随着国际经济和国际竞争的发展,它的 不 确定性也将不断地 予以克服。
Though a few major parameters have outstanding uncertainty yet seismologists think unanimously distribution of fault follows power law scaling relation .
虽然关于一些重要参数值仍然存在显著的 不 确定性,地学家们一致认为断层分布遵从幂 律标度关系。
The uncertainty of limits of subject in Law of Individual Sole investor Enterprise causes the difficulty of legal administration of some enterprises .
《个人独资企业 法 》主体范围 不 明确,造成 实践中某些企业难以纳入法制管理。
For a man a conversation is a way to define a problem debate the rights and wrongs and find a solution . Between Certainty and Uncertainty & Interpretation of Inquiry of the Meanings about Law ;
对男人来说,谈话是明确问题,明辨是非,解决问题的一种方法。在确定性和 非 确定性之间&解读 《 法律的意义追问 》
The thesis puts emphasis on the uncertainty of dynamic economic law including the uncertainty of economic law 's legislation execution and judicature .
本文对经济 法的不 确定性的研究侧重于经济法在动态意义上的不确定性,即经济立法、经济执法和经济司法的 不 确定性。
Regardless of whether the fairness uncertainty rule of law neutral conservative or the authority it is a kind of erosion .
无论是对法治的公正性、 确定性、中立保守性还是对 法治的权威来说,都是一种侵蚀。
But this standard is not actually practical with the uncertainty of law and the judge 's elusory mind .
但 法律的或然性以及法官内在思维 过程的难以 把握 性,决定了这一标准常常是不切实际的。此标准只能在极有限的范围内保留使用。
As a result of limitations of the statute law legal uncertainty and our authorized interpretation of Criminal Law it is of necessity and rationality of the existence of criminal discretion .
由于成文法的局限性、法律解释的 不 确定性和我国《 刑法 》的授权,使得刑事自由裁量权的存在具有必要性和合理性。
The main focus is on its uncertainty of law high professional risk and poor fund guarantee .
其 不 明确 的 法律 属性、较高的职业风险以及困难的经费保障已成为人们关注的焦点。
This dissertation focused on how to achieve a justifying interpreting conclusion when the legal rules uncertainty in the application of the law .
本文所要讨论的中心问题是在运用 法律 的 过程中,当法律规则的含义 具有 不 确定性时,如何规范地对法律规则作出解释,并获得正当性 法律解释结论。
Through reasonable assessment and modeling these methods can take the model non-linear characteristics coupling effect of each channel uncertainty and unmodeled dynamics of the object characteristics into consideration when control law is designed .
这种方法通过合理地评估和建模,可以将忽略的导弹的非线性、各通道的耦合作用、 不 确定性和未建模动态特性等加入控制 律的设计过程中。
The Contract Law of the People 's Republic of China effective as of October 1 1999 fully introduces the system of Uncertainty as a Defense of the Continental Law and absorbs the reasonable components of the system of Anticipatory Breach of Contract of the Anglo-American Law .
我国于1999年颁布实施的《合同法》首次全面引进了大陆 法系 的 不 安抗辩权制度,同时也吸收了英美法系预期违约制度的合理性;
This kind of law in the course of operating restricted by the various kinds of factor and influence makes legislators ' legislative original intention changed in the legal practice that is the uncertainty of the law operation .
这种法律在运行过程中,由于受到各种因素的制约与影响,使立法者的立法初衷在法律实践中发生了各种形式的变异,就是 法律运行的 不 确定性。
Meanwhile the uncertainty distribution of reservoir sandstones and oil & gas abundance law restrict the following exploration . It is urgent to enhance the reservoir and sedimentary facies study .
但长期以来 对储层砂体展布和油气 富集 的 认识 不 明确,制约着下一步的勘探工作,因此,加强对沉积相及储层的研究已刻不容缓。
Administrating the accounting information we should attach importance to reducing the uncertainty of accounting codes tightening the law enforcement reforming the managerial system strengthening the supervision and improving the quality of accounting personnel
治理会计信息失真问题,应重在减少会计法规的 不 确定性,加大 执法力度,改革会计管理体制,加强监督力度,提高会计人员素质
There are more complexities about rules of burden of proof in international civil procedures compared with domestic civil proceedings thus coming the uncertainty of the applicable law .
证明责任规范在国际民事诉讼中具有更多的复杂性,其准据 法 的 确定,因具体规范的性质不同而根据 冲突法规则具有更多的 不 确定性。
Referee uncertainty of the outcome may cause the law expected to be damaged to some extent but at the same time it is an inevitable and objective existence .
裁判结果的 不 确定性,可能使 法律的预期在某种程度上遭受损害,但与此同时,它是不可避免且又客观存在的。
On Uncertainty of laws and Introduction of the Case Law
论法的 不 确定性与判例 法之引进
A single antimonopoly law system can be suitable to the development of the international economy liberalization and minimized the uncertainty of the international antimonopoly law .
普遍的国际反垄断制度既可以适应国际经济自由化的进一步发展,又可以克服目前国际反垄断 法制 中 的 不 确定性。
Because of the uncertainty of judgment rule in CPL ( Criminal Procedure Law ) and the inquisitorial tradition the fact finder would often ignore the reasoning structure in the complex criminal litigations .
由于中国刑事诉讼裁判规范的 不 确定性,加上裁判者解释时职权性浓厚,往往忽视复合型刑事诉讼 行为中的推理结构。
Quantum cryptography is a new method based on the uncertainty of the quanta world the Law of Nature offers the ultimate security assurance for the secret communication .
量子密码学这种新思想起因于量子世界的 不 确定性,物理 法则为保密通信提供了可靠的安全保证。
Between Certainty and Uncertainty & Interpretation of Inquiry of the Meanings about Law ;
在确定性和 非 确定性之间&解读 《 法律的意义追问 》
On the Certainty and Uncertainty of Law
论 法律的确定性与 不 确定性
美[ʌnˈsə:tn:ti ʌv lɔ]英[ʌnˈsɜ:tnti: ɔv lɔ:]
[法] 法律的不确定性