


  • A jealous zephyr not a doubt .

    一定,是嫉妒的 西风

  • How could a zephyr ride an ass ?

    怎能骑在驴 上?

  • The phenomenon of regional synchronic contamination in North China plain is restricted by persistently steady zephyr at high altitude and various steady synoptic types at low altitude .

    华北平原区域性同步污染现象受制于高空持续稳定的 西风及低空各类稳定的天气型 配置

  • Cross Completion Techniques for the Support of Multiple Objects & Comparison and Analysis of GCC and Zephyr Infrastructure

    多目标交叉编译技术&GCC与 Zephyr 编译器 构造的分析与比较

  • There was not even a zephyr stirring ; the dead noonday heat had even stilled the songs of the birds ;

    树林里 纹丝不动,中午的闷热,令人 窒息,连树上的鸟儿都停止了歌唱。

  • The golden leaves of summer along with the bright moonlight and the gentle zephyr would always bestow a feeling of tranquility and leisure on us .

    夏天的金叶子, 月朗 轻,总是能给人一种清逸娴静的感觉。

  • They sat on the back porch as morning breathed a frosty zephyr across the weathered planking .

    清晨的 寒风 吹过风化的地板,此刻他们正坐在后面的门廊上。

  • Listen to every zephyr for some reproof for it is surely there and he is unfortunate who does not hear it .

    西风 中听 一听谴责之辞吧,一定有的,听不到的人是不幸的。

  • Radial zephyr can produce an effect to the atmosphere of household affect the person 's mood and health thereby this is geomantic .

    光线 ,会对家居的氛围产生影响,从而影响人的心情和健康,这就是风水。

  • Mr zephyr didn 't bat an eye .

    西风先生一 也不 感到惊奇。

  • A delicious zephyr played along the coasts of the Mediterranean and wafted from shore to shore the sweet perfume of plants mingled with the fresh smell of the sea .

    一阵爽 微风 吹拂着地中海的海岸,把夹杂着清新的海的气息的花草香味到处播送。

  • I put my foot down and the Zephyr gathered speed up the slope . The motor coughed and then died so he gave it the gum .

    我踩 油门, 西风 汽车加速爬上了斜坡。引擎 发生空爆音然后死了火,所以他加大了 油门

  • April Zephyr Smiling at Spring Flowers

    四月 笑春花

  • Anxiety of zephyr of coronary heart disease is heart disease what distinction do these two kinds of disease have excuse me ?

    冠心病 心病都是心脏病,请问这两种病有什么区别?

  • With Grisha at club zephyr .

    跟葛瑞格利去 西风俱乐部。

  • Kathy I was the last one to leave the zephyr team .

    凯西,我是最后离开 赛佛队的。

  • Instead Zephyr the most gentle of winds carried her away .

    相反,风向中最温和的 西风,将她带走了。