zinc chromate

[zɪŋk ˈkroˌmet][ziŋk ˈkrəumeit]


  • In order to control the steel corrosion traditional method is galvanized in the steel surface . After plating or hot dip galvanized zinc the surface will be treated by chromate conversion treatment technology .

    为了控制钢铁腐蚀,传统方法是在钢铁表面镀锌&电镀或热镀锌后再进行 层表面 铬酸盐 化学转化处理。

  • It has shown that the antirust properties of calcium phosphite coatings are similar to the red lead antirusting coatings and superior to the zinc chromate or zinc phosphate antirusting coatings .

    试验结果表明,亚磷酸钙涂料的防锈性能与红丹防锈涂料相当,优于 铬黄、磷酸锌防锈涂料。

  • A. study of the composition and formation mechanism of the passivating film on zinc electroplate in chromate solutions

    镀层上 铬酸钝化膜的组成及成膜机理的研究

  • A novel excellent corrosion resistant of Zn-Cr film coating had been fabricated with fine zinc powder chromate and acrylic acid etc in this study .

    本研究用细 金属 锌粉铬酐、丙烯酸等原材料,制备了耐蚀性优异的锌铬涂层。

  • And SDDTC and zinc sulfate sodium chromate corrosion inhibitors of the compound has good synergies all of this research has important practical application of significance .

    而且SDDTC与硫酸 铬酸钠之复配缓蚀剂具有很好的协同增效作用,这一切相关研究具有重要的实际应用意义。

  • Effect of Zinc Sulfate on the Testing of Chromate Conversion Film on the Surface of Galvanized Steel Sheets

    硫酸 对镀锌钢板中 铬酸盐转化膜检测的影响

  • Determination of lead in zinc can of primary battery by means of strontium nitrate-lead chromate capacity method

    硝酸锶- 铬酸铅容量法测定干电池 筒中的铅

  • A process to prepare aqueous rust-removing and anti-corrosive paint by using polyvinyl acetate emulsion as adhesive phosphoric acid as rust-transforming agent and zinc phosphate and zinc chromate as passivating agent and anticorrosive agent is introduced .

    介绍了一种以聚醋酸乙烯酯乳液为基料、以磷酸为锈转化剂、以磷酸锌和 铬酸 为钝化剂和防腐剂的水乳型除锈、防锈漆的制备方法。

  • In fact Dacromet is an English name : DACROMET means non-electrolytic zinc chromate coating .

    其实“达克罗”一词是英文:DACROMET即非电解 铬酸盐涂层。

  • A new anti-rust paint for rusted material was developed by addition of zinc phosphate zinc oxide aluminum tripolyphosphate barium chromate and other auxiliaries which result in phosphating and chromating of rusted metal surface to obtain continuous uniform and fine protective film .

    研制了一种新型带锈防锈漆。通过加入磷酸锌、氧化 、三聚磷酸铝、 铬酸钡等助剂,使金属带锈表面锈层磷化、钝化,形成连续、均匀、致密的保护层。

  • Two pack polyamide cured epoxy resin medium pigmented with zinc chromate .

    双组份、具有 铬酸 颜料和聚酰胺固化的环氧树脂介质。

  • Passivation technology on electrodeposited zinc in titanium solution was provided as an alternative treatment to chromate blue passivation .

    探讨了 镀锌层钛 溶液钝化替代 传统 铬酸盐镀锌层蓝色钝化的工艺和 形成蓝色钝化膜的机理。

  • The electrochemical behaviour and corrosion resistance of thermosetting zinc based chromate conversion film ( TCCF ) and chromate conversion film ( CCF ) on zinc in 3 . 5 % NaCl neutral solution have been investigated .

    通过电极极化曲线测量和盐雾试验等方法,研究了热固型 铬酸盐转化涂层(TCCF)和电镀锌钝化层(CCF)在3.5%NaCl中性溶液中的电化学行为和防蚀性。

  • Peeling thick edges nozzle strip scratchs of steel matrix and zinc layer chromate spots and white rust are main defects in continuous hot dip galvanizing strip .

    锌层脱落、厚边、气刀条痕、钢基划伤、 层划伤、 钝化斑点、白锈是带钢连续热镀锌几种常见的缺陷。

  • The passivating films of zinc plating were modified by adding H3PO4 SiO2 Ti (ⅳ) compound in low chromate solution .

    采用在低 钝化液中添加H 3PO4,SiO2,Ti(Ⅳ)盐对钝化膜进行改性;

  • The cerium conversion coating which was prepared properly would provide a better protection a-gainst corrosion for zinc and galvanized steel than the chromate conversion coating did -

    在一定条件下,铈转化膜对 和镀锌钢的肪蚀效果优于 铬酸盐转化膜。