zero G

[ˈzɪro dʒiː][ˈziərəu dʒiː]


  • If there are very little zero points in the character table of G then the structure of G can be restricted .

    G的特征标表中 零点很少时,可以期望G的群论结构有很大限制。

  • It was proved that this reaction is zero order with respect to Fe2 + and first order with respect to NO2 ( g ) .

    证明该速率对Fe~( 2+), 级。

  • This concept of zero g became official terminology of astronauts as the Space Race accelerated in the 1960s and today it 's viewed more as a science term than a sci-fi term .

    1960年代,太空竞赛加速, 重力的概念成为了宇航员的官方术语。如今,它更多地被看作是科学术语而非科幻术语了。

  • The results showed that the main morphometric change of cellular ultrastructure was partial or total vacuolization of mitochondria with its incidence increased from 10 . 3 at dose zero to 55 % at dose 60 μ g / ml.

    结果说明:主要表现为线粒体局部或全部空泡化,其变异率由0剂量点的10.3%增大到60μ m/ml剂量点的55.0%;

  • The velocity at any moment v = v0 + gt in time equals v zero plus gt and the acceleration is constant & g it 's simply g.

    而速度,在任意时刻都是,同时 加速度 常数-,也就是。

  • The requirement that your turns sum to zero is necessary to keep you from getting caught in certain loops such as one shaped like a capital G ( try it out on paper to see what I mean ) .

    转身数的总和必须是 ,这是为了避免陷入某些环路,比如大写 字母 G形状的环路(在纸上试着走一下这个形状,就会明白我的意思)。

  • Influence of Spin Singlet on Zero Field Splitting and g Factors of 3d ~ 2 / 3d ~ 8 Ions in Trigonal Field

    自旋单态对3d~2/3d~8离子在三角场中的 场分裂和顺磁 g因子的影响

  • At 263 nm the linear relation of valley zero range with concentration of chlorhexidine gluconate was in good over the concentration range of 3 ~ 18 μ g / ml.

    葡萄糖酸洗必泰在263nm处,3~18μ g/ml浓度(Y)范围内,谷 间振幅X对Y呈良好线性。

  • The results showed that : after five generations of selection sire and dam 70 ~ 180 days old daily gain was promoted from 427.4 g 431.6 g of zero generation to 534.6 g 574.3 g of the fifth generation respectively ;

    经过5个世代的选育,公、母猪70~180日龄平均日增重由 0世代的4274g和4316g提高到5世代的 5346g和5743g;

  • The nullity of a graph G with order n is the multiplicity of the eigenvalue zero in its spectrum denoted by η( G ) .

    图G的零维数是指图G的谱中 0特征值的重数,记为η( G)。