zinc cement

[zɪŋk sɪˈmɛnt][ziŋk siˈment]

[医] 锌粘固粉

  • Explored and recorded the curative effect of protecting pulp bottom material glass ion curing agent and self-congealing hl joint zinc phosphate cement posterior teeth with deep caries repaired .

    探讨并记录护髓垫底材料玻璃离子粘固剂与自凝氢氧化钙联合磷酸 水门汀治疗后牙深龋的疗效并进行比较。

  • A Clinical Evaluation of Zinc Polycarboxylate Cement as a Base Material

    聚羧酸 基底的临床疗效

  • Effect of proportion with metallurgical lead and zinc slag on the wet process cement production was studied .

    研究了冶炼 铅锌废渣配料对湿法 水泥生产的影响。

  • This is a research on using marl and tailings from copper are and zinc ore to produce low energy consumption cement .

    研究利用泥灰岩和铜 尾矿代粘土烧制 水泥 熟料

  • Methods With zinc oxide eugenol cement and gutta-percha point this therapy was used in treatment of labial teeth and bicuspid premolar abscess in 75 teeth of 56 cases .

    方法采用氧化 丁香油酚 固剂及牙胶尖,对56例患者75颗根尖周脓肿进行一次性前牙及双尖牙根尖脓肿根管治疗法。

  • The influence of copper and zinc tailings on burning and properties of silicate cement was study .

    研究铜 尾矿对熟料煅烧和 水泥性能的影响。

  • Objective : To compare the tensile bond strength between composite fiber-reinforced dowels luted with a resin cement and stainless steel dowels luted with zinc phosphate cement .

    目的:比较用树脂粘接剂粘接的纤维增强复合树脂预成桩与用磷酸 固的不锈钢预成桩的拉伸固位强度。

  • Methods Cast posts and cores were fabricated for 60 of 66 extracted single-root mandibular premolars which randomly divided into 6 groups and cemented with zinc phosphate cement .

    方法66颗离体 单根管下颌前磨牙,其中60颗随机分为6组,制作铸造桩核。

  • Experimental studies on hydrophobic zinc oxide-eugenol cement

    疏水性氧化 丁香油水 门汀的实验研究

  • The process scheme of producing high grade zinc oxide by treating zinc raw materials and jointly producing fertilizer and cement have been introduced in this paper together with the tech-economic analysis .

    本文介绍了处理 原料生产高级氧化锌联产化肥/ 水泥的工艺方案,为新建或已有小碳铵厂、钛白粉厂、 品厂等化工 有色企业的技改,提供了技术。

  • Objective : To develop nano composite zinc phosphate cement .

    目的:初步研制纳米复合磷酸 水门汀

  • The result shows that zinc phos-phate cement is the most retentive cement .

    结果表明,磷酸 固剂所获粘接力最大。

  • All-ceramic specimens were luted to the metal alloy by Zinc Phosphate cement glass ionomer cement and composite resin .

    将全瓷试件和背景试件分别用树脂 粘接剂、玻璃离子粘固粉、磷酸 粘固粉 粘接,根据粘接材料的不同分为3组,每组4个。

  • The control group to self-congealing calcium hydroxide cavity lining and zinc phosphate cement basing with curing light compound resin repaired teeth defect .

    对照组以自凝氢氧化钙衬洞及磷酸 水门汀垫底后与光固化复合树脂联合修复后牙牙体缺损。

  • Results : There was no significant difference between the effusion of glass ionomer cement and amalgam ( P > 0.05 ) the effusion of zinc phosphate cement was the most poor in three kinds of filling materials via microleakage ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果:玻璃离子粘固粉与银汞合金的边缘封闭性较好,二者差异无显著性(P>005),而磷酸 固粉边缘封闭最差与前者比较(P<005)。

  • Experimental Research of Using Copper / Lead / Zinc Mineral Tailings as Substitutes for Cement Feedstocks

    铅锌尾矿应用于 水泥原料的试验研究

  • Brief Introduction on Engineering Project of High Grade Zinc Oxide Jointly Producing Fertilizer and Cement

    高级氧化 联产化肥/ 水泥工程简介

  • Experimental study on shear bond strength of nano composite zinc phosphate cement for prosthodontics

    口腔修复用纳米复合磷酸 水门汀粘接强度的实验研究

  • Objective : An in vitro study was conducted to measure the fracture resistance of upper incisors restored with post-and-core systems . The posts were cemented by two different cements : Super-bond C & B and zinc phosphate cement .

    目的:观测磷酸 水门汀及树脂粘接剂(Super-bondC&B)作为离体上中切牙核桩修复粘接剂在静态载荷下牙体抗力的大小。

  • Observation was made on the influence of nano particle on adhesive property of zinc phosphate cement and mechanism was discussed .

    通过对纳米复合磷酸 水门汀 粘接 强度测试和扫描电子显微镜观察,探讨其粘接性能及作用机制。

  • When zinc phosphate cement was used as the base material the magnitude of maximum Von Mises stress and maximum tensile stress in enamel and composite restorations were comparatively lower than those of glass ionomer cement and the stress distribution were more equable .

    从基底材料看,磷酸 作为基底时,牙釉质、修复体的最大VONMISES应力及最大拉应力较玻璃离子粘固粉作为基底时要小,且应力分布更均匀。