


  • Mexico which has served three previous terms on the council was unopposed in its bid for the Latin America and Caribbean seat .

    曾经在安理会担任过三 非常理事国的墨西哥在 角逐拉丁美洲和加勒比地区席位的 过程 没有 遇到 对手

  • The Captain says that we must draw the fire of the shore battery in order that the landing party can get to the beach unopposed .

    舰长说,为了让登陆 能顺利 上海滩,我们必须吸引岸上的炮火来 攻击我们。

  • The council re-elected him unopposed as party leader

    委员会 一致 通过 再次选举他为党的领袖

  • With the support of al-Adid Shirkuh entered Cairo unopposed .


  • Were it not for these counterbalances humankind would self-destruct out of the sheer mass of its unopposed negativity .

    如果不是因为这些弥补的作用,人类就会由于绝对的 消极性而自我毁灭了。

  • Fernando Chui the current Chief Executive is currently running unopposed in an election next month .

    现任行政长官崔世安(Fernando Chui)在下个月的选举中 暂无 对手

  • The next day 1st Army armoured cars drove unopposed into Tunis .

    次日,第一军的装甲车 畅通无阻 驶进突尼斯。

  • The bill have an unopposed second read in the house .

    该议案在下院二读时 未遭 反对

  • In October she was elected unopposed for another six-year term .

    去年十月,她在没有 对手 挑战 再次 连任另一个六年任期。

  • He said the move was yet another measure to ensure the junta proxy parties like the Union Solidarity and Development Party ( USDP ) are unopposed in the election .

    他说,此举是另一个类似措施,确保军政府傀儡联邦巩固与发展党在选举中 自动 当选

  • The party leader was re-elected unopposed .

    这个党派的领袖再次 顺利 当选

  • If unopposed a director requires only one vote in favour regardless of how many votes are withheld .

    如果 没有 反对,一名董事只需要一张赞成票 即可 当选,不论有多少票弃权。

  • NATO 's ground forces entered Kosovo unopposed and most of those who died in the subsequent mission were victims of traffic accidents .

    进入科索沃 北的地面部队 并未 遭遇 对抗,并且大多数在后续行动中 殉职的军人都死于车祸。

  • This is a first for the Gulf monarchies & bar a woman in the nearby kingdom of Bahrain who stood unopposed in a tiny constituency ;

    这是海湾君主制中的首例&阻挠一名在巴林附近的一个小小选区中 没有 反对者的女性;

  • Left to rule his kingdom unopposed the Lich King began preparing for his true mission in the world .

    一统 诺森德 大陆 之后,巫妖王准备着手执行他真正的任务。

  • Joining the election would at least prevent Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen the frontrunner being returned unopposed .

    参选至少可以阻止大热门政务司司长曾荫权自动 当选