universal key

[ˌjunəˈvɚsəl ki][ˌju:niˈvə:səl ki:]


  • Therefore the construction and the process of reform of monopoly industries adapt to the universal service mechanism as a key issue .

    因此,构建与我国垄断性产业改革进程相适应的 普遍服务机制成为一个 关键问题。

  • In this paper numerical control precision forging hydraulic press universal hydraulic die set and key technique for cold no-flash precision forging such as design of distributary cavity optimization of precision forging processing & die design were introduced .

    本文介绍了分流腔的设计、精锻工艺优化、精锻模具优化设计等闭式冷精锻 关键技术及数控精锻液压机与 通用液压模架的研究与应用。

  • The building of an universal platform is one of nine key technological problem in ITS ( Intelligent Transportation System ) .

    通用技术平台的构建也是当前ITS的九个 关键技术问题之一。

  • In the design of software with the thought of modular programming the system is divided into seven function modules and the fault diagnosis and universal design are the key technologies .

    在软件设计中,采用模块化编程思想,将系统分为七个功能模块, 关键技术为故障诊断和 通用 设计。

  • Although the adaptive signal control is better than the actuated signal control and the fixed signal control generally the adaptive signal control is not universal key to solve all signal control problem .

    尽管自适应信号控制总体上优于感应信号控制和定时信号控制,但自适应信号控制并不是解决所有信号控制的 万能 钥匙

  • TCP / IP is a universal supported network protocol family also the key technology of the network communication .

    TCP/IP是目前被 广泛支持的一种网络协议,也是网络通信的 核心技术。

  • The use of the universal principle of Marxism is the key of the theory preparation ;

    马克思主义 普遍原理中国化,是理论准备的 关键

  • Aiming at solving the problem in current die CAD this paper proposes a new idea developing universal and efficient die CAD system and probes into the key techniques in detail .

    针对目前模具CAD系统存在的问题,本文提出了研制 通用高效模具CAD系统的新思路,并就具体的 关键技术进行了详细探讨。

  • Experts at the meeting identified universal energy access to electricity and heating and cooking fuel as key to countries'development .

    此次会议的专家提出, 普遍获取能源(电力、取暖和做饭的燃料)是各国发展的 关键

  • Urban transport problem is a universal and key issue in city development .

    城市交通问题是目前城市发展中遇到的 共同 关键问题。

  • Subjective analytical paradigm has universal specific typical principles of application and the key differences compared with traditional paradigm were theoretical premise correlation and freedom attributes content and structure .

    企业主体性分析范式具有 一般应用原理、特殊应用原理和典型应用原理, 关键在于假设前提以及相关和自主的特性、内容与结构关系的不同。

  • The physical implementation of a universal set of high-fidelity quantum gates is a key step in quantum computation .

    实现可集成的量子计算的 关键步骤是实现保真度足够高的一组 量子逻辑门。

  • The core of vertical search is vertical search algorithm . First this paper introduces the basic principles of universal search algorithms and the key technologys and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of them and proposed in this foundation the new vertical search algorithm .

    垂直搜索引擎的核心部分是垂直搜索算法。本文首先介绍 通用搜索算法的基本原理和 关键技术,并对这些算法的优缺点进行了分析,并在此基础上提出了垂直搜索算法。

  • However the statistics show that the low efficiency in kindergarten moral education is universal which makes the solution to it a key task in the improving of overall moral education level in China .

    然而,资料和现状调查表明,幼儿园德育低效性问题 普遍存在,这使解决幼儿园德育低效性问题成为事关提高我国幼儿德育整体水平的 重要课题。

  • A universal key input system with direct interrupt coding

    直接中断型编码方式的 通用输入 键盘系统

  • The modern economical car adopts the pattern of assigning of front-wheel drive mostly and the constant velocity universal joint is one of the key components among them .

    现代经济型轿车大都采用前轮驱动的布置型式,等速 万向节是其中的 关键部件之一。

  • Based on international experience building medical insurance system to provide universal health care the key is system integration and the path is simplification .

    从国际经验看,国际上医保制度的建设,其 目标 全民医保, 过程是制度融合,路径是化繁为简。

  • ECC technology has been used in many domains and in some environment it will take the place of traditional public key cryptography technology such as RSA DSA etc. ECC will become a universal public key cryptography technology .

    ECC技术已被应用于许多领域,在某些领域有望取代RSA、DSA等传统公钥密码技术,并将成为 通用 公钥密码技术。

  • For this reason our country have regard constant velocity universal joint as one of the key part project to support especially .

    为此,国家将等速 万向节列为重点扶持的汽车 关键零部件项目之一。

  • At last the vibration test of the fixture was carried out . The design of universal fixture for the omni-axes random vibration testing is a key technology in RET engineering application and the research will be introduced widely by popularizing and applying RET.

    轴随机振动试验的夹具设计是可靠性强化试验在工程应用中的 关键技术,该文的研究可以为可靠性强化试验的推广应用提供广泛借鉴。

  • Mr Bennett says his company 's partnership with the record label has facilitated retail relationships we 've never had before because of the relationships Universal has with these key accounts .

    班尼特表示,他的公司与唱片公司的合作关系帮助建立了我们从未有过的零售合作关系,因为 环球与那些 关键客户有关系。

  • Universal education reforms to improve the quality of key talent and enhance overall national strength of the strategic measures .

    各国 普遍把教育教学改革作为提高人才质量的 关键及增强综合国力的战略措施。

  • The notion of certificateless universal designated verifier signature is firstly presented by studying certificateless public key cryptosystems .

    在研究无证书 公钥密码系统的基础上,首次提出无证书 广义指定验证者签名的概念。

  • Gene duplication is universal across all organisms and plays a key role in driving the evolution of genomes and genetic systems .

    基因重复是 普遍 存在的生物学 现象,是基因组和遗传系统多样化的 重要推动力量,在生物进化过程中发挥着极其 重要的作用。

  • The paper presents in detail the design and the realization of the universal operation module and analyzes the key techniques in design and the way for solving the problems .

    文中详细介绍 通用运算器模块的设计及实现,分析了设计中的 关键技术和解决的途径。

  • Therefore how to reform the tax system to guarantee universal taxpaying compliance becomes the key problem .

    如何改革个人所得税税制,保证纳税遵从的 普遍 成为了新时期我国税制改革的一个 重要课题。

  • Based on the rapid progress of the FPGA technology a high-speed remote-sensing multi-satellites universal frame synchronizer is developed . The analysis of key technology and system performance is described .

    本文利用快速发展的FPGA技术设计出了高速遥感多星 通用格式化同步器,同时分析了若干 关键技术参数及系统性能。

  • To build a universal metadata model to standardize system data is a key work about data sharing ; however three usual and conspicuous problems during the process of information resource management make it not easy to achieve fine data sharing .

    构建 的元数据模型对数据进行规范化是数据共享的 关键问题。