Encapsulated fuel unit Analysis on the Relation between EMC Property and Packaging Defect
加密封套的燃料 元件 浅析环氧塑封料性能与器件封装缺陷
The paper introduces the steps of the unit classification analysis method .
介绍了 单元聚类 分析步骤。
To ensure construction security the paper calculatedly analyzes the construction effects of the construction plan for the air duct in the light of the three-dimension limited unit analysis theory comparing the calculated results with the practically measured ones .
为了确保施工安全,根据三维有限 元 分析理论,对风道施工方案进行计算施工效应分析,并与实测结果进行比较。
The third chapter presents the theory and method of Unit Block Analysis model .
第三章至第五章论述建立区块 单元 分析的模型的原理和方法,重点展开对原杭州市区范围各个分块的城市用地平衡表 数据 分析以及相应产生的城市问题解剖和因应措施。
A generic freelance interpreter model noting the major attributes was derived from the data and applied as the unit of analysis in the development of the Balanced Scorecard .
进行平衡计分卡的建置时,所用的 分析 单位便是此自由口译员模型。
Pathogens Isolated from Lower Respiratory Tract in Patients with Mechanical Ventilation in Emergency Intensive Care Unit : Analysis and Nursing Intervention
急诊重症监护 病房机械通气患者下呼吸道病原菌 分析及护理干预
A Summarize on De-noising Technology of High-frequency Noise for Hydropower Generating Unit Wavelet Analysis and Its Application in Denoising the Spectrum of Hyperspectral Image
水电 机组振动信号去除高频噪声技术综述小波 分析及其在高光谱噪声去除中的应用
Data collection of accelerometer for strapdown inertial measurement unit On T - unit analysis
捷联惯组的加速度计信号的采集关于T 单位 测量标准
Spanish Copy Preparation and Proofreading Unit Analysis on the Current Utilization of the Original Edition Foreign-language Books in University Library
西班牙文制版和校对 股高校图书馆原版外文图书利用现状 分析和对策
Therefore as a unit of analysis and a unit of transformation in translation theme / rheme has its advantages .
以主/述位作翻译 单位对原文进行 分析和转换是有效的。
Bent beam unit analysis of drill stem deformation in horizontal well
水平井钻柱受力变形 分析的曲梁 单元
Preliminary study on energy efficiency of domestic multi-connected air-conditioning ( heat pump ) unit Analysis and Application of Digital Variable Multi Air Conditioning Systems in an Office Building
家用多联式空调(热泵) 机组的能效初探强热数码涡旋多联式空调在某办公楼的应用 分析
Soften Mechanism of Masonry Structure and Dispersion Unit Analysis
砌体结构的软化机理与离散 元 分析
These characteristic curves offer the bases of the feed water pump performance estimation and the whole unit economical analysis .
这些曲线不仅为给水泵运行性能考核提供依据,也为整个 机组经济性的 分析提供了依据。
Characterization of Predominant Bacteria Isolates from Clean Rooms in a Pharmaceutical Production Unit and Analysis of Their Sensitivity to Disinfectant ; B Interval between top sheet and foundation drapes covered by sterile pillowcases .
无菌间优势微生物的分离鉴定及其对一般消毒剂的抗性 研究B上 单与底单间隙用无菌枕套覆盖。
Based on it aiming to reduce stress concentrate improved measure is brought forward and ANSYS software is used to do further finite unit analysis and configuration of the axle after amelioration is proved rational .
在此基础上,以减少应力集中为主要目标,对拐轴不合理的结构提出了改进意见,再利用ANSYS软件对改进后轴结构进行了进一步的有限 元 分析,验证了改进后轴结构的合理性。
Proved by field cases the three-stage evaluation method is simple and practical which is suitable to rolling ex-ploration and development and the interior fluid unit analysis in an oilfield .
经现场验证,断层封堵性三级评价方法简洁、实用,适合于滚动勘探开发及油田内部流体 单元 分析。
Results from more than one time point for each trial cannot be combined in a standard meta-analysis without a unit of analysis error .
在一个没有 分析误差 单位的标准meta-分析中,每个试验中多个时点的结果将不能组合在一起。
Study of Acute Stroke Registry in Stroke Unit and Analysis of Related Factors
卒中 单元急性脑卒中登记研究及相关因素 分析
The element or entity about which a researcher collects information . In ratings the unit of analysis is usually a person or household .
研究人员用来收集信息的元素.在视听率研究中, 分析 单位就是个人或家庭。
Methanol Unit Consumption Analysis for Hydrogen Production from Methanol and Steam Reforming
甲醇水裂解制氢装置的甲醇 单耗 分析
In this paper from the systematic view by applying the method of unit analysis thes discuss the classroom teaching as a whole and put forward the frame structure of the evaluation system of compound developing classroom with three levels and two scopes .
本文从系统整体观点出发,把课堂教学作为一个整体来认识,运用 单元 分析法,提出了具有三个层次两个区域的复合发展性课堂教学评价标准的框架结构;
Similarly multiple treatment attempts per participant can cause a unit of analysis error .
同样,每个参与者接受多种治疗可导致 分析 单位误差。
The fundamental difference is the unit of analysis which for a review of reviews is the review article .
基本差别是 分析 单位,对于评价的回顾来说是回顾文章。
Accordingly geopolitics may also have three levels of study : man-environment relationship interaction analysis of international actors actor unit analysis and distribution of internationally significant objects .
国际政治行为体相互作用的分析;行为体 单元 分析和国际政治上有意义的事物的空间分布研究。
Finity Unit Analysis for the Loader s Cab FOPS & FOBS ; High / Low Pressure Switch Anti-frost Protector Solube Chock overload Protector Coil Overheat Protector Automatic Temperature Sensitive Switch Anti-phase Protector .
装载机驾驶室ROPS&FOPS强度有限 元 分析高低压开关,防冻开关,可熔栓,过载保护装置,线圈过热保护器,温度自动开关,逆相保护器。
On T - unit analysis Minimum Norm Control
关于T 单位 测量标准最小范数控制
Research on Speed Estimation of Induction Machine Used in Electric Multiple Unit Analysis and Calculation of the Stator Temperature Field of Asynchronous Traction Motors
动车 组用异步牵引电机转速的估计方法异步牵引电动机定子温度场的计算与 分析
This issue has not received much attention in the literature to date but the paper argues that the issue is of importance and it suggests that a communicative act can serve as a unit of analysis .
作者认为,对含有语码转换的语篇进行分析,应该从交际功能角度考虑,把“ 分析 单位”限定为交际行为。
Dimensional Unit Analysis Method Based on Template Meta-programming
一种基于模板元编程的 量纲 检测方法
美[ˈjunɪt əˈnælɪsɪs]英[ˈju:nit əˈnæləsis]
[经] 单位分析