Program reset enables the camera or wireless unit to be programmed to restart during a specified time interval .
程序重置可以对相机和无线接入 单元进行编程,进而在特殊的时间 间隔中重新启动。
Compactness in fuzzy unit interval
不分明 单位 区间的紧性
A slot represents a time unit such as si ( slot interval ) .
一个槽位代表一个时间 单元,如si(槽位 时间 间隔)。
This paper introduces mainly determination to comprehensive unit price of highway engineering and the reasonable value of comprehensive unit price should be an interval rather than a specific value .
本文则主要介绍公路工程综合单价的合理确定,而且综合 单价的合理值应该是一个 区间而不是具体的某一个值。
Unit of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Power Generation Co. Ltd. the primary factors restricting the overhaul interval extension of the units are analyzed in the aspects of safety and economy .
根据对上海汽轮机厂生产的300MW引进 型 机组的调研情况,结合外高桥发电厂1号机组实际运行和检修情况,从安全性和经济性两方面分析了制约大修 周期延长的基本因素。
The Pan-Connectivity of Unit Interval Graphs
单位 区间图的泛连通性
Characterization of Predominant Bacteria Isolates from Clean Rooms in a Pharmaceutical Production Unit and Analysis of Their Sensitivity to Disinfectant ; B Interval between top sheet and foundation drapes covered by sterile pillowcases .
无菌间优势微生物的分离鉴定及其对一般消毒剂的抗性研究B上 单与底单 间隙用无菌枕套覆盖。
Main parameters of determining distant boundary of the launching zone and the kill zone are target passage number of a fire unit and time interval of launching missile .
影响发射区远界和杀伤区远界的主要因素是火力 单元的目标通道数和导弹的发射 间隔。
When digit signal orbital circuit is adopted in the equipment which is used to transmit train-to - wayside information and location train position the length of digital signal orbital circuit should be the minimal mea - sure unit of distance interval between trains .
采用数字轨道电路作为车一地信息传输设各及列车定位设备时,列车之间的安全 间隔距离必须以数字轨道电路的长度作为最小计量 单位。
The Fuzzy Unit Interval and Its Applications on Fuzzy Topology
不分明 单位 区间及其在不分明拓扑中的应用
A mathematical model aiming at gaining the lowest expected cost per unit has been constructed making use of probability and statistics . Through calculation strategy of the inspection interval and roller replacement is obtained which is accordant with the production reality .
利用概率统计的方法,建立了以 单位期望成本最小为目标的数学模型,并且通过计算得到了符合生产实际的检查 间隔和轧辊更换策略。
Maximizing expected utility from terminal wealth under case of different rates between borrowing and saving ; The numbers you specified can 't be used because the interval for the minor unit tick marks must be less than or equal to the interval for the major unit tick marks .
不同存贷利率下极大化终止时刻期望效用指定的数字无效,因为次要 刻度间距需小于等于主要刻度 间距。
Then the solution of the highest and lowest efficiency score of each decision-making unit ( DMU ) was discussed . So we can gain an interval efficiency score of each DMU and classify the DMUs .
讨论了DMU的最高效率值和最低效率值的求解,从而确定决策 单元(DMU)的 区间效率值,并依此对DMU进行分类。
A new characterization of unit interval graphs is put forth in this paper .
给出 单位 区间图的一种新的刻划。
The former is a relatively simple to calculated while the latter gives an assessment in the unit closed interval .
前者计算相对简单,后者能在 单位闭 区间上给出定量评价。
Operational principles are employed to set up a mathematical model for a unit laboratory equipment needing maintenance and replacement which can determine the optimum interval of replacement in case of their breakdown thus saving cost of replacement .
运用运筹学的原理与方法,建立了实验室单台设备维修更换的数学模型,它能容易地确定每台机器预防性更换的最优 间隔 期,从而使设备在 单位 时间 内的预期更换代价最低。
Physical layer of TD-SCDMA could receive data by the unit of transmission time interval .
TD-SCDMA物理层的传输信道以传输时间 间隔为 单位接收数据,经过信道编码与复用的处理将数据映射到物理信道发送。
The foaming characters of CaO-SiO2-MnO slag system were studied with X-ray transmission apparatus at temperature ranging from 1300 to 1400 ℃ . The foaming slag quantity formed by unit gas within unit interval was used as foaming index to describe slag foaming characters .
用X射线动态显像技术在1300~1450℃的范围内研究了CaO-SiO2-MnO渣系的泡沫性,采用 单位 时间单位气量所产生的泡沫渣量作为泡沫指数描述熔渣的泡沫性。
The numbers you specified can 't be used because the interval for the minor unit tick marks must be less than or equal to the interval for the major unit tick marks .
指定的数字无效,因为次要 刻度间距需小于等于主要刻度 间距。
The exact value of two-dimensional bandwidth for unit - interval graph is produced .
通过引进矩形链这一概念,给出 单位 区间图的二维带宽精确值。
In this dissertation the problem of security-constrained unit commitment in wind power integrated system is studied . Firstly linearization is used for changing the objective function to a set of linear equations and inequalities by interval subsection of the unit output .
本文主要对含风电的安全约束 机组组合问题进行了研究。首先,通过将机组出力 区间分段,并将目标函数线性化为一组线性规划方程来降低模型求解难度。
Characterization of Unit Interval Graphs and Its Application
单位 区间图的一种刻划及其应用
With further analysis of actual data measured with coil tubing unit combined with actual well examples it indicates that pressure draw down distribution and flow rate distribution have the segment of horizontal interval approaching the start point .
结合实际井例,说明水平 段 中 的 压降分布与产量分布具有相同规律,大部分分布于水平 段近起始点的一段 范围 内。
A fuzzy set of type ⅱ can be defined by a fuzzy membership function the fuzzy grade is a fuzzy set in the unit interval 0 w_158 .
二型模糊集是由模糊隶属函数所定义,其隶属度是 0 w_176上的模糊集。
Taking the valuation lattice to be the unit interval this paper introduces the valuation density function and defines the probability truth degree . In addition it discusses some forms of valuation density and gains some rules to guide the probability truth degree inference .
取赋值格为 0 w_283,引入赋值密度函数,定义了命题公式的概率真度,并讨论几种赋值密度函数的形态,得到一些概率真度推理规则。
Conducts the research to the CBA professional league team player technical progress factor draws the following conclusion : 1 、 The CBA player technical progress factor is refers to the player in the competition in unit interval / unit time synthesis performance ability .
对CBA职业联赛球队球员贡献率进行研究,得出以下结论:1、CBA球员贡献率是指球员在比赛中 单位 时间内的综合表现能力。
With this characterization the bandwidth topological bandwidth and the path chromatic number for unit interval graphs are determined .
并由该刻划确定出 单位 区间图的带宽、拓扑带宽和路色数。
In FLn the standard set of truth-values is the unit interval 0 w_672 and the truth functions of connective make it to be an algebra of truth degrees .
FLn的标准真值集为 单位 区间0,1w_700,并且联结词的真值函数使得0,1w_712成为一个真值代数。
美[ˈjunɪt ˈɪntəvəl]英[ˈju:nit ˈintəvəl]