unit profit


  • The company saw17-percent revenue growth and21-percent unit growth in its fourth-quarter earnings for a net quarterly profit of $ 1.14 billion or $ 1.26 per diluted share .

    在第四季度盈利中,公司收入增长了17%, 销售量增长了21%,净 利润为11.4亿美元,或者可以说每股盈利1.26美元。

  • Could you please reduce your unit price by US $ 4 so that the gap with our profit margin would be narrowed ?

    请在 单价上降低四美元,这样就可缩小我方与 预期 利润率的差距。

  • The library aims at its social benefit and pursues the lowest cost of the unit profit .

    图书馆是为社会效益而存在,应追求的是 单位 收益成本最低化。

  • Samsung 's telecom unit reported an operating profit margin of 17.4 % up from 13.7 % a year ago but down from 18.4 % in the first quarter .

    三星的电信 业务实现了17.4%的营业 利润率,高于上年同期的13.7%,但低于今年第一财季的18.4%。

  • As the skeleton production unit and the cost and profit center of enterprises it is necessary to manage the workshops more scientific and normative .

    车间作为企业产品生产加工的基层 单位,作为企业的成本和 利润中心,就要求其管理进一步科学化、规范化。

  • The divestment of Phibro which has been with Citi or predecessor companies since 1981 enables the bank to redeploy the billions in capital the unit needs for trades but deprives it of a big profit engine .

    自1981年以来,菲布罗一直处于花旗或其前身公司旗下,剥离之后,花旗集团可以重新配置该项 业务交易所需的数十亿美元资金,但同时也失去了一个重要的 利润来源。

  • The term of Price Cartel means that two or two more business operators having competition relations unit to restrict market competition and obtain exorbitant monopoly profit by commonly fixing the price of merchandise or service directly or indirectly by means of contact agreement and some other forms .

    认为价格卡特尔是指两个或两个以上具有竞争 关系的经营者,以合同、协议或其他方式,共同直接或间接固定商品或服务价格,以限制市场竞争,牟取超常垄断 利润所实施的 联合

  • Study on How the Product Unit Cost Influences the Product Sales Profit In Industrial Enterprises

    产品 单位成本对销售 利润的影响

  • The investigation shows that an increase in demand ordered decreases price per unit of a good at the same time increasing profit of seller and ( decreasing ) the sales cost .

    研究表明,订货量的增长可以使消费者 获得 更低的价格,同时使销售商获得更多的 收益,降低销售成本。

  • In engineering quantity list bidding making good use of aggregative unit price can bring notable economic profit .

    在工程量清单投标中,灵活运用综合 单价会给投标 单位带来显著的经济 效益

  • The expressions of lever coefficients are obtained according to four factors of the sales volume unit gross profit period fixed cost interest in the different conditions .

    根据销售量、 单位 毛利、期间固定成本、债务利息四个因素的不同状态,得到了相应的杠杆系数表达式。

  • The paper stressed the research of enterprises knowledge alliance in industry clusters based on dynamic game theory . There are different influence on the product demand curve the enterprises unit cost the product price and the enterprises profit so on .

    论文重点对集群企业知识共享博弈进行研究,采用两阶段动态博弈分析,给出了知识共享对产品需求曲线、企业 单位成本、产品价格和企业 利润等方面的影响。

  • It facilitates the users to regulating the technology reducing the raw materials and energy sources ultimately lowering the unit cost and increasing the profit for the enterprise .

    从而辅助用户调整工艺、减少原资料与能源消耗。最终辅助企业下降产品的 单位成本,增添 企业 利润

  • Shares in Foxconn International fell sharply yesterday after the handset manufacturing unit of the world 's largest contract electronics manufacturer issued a profit warning .

    富士康国际(FoxconnInternational)发布 盈利预警后,昨日股价大幅下跌。富士康国际是全球最大的电子产品合同制造商旗下的手机制造 公司。

  • Usually to develop the insurance service in the economical developed area and the wealthy crowd is able quickly to achieve this goal but in economical backwardness area insurance industry faces the weaker economic basis the higher cost of operation and the lower unit profit .

    通常,在经济发达地区和富裕人群中开展保险业务能快捷地实现盈利目标,而在欠发达地区和尚不富裕人群中,则面临更高的经营成本和更低的 单位 利润

  • When industrial enterprises do financial analyzing work they meet such an unsolvable question that the product unit cost will influence the product sales profit .

    产品 单位成本变动对产品销售 利润的影响程度,是工业企业进行财务分析工作时尚未解决的实际问题。

  • You say your cost price is100 for each unit and you want a20 % profit . That's120 per unit .

    您说贵公司成本价是每单项100 ,还要维持20%的 利润,那就是单价120元。

  • Gap between US corporate sector prices and unit labor costs - a proxy for profit margins - is at 20-year highs .

    美国公司部门价格和 单位劳动力成本之间的差额(即 利润)达到了20年来的最高水平。

  • Price ( setting ) algorithm for demand sensitive model helps sellers to get decision variables price per unit that maximizes profit for the quantity ordered by buyers .

    需求敏感模型的价格设定算法能够帮助销售商制定根据消费者购买数量 极大化收益的可变价格决策。

  • A right holder 's actual loss may be computed by multiplying the decrement in the number of reproductions due to infringement or the sales volume of infringing copies with the unit profit the right holder 's would gain in producing those copies .

    权利人的实际损失,可以根据权利人因侵权所造成复制品发行减少量或者侵权复制品销售量与权利人发行该复制品 单位 利润乘积计算。

  • Enlargement of the scale of reduction of financing unit to increase the profit resources ;

    企业规模要扩大,核算 单位要缩小,以便增加 利润增长点;

  • We discover that the operating lever is affected by the sale quantity and the unit gross profit and that the value of the operating leverage in different fields .

    讨论了营业杠杆受到销售量和 单位 毛利的影响,以及营业杠杆系数在不同区域上的取值。

  • The system can simulate the operation of Zhejiang provincial electricity market calculate the market clearing prices ( MCP ) and market clearing quantities ( MCQ ) optimize the unit commitment and dispatch within the generating companies and analyze the profit for each individual generating company .

    该系统可以模拟交易日浙江电力市场的运行情况,计算当日的市场清算价(MCP)和市场交易量(MCQ),并在公司内部进行 机组调度,分析各公司的 利润

  • The results show that some generators need to run to avoid much more losses resulting from continuous unit shutdown at the coming time even if they gain negative profit resulting from unit operating at the current time while the minimum start-off time constraints of generators are considered .

    仿真结果表明,考虑最小开停机时间约束时,即使某些时段利润为负,但为了避免后续时段的持续 停机使 利润受到更大的损失,一些机组在这些时段仍需开机;

  • It is neccessary to operate the unit with stable basic load to get significant energy saving profit .

    背压 运行以热定电,需长期带基本负荷稳定运行,才能收到显著的节能 效益

  • The main utilization certain economic analysis method inspection and pays off a debt the ability in the appraisal by accounting unit 's profit ability The analysis reason the research potential and provides the constructive opinion the financial control activity .

    在评价中主要运用一定的经济分析手段考察被核算 单位 盈利能力和偿债能力,分析原因,研究潜力,并提供建设性意见的财务管理活动。

  • How would changing my variable cost per unit affect my net profit ?

    更换可变的 单位成本如何影响净 利润

  • An improvement measure was presented for stabilizing production of a 70 kt / a polypropylene ( PP ) loop reactor unit at high load in accordance with a comparison in unit production profit when operating at low and high load .

    通过对70kt/a环管聚丙烯装置高、低负荷生产时 单位生产 利润的对比,提出了装置高负荷平稳生产的改进措施。

  • If Sony can hit its target of a 60 per cent increase in shipments to 25m which requires it to claw back 4 percentage points of lost market share it could return its chronically lossmaking TV unit to profit .

    如果索尼能够达到出货量增加60%、总量达到2500万台的目标(这要求它收复4个百分点的已丢失市场份额),那它可能使长期亏损的电视机业务 部门恢复 盈利