Unemployment insurance and income tax are taken out of your pay before you get it .
你领到的工资中已经扣除了 失业保险和所得 税。
Additional action might include increased unemployment insurance and more job training useful public-works projects and tax breaks for energy-efficient appliances and green energy .
后续举措可能包括增加 失业保险,提供更多职业培训,推出有效的公共事业项目,为节能电器和绿色能源提供 减税。
We should continue to make sure that if you 're one of the millions of Americans who 's out there looking for a job you can get the unemployment insurance that your tax dollars contributed to .
我们应当继续确保一件事情,那就是如果你是正在寻找工作的数百万美国人中的一员,那么你就可以获得由 税款而来的 失业保险金。
This must be based on realistic assumptions for growth unemployment and tax revenue .
这必须以对增长、 失业 率 和 税收的合理假设为基础。
Indeed behind the posturing a deal linking start ratification the extension of unemployment benefits and the temporary extension of the Bush tax cuts for all could be in the offing .
实际上,在这种姿态背后,一项将批准《削减战略武器条约》、延长 失业补助期限以及暂时延长布什的全民 减税计划结合在一起的协议可能即将出现。
The objective of the transitional government such as growth of economy and lower unemployment rate avoiding the economic and social hazard pursuing the maximization of own benefits lead to a series of institutional barriers on non-governmental enterprises ′ credit tax and entry .
转型期政府的加快经济增长、降低 失业率、回避经济和社会风险等目标,将内生出民营企业在直接融资、 间接融资和进入金融市场等方面的制度性障碍,阻碍民营企业健康发展。
This paper thinks the main market obstacles which causes the unemployment rate so high for more than 30 years in EU are the following ones : Labor wage tax wedge .
本文认为,造成欧盟三十多年来 失业率居高不下的的市场障碍主要有:劳动工资 税收契入。
States that have borrowed from the federal government to pay unemployment benefits would get a two-year breather before facing tax increases and loan payments .
那些从联邦政府贷款来支付 失业救济的各州将得到两年的 喘息机会。
Rising unemployment could also cause some consumers to trade down to lower-priced cigarettes and also any price increases cigarette makers could take on top of the tax increase Hong said .
洪说,不断增加的 失业 率可能导致一些消费者转向较低价格的卷烟,卷烟制造商可能在 税收提高的基础上提高价格。
Higher unemployment benefits can be financed either by higher tax rate or increasing goods market competition .
更高 税率或增加物品市场竞争能获得更高 失业 救济金。
Former Democratic President Bill Clinton praised the stimulus package saying it puts money in the hands of people who need it to survive-through unemployment benefits food stamps and tax cuts .
前总统克林顿则赞扬说,这个经济刺激法案通过 失业救济、食品券和 减税,把钱交给了需要这些钱来维持生计的人。
Higher unemployment means lower income tax revenue and empty stores mean less cash from sales tax .
失业 率的上升意味着收入所得 税的减少,而各大店铺门可罗雀则导致消费税入库大减。
美[ˌʌnɛmˈplɔɪmənt tæks]英[ˌʌnimˈplɔimənt tæks]
[经] 失业税