


  • Peonies react badly to being moved and are best left undisturbed .

    牡丹花不宜挪移,最好 别去 它。

  • They remain undisturbed and distant .

    他们保持 镇定和疏远。

  • For the majority of persons undisturbed mold is not a substantial health hazard .

    对大多数的人而言, 扰动的霉菌不会造成健康危害。

  • All regions are visible and the symbols removed but the underlying code is undisturbed .

    所有的区域都是可见的而且符号被移除,但是基础代码不 影响

  • They want undisturbed rest .

    他们想 打扰 好好休息一下。

  • The Reynolds number and the resistance coefficient of the disturbed land was more than that of the undisturbed land .

    扰动地面的雷诺数和阻力系数均大于 地面, 弗劳德差异 显著

  • Furthermore undisturbed samples of each layer soil are taken out and the maximum dynamic shear modulus is obtained by laboratory cyclic simple shear tests .

    此外, 取出了场地各层土的 原状 样,进行了室内循环单剪试验,获得了各层 的动剪模量,并与剪切波速的计算结果进行了比较分析。

  • The amount of noise which anyone can bear undisturbed stands in inverse proportion to his mental capacity .

    任何人能够 无动于衷 忍受的噪音的量,与他的心智能力成反比。

  • We need to design workspaces where people can focus totally undisturbed for blocks of time as needed .

    我们需要对工作场所进行设计,让人们可以在必要的时间段集中精力,完全 干扰

  • As undisturbed soil and remolded soil possess different structural features they demonstrate different mechanical properties .


  • The unconfined compression strength of the undisturbed and remolded specimens are studied in the conditions of the dehydration or adding moisture content .

    针对 原状 和重塑土样在脱湿或加湿过程中无侧限抗压强度的变化进行了研究。

  • Let me sleep undisturbed even if my lord comes of a sudden to my door .

    即使主突然到我门前,也让我睡着,别 打扰我。

  • Fermentation proceeds by leaving the jars closed and undisturbed in a warm dark place for one month .

    离开封闭的罐子和一个温暖的一个月黑暗的地方 干扰发酵所得。

  • In the operation undisturbed switchover can be done with the handle .

    在运行过程中,可手动实现 扰动切换。

  • The war had not left Bargate undisturbed .


  • They all lived together to a great age in undisturbed tranquility .

    他们在 干扰的安宁环境中,一起都活到了很大的年纪。

  • The desk looked undisturbed


  • Victoria was strangely undisturbed by this symptom even though her husband and family were frightened .

    尽管丈夫和家人都吓坏了,维多利亚却对这一症状出奇地 淡定

  • I locked the door in order that we might continue our discussion undisturbed .

    我把门锁上,以便我们能 干扰继续讨论。

  • Choose a time when you can be alone and undisturbed .

    选择一个你可以 打扰的时间。

  • He had truly earned those moments to be with her undisturbed .

    他真的赢得了和她在一起的、 打扰的片刻。

  • Creep property of undisturbed and reconstituted Japanese clay was presented based on drained triaxial compression tests .

    研究了黏土的 扰动和重塑 在三轴排水剪切试验条件下的蠕变特性。

  • In the Balearics pockets of rural life and inland villages are undisturbed

    在巴利阿里群岛上,零星散布在岛内的村庄和那里的生活 平静而祥和

  • The developing characteristics of rate of frost heave of silty clay ( undisturbed and disturbed ) by artificial freezing are revealed and different experimental results are compared .

    研究了不同实验条件下 原状和扰动粉黏土人工冻胀速率的发展特点,并对试验结果进行了对比分析。

  • Here in a discreet and calm dining room we will be undisturbed .

    在这家朴素而安静的餐室中,不会有 打扰我们。

  • There was a small restaurant on Sullivan Street where we could talk undisturbed

    沙利文大街上有一家小餐馆,我们可以在那里 打扰 聊。

  • Can this be so ? cried Goodman Brown with a stare of amazement at his undisturbed companion .

    会是这样的吗?古德曼·布朗大声问道,同时诧异万分地瞪眼望着他 泰然自若的伙伴。

  • The surface of the canvas seemed to be quite undisturbed and as he had left it .

    画布表面似乎完全 无损,和他上次 见到时一样。