On Thursday Citigroup ( C ) announced that it would form a joint venture with Shanghai-based Orient Securities Co. allowing it to underwrite stocks and bonds in the China market for the first time .
上周四,花旗集团(Citigroup)宣布将与总部位于上海的东方证券建立一家合资企业,首次获得在中国市场 承销股票和债券的 资格;
Morgan Stanley hopes the venture will provide more management control and more scope to underwrite and broker deals and to trade stocks and securities in China .
摩根士丹利希望这家合资企业将为其提供更大的管理控制权,并有在中国 承销和撮合交易、以及交易股票和证券的更大空间。
This article try to quote the adverse selection model to establish an optimal underwrite mechanism .
本研究尝试以契约理论中的逆选择模型,创建一个最适的 承销 契约机制。
National banks can package their own mortgages and underwrite them as securities .
国家银行能够合并自己的抵押贷款并以证券 形式 包销。
The partnership with the Shanghai-based group could be formally announced as soon as today and would give Citigroup a platform to underwrite stock and bond issues in China .
花旗与这家总部位于上海的券商成立合资公司的消息,最早将于今日正式公布,此项合作将为花旗提供一个在中国 承销股票和债券发行的平台。
The issue is underwrite by three underwriting company .
三家包销公司 承购了发行的 股票。
Despite years of lobbying and some partial approvals no international bank has gained even the basic right to underwrite and distribute securities on its own .
尽管数年的游说取得了一些不 充分的授权,而今仍然没有一个国际银行能独立地在中国进行最基本的 承保和分销证券。
The activity is providing a growing source of revenues for global investment banks which underwrite and arrange the share sales .
后续股票发行活动为那些 从事 承销 和 发行安排的全球投资银行提供了不断增长的收入源泉。
Investors and dealers are bracing themselves for greater volatility around the sales of US Treasuries following a marked increase this week in direct buying of debt from the Federal Reserve bypassing the big Wall Street banks that underwrite bond issuance .
美国国债拍卖的波动性可能会加大,投资者和交易商已做好了心理准备。此前,本周直接购买美联储债务的数额明显上升,这种做法绕开了 承销债券的华尔街大型银行。
A group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds .
一个 由10家国际银行组成的 银团将 包销及出售这些债券。
The government will have to create a special agency to underwrite small business loans
政府需要设立专门机构来为小企业贷款 作 担保。
Companies needed to raise billions of dollars by issuing shares and bonds ; somebody had to underwrite them .
各大企业需求大量美金来发放股票和债务;那就要一些 人为其 担保 承诺。
The Bank may underwrite or participate in the underwriting of securities issued by any entity or enterprise for purposes consistent with the purpose of the Bank .
(四)银行可以 承销或参与承销任何实体或企业发行的、目的与银行宗旨一致的证券。
Projects included a pilot scheme underwritten by the trade department .
项目中包括一个由贸易部 出资的试点方案。
They are governed by the Council of Lloyd 's and underwrite insurance for their own accounts .
社员由劳合社议会监管并对所 承保的保险自行负责。
Yet technical sell-offs also offer opportunities for those able and willing to underwrite high price volatility .
然而技术性抛售也为那些有能力、也愿意 承担较高的价格波动性的人提供了机遇。
One state law did almost pass but banks that underwrite emerging-market sovereign-debt issues managed to block it .
一个国家的法律几乎快要通过,但是银行 承受新兴市场主权债务的问题,设法阻止了他。
Bank holding companies could own other financial companies that would underwrite new stocks .
银行控股的公司可拥有 为新股票 提供 保险的其它金融公司。
Mr Cahill was in a position to influence which banks were hired to underwrite debt for several municipalities .
卡希尔的职位能够影响到 决定聘请哪些银行从事市政债券的 承销工作。
Pertaining to the primary bond market ; foreign banks are not allowed to underwrite domestic financial or corporate bonds .
因为属于初级债券市场,外国银行不被允许对国内的金融或公司债券进行 保险。
Banks remain reluctant to underwrite secondary deals given high volatility .
由于波动性较大,银行仍不愿 承销二级市场交易。
Germans refused to underwrite the debts of weaker partners and then proceeded to do just that .
德国人拒绝为实力较弱国家的债务 背书,却恰恰那么做了。
It is planning to support crop and livestock insurance for small-holders in developing countries by creating a company to underwrite index-based weather and other catastrophe risks .
它计划通过成立一个公司来 承保建立在指数基础上的气候和其它灾害风险,以支持发展中国家小农户的庄稼和牲畜保险。
It 's $ 250 to underwrite a girl 's scholarship .
250美元 就能 支付一个女孩子的奖学金。
They can again own investment companies that underwrite securities .
银行又允许投资公司 认购 包销证券。
We are looking for someone to underwrite our new stadium .
我们正在找人 资助我们 建造新的体育场。
Grant foreign banks the right to underwrite bond on the same terms as local banks .
准许外国银行有权按本土银行同样的条件 从事债券 保险 业务。
Taxpayers will continue to underwrite their bonuses .
纳税人将继续 为他们的奖金 掏 腰包。
Washington is determined to exercise its maritime rights and to underwrite the confidence of Asian allies .
美国决心行使海上权利,并为其亚洲盟国对 自己的信任 背书。