


  • National Institute to combat discrimination xenophobia and racism ;

    国家打击歧视、 心理和种族主义研究所;

  • The US state department said that with regret it would not be joining the meeting to review international progress on combating racism and xenophobia in the eight years since a summit in Durban South Africa .

    美国国务院遗憾地表示,决定不参加这次会议。会议旨在审议自8年前举行的南非德班(Durban)峰会以来,国际间在消除种族歧视和 行为方面的进展。

  • European Monitoring Centre for Racism and Xenophobia

    欧洲种族主义和 心理监测中心

  • It 'll continue to grow and prosper ; if we can manage our xenophobia and vitriol we can help shape their future through dialogue pop culture and commerce .

    它会继续发展和繁荣,如果我们能搞定我们的 排外和刻薄,我们可以通过对话、流行文化和商业来帮助塑造他们的未来。

  • Competition for natural resources and the gap between expectations of the new global middle class and the capacity of states to meet them will invite authoritarian regimes to awaken the demons of xenophobia .

    对自然资源的竞争,以及新兴全球中产阶层的期望与政府满足这种期望的能力之间的差距,都将促使威权政府唤醒 排外 主义的魔鬼。

  • Nationalism xenophobia and Judaism blur and merge .

    民族主义、 排外 主义和犹太教混合在一起,互相交融。

  • Shared xenophobia reverence for a strong state and cultural conservatism are indifferent to left-right divides .

    共同的 心理、对强大国家的敬畏以及文化保守主义是不分左右的。

  • My grandparents are suspicious or foreigners to the point of xenophobia .

    我祖父母对外国人的疑心甚至到了 的地步。

  • They are nationalist to the point of xenophobia .

    他们的民族主义情绪达到了 的程度。

  • If you want to find xenophobia on the campaign trail that can be found among the Republican candidates when they talk about illegal immigration .

    如果你希望在竞选活动中看到 排外 主义,在共和党候选人谈到非法移民问题时,你会发现这一点。

  • But many other countries show signs of xenophobia .

    但一些国家却 有仇 心理

  • In this new climate-of-the-possible you will sail beyond apathy and xenophobia and reach out jubilantly to the living universe that surrounds you .

    在这种可能的氛围当中,你们将超越冷漠和 排外 主义,兴高采烈地向围绕在你们的宇宙进发。

  • Chinese bloggers are not it seems the only ones to resort to inflamed xenophobia .

    由此看来,中国的博客并非是唯一表现 排外 情绪的人。

  • In transit and at their final destinations many young migrants face equal or greater struggles including racism xenophobia discrimination and human rights violations .

    许多青年移徙者在途中或最终目的地面临同样艰难甚至更艰难的挣扎,包括面对种族主义、 心理、歧视、侵犯人权行为。

  • Suffering from xenophobia ; having abnormal fear or hatred of the strange or foreign .

    患有 ;对陌生人或者外国人怀有不正常的恐惧或者憎恨。

  • Its foundation is an unlikely emulsion of nostalgia for a glorious past resentment of the oligarchs petty-bourgeois materialism and xenophobia .

    它的基础是对其辉煌历史的不切实际的怀念、对寡头们的憎恨、小资产阶级物质主义和 排外 主义

  • The Geneva conference is a follow-up to the2001 World Conference Against Racism Racial Discrimination Xenophobia and Related Intolerance held in Durban South Africa .

    这次在日内瓦举行的会议是2001年在南非德班召开的反对种族主义、种族歧视、 心理和相关的不宽容现象的世界会议的后续会议。

  • The crackdown has elements of xenophobia says one foreign diplomat in Kuala Lumpur .

    此次打击非法工人行动有 排外的成分,一位驻吉隆坡的外国外交官表示。

  • Just as strikingly the decline of Empire has repeatedly coincided with intolerance and xenophobia .

    令人吃惊的是,帝国的衰落多次与不宽容和 排外巧合在一起。

  • But for a leading public figure to act out such xenophobia is a shock .

    但是一位重要公众人物如此 排外还是很令人惊讶。

  • He says the growing number of refugees and migrants is leading to more intolerance and xenophobia .

    他说,越来越多的难民和移民导致不宽容和 心态

  • Declaration against racism and xenophobia ;

    反对种族主义和 心理宣言;

  • French interior ministry has condemned the act as an act of xenophobia .

    法国内政部谴责该行径,将其视为 排外

  • Declaration of European Council on Racism and Xenophobia

    欧洲理事会关于种族主义和 心理的宣言

  • European Youth Campaign against Racism Anti - Semitism Xenophobia and Intolerance

    欧洲青年反对种族主义、反犹太主义、 心理和不容忍行为运动

  • Xenophobia stands as a barrier hindering the integration of local traditions with the world .

    外族文化 恐惧对地方传统融入一体化世界形成了障碍。

  • The Depression led also to xenophobia and authoritarianism .

    大萧条还带来了 情绪和威权主义。

  • There should be no place for racism and xenophobia in this globalized world .

    在这个全球化的世界里,种族主义和 情绪是不应存在的。