uranium acetate

[jʊˈreniəm ˈæsɪˌtet][juəˈreinjəm ˈæsiˌteit]


  • Methods : By using the permeable collagen membrane as a substrate we modified the three dimensional fibroblast culture . After being cultured for 6 weeks the fibroblast cultures were double colored with uranium acetate and lead nitrate and finally observed with electron microscopy .

    方法:采用可渗性胶原膜(Celgen○R)作为底物,改进成纤维细胞的三维培养,6周培养后的培养物用 醋酸 和硝酸铅双重染色后用电镜进行观察。

  • The viral particles negatively stained with 1 % uranium acetate observed under transmission microscope appeared to be enveloped or unenveloped because of the envelope being damaged .

    病毒粒子经1% 醋酸 负染后镜检,病毒粒子分为有囊膜和完全或部分失去囊膜两种。

  • The relatively regular liver tissue was removed to make ultrathin section after disposal under double staining of uranium acetate and lead citrate and observe epicyte system under transmissive electron microscope .

    取相对固定部位的肝组织块,经处理后制成超薄切片经 醋酸 -枸椽酸铅双重染色,在透射电镜下观察膜系统。

  • By this method the Na + ion and the precipitator sodium uranium zinc acetate reacts under the acid conditions to form sodium uranium zinc acetate to determine the Na + contents .

    藉在酸性条件下Na~+和沉淀剂醋酸铀 锌反应,生成 醋酸 酰锌钠来测定Na~+含量。

  • Study on the extraction of uranium (ⅵ) in ethyl acetate system with DCH-18-C-6

    DCH-18-C-6/ 乙酸 乙酯萃取体系萃取分离 (Ⅵ)的研究

  • We found that there is a distinct black particle in the protein cavity through observing the TEM picture of the Fe-Co sample which was stained by the uranium acetate ; this is the Fe-Co nano particle we synthesized .

    观察经 乙酸双氧 染色后的铁钴样品,发现在蛋白质分子内有一个明显的黑色颗粒,这就是我们合成的铁钴纳米颗粒,说明纳米颗粒是在蛋白质空腔内形成。