


v.释放( unshackle的过去式和过去分词 )

  • When he died less than six years later she moved on unshackled to become one of New York 's most beloved philanthropists and socialites .

    在她丈夫过世不到六年时,她 吹灰之力地成为纽约最受欢迎的慈善家和社交名流。

  • Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri was led into court unshackled by minders wearing surgical gloves .


  • Should we give thanks that we have been unshackled from a certain consumer bond or regret its passing ?

    我们是应当感谢我们被 卸去了一个消费者束缚,还是应当遗憾它已成为过去?

  • It was on the assumption that the developing nations had finally unshackled themselves from the developed nations and were poised to generate more domestic-led growth that many investors mistakenly bought into the global decoupling thesis earlier this year .

    这是建立在一种假设即发展中国家已最终 摆脱了发达国家的 束缚,将实现更多国内需求驱动型的增长的基础上,而今年早些时候,许多投资者错误地相信了这种全球“脱钩”理论。

  • Fuller maintains that the search for the principles of successful human living must always remain open and unshackled .

    福勒主张这种关于人类成功生活的原则必须总是保持公开和 束缚

  • Then those men must be unshackled at once .

    那些人的 手铐立即 拿掉

  • Unlike traditional venture funds which invest capital in exchange for equity Unshackled will take equity but also hire founders as employees allowing them to keep their work visas while building their companies .

    传统的风险投资基金以投资换股权, Unshackled却与之不同, 既接受股权,又将企业创始人聘请为员工,让他们在创办公司时得以保留工作签证。

  • As markets are unshackled from the borders of geography cross-border apples-to-apples comparisons become more significant .

    由于市场摆脱了地理 疆界 限制,跨境的横向比较变得更加意义深远。