unstable region

[ʌnˈstebəl ˈridʒən][ʌnˈsteɪbəl ˈri:dʒən]

[电] 不稳区

  • Unstable region and bifurcations and chaos in single-mode bistable optical systems

    单模光学双稳系统的 稳定 整体分布及分岔与混沌

  • When the input intensity undergoes a sinusoidal modulation we predict the resonance and shift of resonance peak of the output intensity in the stable region and the appearance of frequency looking phenomena in the unstable region .

    对输入光作简谐调制时,预言了稳区输出光的共振效应和共振峰的偏移以及 的频率锁定等现象。

  • Specifically the stability of synchronized state in the network with linear driving coupling is investigated the stable region and unstable region on the complex eigenvalue plane are established and the case of B-A network based Lorenz system is analyzed .

    同时,对该网络的同步态的稳定性做了详尽的研究,以基于Lorenz系统下的B&A网络模型为例,建立了复特征平面上的稳定域与 稳定

  • Based on the waterpower characteristics of pumped storage power units the unit control sequence is researched and improved so as to avoid the unstable region improve the stability of unit operation and reduce the reverse power .

    文中根据抽水蓄能机组的水力特性,对机组控制流程进行研究和优化,以尽可能避开运行 稳定 区域,提高机组运行的稳定性,并减少逆功率。

  • The whirling frequency in the unstable region increases with increase on fluid viscosity or rotational speed but decreases with increase on fluid volume .

    转子的 频率随转速或流体黏度的增大而增大,随充液量的增大而减小。

  • Through numerical simulation we compares the corresponding system trajectory of the points of the stability and unstable region .

    通过数值模拟,比较了稳定和 稳定 区域的点所对应的系统的运动轨迹。

  • Amplitude - frequency characteristic of the rotor is calculated in film unstable region which verifies that the width and the amplitude of the region is limitary .

    通过计算转子在油膜 的幅频特性,证明了 区的宽度和幅度都是有限的。

  • The use of lower dimensionless integrated coefficient and moderate dimensionless support damping coefficient and / or higher dimensionless rotor external damping coefficient can decrease the unstable region .


  • In the unstable region the pulse becomes irregular .

    稳定 区域,激光为不规则的脉冲。

  • However in the high temperature unstable region negative temperatures ( -0.18 ℃) first occurred at the bottom of pile after 18 days .

    高温 稳定多年冻土 天然地温较高,桩身混凝土浇筑18d后,桩身首先在桩底处出现负温(-0.18℃)。

  • Based on the magnitude of the air-sea coupled strength and ε ( ratio of the ocean gravity wave velocity to the atmosphere one ) the unstable region can be divided into three parts .

    根据海气相互作用强度(αγ)和ε(=cs/ca。cs,ca分别为海洋和大气中的重力波波速)的大小,可以把 稳定 分成三个部分。

  • Besides there exists another unstable region above the stable region .


  • The unstable region shows the potential of the economic downturn to inflame simmering tensions .

    地区 动荡不安表明,经济低迷可能会引爆蓄势已久的紧张局势。

  • The results of theoretical analysis on results of experiment and numerical simulation show the main flow of divergent flow would separate from the boundary and form the unstable vortex region near the boundary .

    对试验结果和数值模拟结果进行理论分析,结果表明,一定边界条件下扩散流主流将与边壁分离,并在壁面附近形成 稳定的漩涡

  • Study on Small Signal Amplification of Bragg Acoustooptical Bistable System in Stable Region and Unstable Region

    Bragg声光双稳系统在非稳区和 对弱信号放大作用研究

  • A most-unstable wave method was developed for the inlet conditions of large eddy simulations in which the most-unstable wave is obtained by Fourier analyses of the temporal velocities in the unstable region .

    该文提出了利用Fourier分析获得流动最 稳定波的方法来确定入口 扰动

  • The county was divided into four zonations as north stable region east rough stable region north west unstable region and south west highly unstable region .

    将庆元县划分为北部稳定区、东部基本稳定区、西北部 稳定 和西南部极不稳定区等四个环境区。

  • The general features of dynamic stability including the shrink and downward shift of dynamic unstable region are examined for plate and shell structures by taking into account of material viscoelastic property .

    结合材料的动态粘弹性力学性质,综合分析了粘弹性结构的线性与非线性 动力 稳定性特征;

  • The results show that the system has an unstable region when perturbation varies linearly and the system only takes on single periodic oscillation state in the region .

    结果表明,加入线性扰动时,调节扰动参量可以拓宽系统的 稳定 区域,在该区域内系统均呈现单周期振荡态;

  • Numerical results showed that the flow speed made the frequency lower and there exist an unstable region when the flowing speed reached a critical value two types instabilities may exist in the area one is buckling and the other is flutter .

    计算结果表明:流速使特征频率下降,当流速达到某一临界值时,存在一个 稳定 ,在该区域 两种失稳的可能性都存在;

  • It is found that the effects of inhomogeneous magnetic field in high β plasmas are important the kinetic resonance act as a dissipative effect which can enhance the instability and broaden the unstable region of negative energy DCLC mode .

    发现在高β等离子体中,磁场非均匀效应是非常重要的,磁漂移共振对于负能的模起耗散作用,从而使原有的 DCLC不稳定性加强,而且不稳定性的参数 区域大大扩展了。

  • Some properties including the threshold the unstable region for long wave lengths amd finite β and η I effects of the electron temperature gradient instabilities are given .

    本文给出了无碰撞等离子体中电子温度梯度驱动的不稳定性的某些性质,包括ηe的阈值、长波 稳定 以及β值的影响等。

  • The variable process of the unstable vibration and the unstable whirl frequency can be clearly seen in the spectral map versus rotating speed of the rotor when it runs down through the unstable region .

    由穿越 的三维转速谱阵图可以清楚地看到转子失稳振动的变化过程和失稳涡动频率等特征,从而为理论分析提供了良好的试验佐证。

  • The results confirm that the film unstable region of the bearing system has a bound it means there is a new stable region called the upper stable region above the traditional unstable region .

    研究结果证实:弹性支承滑动轴承系统的油膜 具有上限,即在通常的失稳区上方存在一个新的稳定区,本文称它为上稳定区;

  • This generates a narrow unstable region inside a stable region which means a laser power drop in the unstable region as increasing the electric pump power .

    由于这个窄 的存在,当泵浦激光功率上升到此处时激光输出功率会出现波动或下降。

  • Dynamic behaviour of a rotor partially filled with fluid in the unstable region

    部分充液悬臂转子在 稳定 的动力特性

  • After the stability analysis of rock-soil-mixture slope with FEM we replace the unstable region with DEM .

    采用有限元方法分析土石混合体边坡的稳定性,对于边坡中 稳定 区域分别用有限元和离散元计算。